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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Just now, midds said:

    Bruce has trained and prepared the squad, Bruce is in the dugout and Bruce has decided the team and formation. Bruce is also in charge of subs and all decisions over the 90 mins. 


    I'm predicting a 2 goal win for Spurs and a wasted opportunity to collect at least a point based on all of the above. This is why he should have been sacked this week. The support from the crowd will be massive but once Kane slots one home in the 20th minute it'll be flat as a witch's tit for the remainder of the afternoon. All momentum lost. 


    Spurs -1 is 10/3, lump on. 


    Gonna be class when we’re losing after 60 minutes so he hoys on all the attacking players in mindless substitutions.

  2. Doesn’t even make sense either. Our morals haven’t changed. 


    The people wearing tea towels or waving Saudi flags were thick before the takeover and they still are now. It just gives them a platform to stand out.


    Nobody sane is going to suddenly wake up and think, “ah you know them Saudi’s, they’re actually alright”.

  3. 1 hour ago, Whitley mag said:

    Brilliant from the the new owners.




    Great stuff. I know they’ve already donated big sums to the Foodbank during the takeover process.


    Will certainly give them some tomorrow to get the Reubens spending!

  4. On 13/10/2021 at 13:55, Chicken Dancer said:

    Had a quick look at a Spurs forum about their views on the game Sunday. This one is pretty decent :lol:


    'Newcastle are wankers. Romantic bullshit of scouse / Sellic proportions without anything to back it up. Shit overrated town full of bright orange women. Seeing them actively celebrate being MBS’s plaything shows what pitiful lowlife they are. Filthy northern scum. Fuck off.

    0-4 Sonny hat trick and Gil with a worldie.

    Again, fuck off.’


    They all seem to want Nuno out ASAP too, and want Kane nowhere near the starting line up. 


    I mean this score prediction has gone terribly wrong :lol: 

  5. The fact they waited until the 11th hour before issuing that statement before his press conference goes to show they’ve been trying desperately to get rid of him before. :lol: 


    It was clearly the cut off, before accepting defeat and allowing him to manage us on Sunday.

  6. It’s a really poor decision, imo.


    This turns Sunday into a day all about him, which will also bring negativity around what should be a fresh start.


    I think it’s clear from the media leaks that PIF are unwilling to allow them to can him until we have a replacement lined up. Usually, I’d agree that’s sensible. However, in this situation it’s not.


    It shows that PIF haven’t read the room regarding Bruce. Hopefully when we have proper football people in place, it’ll improve.


    That said, Staveley’s statement is great communication that we’ve been starved from. It also shows they have no faith in Bruce and want to bin him.


    “Change does not always happen overnight”. I just hope their change processes aren’t as lengthy as Bruce trying to change a team :lol: 


    An ideal solution is that we win, but Bruce is heckled and booed from start to finish. Pardew levels of booing every time he leaves the bench.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:


    I dont know why you have such a vendetta in the first place, tbh. I mean the right criticism is fair but you seem to find no end of things to accuse them of. I think most other people are a lot more chill about this situation in their life. 





    What have I “accused” them of which isn’t factually correct? 


    Vendetta, no. Annoyance at treating fellow supporters like idiots, yes.

  8. As long as we don’t end up with a hideous flatpack stadium like Leicester, Southampton, Reading, Derby etc. I’ll be fine.


    I’d rather we find a way to add 10k seats to SJP than move elsewhere if it’s for the sake of another 10k seats or so.


    Spurs’ stadium is obviously nice but there is something missing compared to the older stadiums. Can’t put my finger on it.

  9. People defending Greg in exactly the same way Shearer defends Bruce :lol: “He’s a top bloke”, “he’s on our side”, “he has our interests at heart”.


    Nobody can tell us anything the Trust has achieved under Greg’s leadership. 


    Completely pointless other than chatting to their pals in the local media circus. 


    Have given up supporting the Trust, trying to offer ideas and suggestions because they’re all ignored because they’re not Alex’s.


    Will avoid this thread in the future to keep my blood pressure low.

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