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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Might be far fetched but incredibly it’s still more believable than ‘the club’ phoning Keith to tip him off minutes before they release a statement
  2. A whopping 2% of my total posts Considering his tweets are posted on this forum on a daily basis, I don’t think that’s entirely remarkable. 34* see below - you’ll need to update your diary xxx
  3. I don’t follow him on Twitter. People post his tweets on here. Think your reply is a bit weirder.
  4. Kennedy would’ve had a copy of the statement and probably told him. As the club released it at exactly the same time as Sky it’s likely they released it to the media until a time embargo. He’s full of shit though that screenshot of ‘the club’ phoning him. Jesus wept.
  5. He tweeted last night about ‘being told’ Sky are releasing a story at 8pm at 8.02pm after Sky had already posted the story The bloke is an utter fantasist.
  6. That’s some sponsorship They’re going to end up being really good, aren’t they? Will be hilarious when the pass the mackems. Not so much when they pass us.
  7. Good statement but I sincerely hope it’s going to be followed up by further action. I’m not asking then to chain themselves to the PL HQ. But there needs to be intense and relentless pressure put on the Government and the PL at this ideal time. Ashley has loaded the cannons and they need to be fired. Regardless of my thoughts on Ashley or the potential of this going through, we should all be doing anything we can to force the PL’s hand.
  8. I didn’t realise they were also investing so much into the city, which is a really promising sign. Does MA have any shares in Castore?
  9. Fuck off with your shit crackpot ideas built on Alex’s personal dreams and get shit done.
  10. Well, apart from the fact that I don’t and have a very happy and positive life… Maybe the euphoria in the unlikely event this takeover goes through will be better, or, the devastation if it fails less so.
  11. The PL nailed on to issue a ‘no comment’ response and just press ahead in secrecy. Hopefully we’ll get some Government pressure on them.
  12. So what if they are? Unless the club can get a victory through arbitration or CAT, it’s not going to matter what they’re hiding from the public eye. This shows the PL are holding the cards and we’re desperately trying to change that by throwing everything we can at them. It clearly asks for fan (and other) pressure and hopefully something can be organsied to put that pressure on. Wonder if the Trust could come out of hiding?
  13. Sounds like desperation times that like. Glad to hear fighting talk, but drains any confidence I had left tbh.
  14. Not bad. Got rid of Parker and ended up with an upgrade.
  15. I don’t know if this is true, but how fucking miserable is that, if it is indeed true. Should be blowing them out of the water, yet here we are with the pink faced Patsy and Jonjo Shelvey.
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