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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 1 minute ago, NUFCDoog said:

    It's alright saying it's short term thinking to turn on him now, but the notion that just because you achieve some great results in years past it means you're immune to any criticism is just as ridiculous.


    End of the day we should have beat Croatia in 18 and Italy last year, but we didn't because of Southgates negative shitting himself tactics.


    No doubt Southgate has been far far better than expected when he was appointed, and honestly the last two tournament's have been the most I've enjoyed following England probably ever, however, every manager, every person in everyday life in any position of power, has a ceiling, I feel Southgate might have reached his.


    I pray I'll be proven wrong, but I think this is a team that can win something, but, under Southgate they never will.


    This isn't just me reacting ro these games either, I think most England fans, whether they admit it or not, have had the same feelings over the past few years, we've peaked the last two tournaments, it's been an amazing ride, but we're at a crossroads now and decisions need to be made.


    Agree entirely with this but just to pick up on the first bit… most fans saying this haven’t turned on him because of these results, they’ve seen (and highlighted) the obvious flaws throughout the last two major tournaments too.

    People don’t seen to accept that you can do well, but also evaluate it and stand back and say “we could’ve done better there”. You don’t just have to accept what you’re given.

  2. Just now, ManDoon said:

    You’re comparing the question yes. Objectively pardew was doing a terrible job, Southgate is NOT, despite what you might be suggesting. 

    Didn’t see them, but you’ll just turn on them if they don’t win two tournaments in a row anyway, so what’s the point lol? 


    You’re desperately scrambling at this point :lol:


    2 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Rodgers? His Leicester are basically England right now, but with an FA Cup win [emoji38]


    The only manager I’d take for England, after Southgate deservedly has his chance at the WC, would be Potter. His Brighton side for a few years now have been a top striker away from the top 6.


    Potter would be a great choice for the current crop of players.

  3. 1 minute ago, ManDoon said:

    Yeah when you said “remember when people were said we shouldn’t sack pardew because who would we get?” Which is a comparison. Unless you a) don’t know what the word means, or b) brought up Newcastle for seemingly no reason 


    Is that comparing the jobs, or comparing the reaction of fans to suggesting a manager should be sacked? You’ve had a mare here.


    Ps - what about those other two names I mentioned, is Southgate better than them too? Second time you’ve ignored them.

    Although we already know you’re in denial trying to claim Poch isn’t good enough :lol: 

  4. Just now, Shearergol said:


    I just wonder what those stating that we can't replace Southgate with someone like Poch think should happen? Are there any actual acceptable candidates or is it Southgate 4 life?


    As I said, we’ll be handicapped because England fans won’t cope with having a non-Englishman in charge.


    Best options from that shallow pool would be Howe or Potter. 

  5. Just now, ManDoon said:

    You quite literally compared them lol. Either way the only names you can come up with are Poch and Rodgers ffs. Best record since Alf Ramsey but let’s bin him 


    Apart from those other two names I came up with?


    Where did I compare the jobs? Would you mind refreshing our memories?

  6. Just now, ManDoon said:

    What was the score in the end?


    He lost it to a better team, just like Southgate has lost every big game he’s managed for England.


    1 minute ago, ManDoon said:

    :lol: what? No it isn’t, that’s laughable. At the time our owner was Mike Ashley and no one wanted to work for him, would you like to list the managers the other side of rafa? It’s okay I’ll do it. John Carver, Joe Kinnear, Steve McClaren, Alan Pardew, Chris Hughton. 

    The reason it was mentioned was precisely that. Comparing it to the England job :lol: incredible stuff. 


    I’m not comparing the jobs, are you okay? I’m comparing the ridiculous statement that you can’t sack a manager “because there is nobody better”.

    There were people better than Pardew and there is people better than Southgate.

  7. Just now, ManDoon said:

    I’m saying replacing him with Poch would be ridiculous. Did you watch PSG last season lol? Yes let’s get Poch in he has shown he can adjust in tournament football. 


    Remember that time he took Tottenham to their first ever CL final?


    I suppose that’s not quite as good as the relegation on Southgate’s CV.

  8. 3 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    Poch who bombed at PSG and hasn’t won a single trophy in England? 


    Please God tell me you’re saying we should keep Southgate because Poch isn’t a better manager? You’ve lost all of your marbles.

  9. Just now, ManDoon said:

    Yeah again not comparable, the Newcastle job is not analogous to the highest managerial post in the country? If people want him gone then they should at least have an idea who would replace him 


    :lol: What are you talking about? Of course it’s comparable when people are using the same ridiculous defence of “we can’t sack him because there might not be anyone better”.


    There are tons of better managers. Mourinho, Poch, I think Rodgers is crap but he’d be a huge step up, Rafa to name four out of thin air. Whether any of them would be interested in international management is questionable, but that’s for the FA to sort out.


    If it’s the highest managerial post in the country as you say, shouldn’t be too tough to convince them.

  10. Just now, ManDoon said:

    Not comparable at all. The EC is slightly harder to navigate than the domestic cup like. Who would you get in that would beat a semi and a final then? 


    Remember when people used to say “who would come in” if we sacked Pardew? It’s not an excuse to keep someone.


    Problem is we’ll have to employ an Englishman, because Brexit means Brexit. So that limits the field unnecessarily.

  11. 1 minute ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:

    I'm going to fly the flag for a lot of our players generally look pretty fucked, like. Given the covid issues for the past however long and rearranged games and mental schedule, the full PL season, a lot of these have played CL and Europa canny far in to the season... Not one of them has really looked like competing int he past 4 games for England, like. 


    Cant wait for the WC. When does the PL season pause in a cold, dark, wet England before they're turfed off to fucking Qatar? How much conditioning they been allowed?





    Why are we the only nation suffering from this fatigue?

  12. 2 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    He did get us to a semi and a final lol, I don’t think you can sack someone in those circumstances. It’s a bad performance but like you don’t win every game 


    Steve Bruce managed to lose a final once as well (with a worse team against better teams). Maybe we should go for him next.


    Southgate is a motivator. OGS, Bruce, etc. there’s tons of them. They’ll get a short success but it’s not sustainable because they’re tactically inept.

  13. 26 minutes ago, Astroblack said:
    31 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:

    You lot are crazy. Gareth got us to a final once and the players have smiles. What more do you want?


    OGS got Man Utd to the Europa League final and second but he was still a shit manager. We need a manager to match the player's talents. 


    28 minutes ago, JumpersForGoalposts said:
    31 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:

    You lot are crazy. Gareth got us to a final once and the players have smiles. What more do you want?

    I couldn't give a shit about the player's smiles. Newcastle got to fifth in spite of Pardew. Should we have given him more time after that?



  14. Hungary starting some lad who just got relegated from the Championship in the centre of the park and we still look terrified of trying to make something happen.

  15. This lad will be signed soon I reckon. Would be nice to get him in.


    Think if we spend money on him we’ll go into the season with Wilson, Ekitike and Wood.


    Not ideal with Wilson’s injury record but hopefully Ekitike is good enough/fit enough to keep Wood away from the team.


    Seems a bit ridiculous to be worried about only having two good striker options when we barely had one under Ashley. Feels good to be spoilt already.

  16. 4 hours ago, nbthree3 said:

    I don't think it's fair to dismiss him because he's giving us negative news


    All journalists are dismissed if they report anything even remotely negative. It’s 100% true if it’s a positive article mind.


    Reminds me when people were battering Balagué when he said the Emery deal had hit difficulties.


    Edwards is as hit and miss as the rest of them. None of them are reliable and it’s not worth getting too excited or angry by anything they say.

  17. Chap buying Derby has withdrawn his bid. Fuck knows how the EFL have allowed this to play out, or even how contractually he’s able to do so when the only remaining thing was the transfer of funds.


    Ashley is almost certainly buying them then, the poor sods.

  18. 1 minute ago, McCormick said:

    We sure know how to prolong a transfer. Could be due to the structure of the deals we’re trying to go for, could be Lille being wankers again or it could just all be bullshit and we’re still good to go. Whatever it is this is taking ages to “get across the line”.


    Imagine the former as we’re trying to get the best value of our transfer kitty. Sensible but sometimes you can’t piss around too much though otherwise you’ll miss out.


    We did that in January, hopefully not again here.

  19. Two tweets there which basically say the same thing and could be replaced with “Newcastle hopeful deal to progress this week”.


    Bring back Teletext.

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