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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 2 hours ago, The Prophet said:

    Removed Reims from his social media accounts. He must be getting ready to announce he's PSG bound.


    Also noticed he’s removed his Reims tattoo from his forehead, that he may or may not have ever had.

  2. 4 minutes ago, NE27 said:


    It's a forum mate, I've seen enough shit on here to last my lifetime, from myself included.


    Maybe just block the lad if you're sick of his vague shit you know. Or just take every rumour as just that, a rumour.


    I don’t get sick of it, I just post a reply and then all of his minions get really upset and I have to repeat myself and respond to them.


    As you say, it’s a forum… discussion is a key point.


    I’ll leave it here though, I get bored of myself sometimes.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:


    Aaaw, we like you too Fanny. Dont get jel. Ando is quality over quantity but all of your posts are really good too. 


    Quality and quantity appear to be in short supply, one would say.


    4 minutes ago, joeyt said:


    Christ :lol:


    Wasn't that straight forward considering we were all thinking he might get sacked before Spurs game. He posted to say that "He's gone" and it was announced he'd been sacked the next morning


    As I say, vague statements at a time when most people could make an educated guess something might happen. Seems fairly spot on.


    5 minutes ago, NE27 said:


    It's far funnier the way he does it tbh, riles everyone up then Gans back to his pint and pork scratchings as we all argue about the validity [emoji38]


    Or posts his vague crap and then goes back to his pint and pork scratchings laughing about all the weirdos who pleasure themselves over his every (usually inaccurate) word. 


    6 minutes ago, 54 said:

    Yeap, he's pretty much got 99% of things he's posted absolutely spot on, and yet still seems to get shite. :lol: 


    Your take on percentages is quite odd. Based on those maths, 99% of my posts are funny.

  4. Just now, joeyt said:

    Well we don't know what his connection is at the club, maybe it would 'blow his cover' so to speak


    If I was Ando I'd be tempted just not to post anything as he just seems to get criticism whatever he posts  :lol:


    It’s a shame you’re not Ando.

  5. 3 minutes ago, joeyt said:


    He got the Bruce sacking spot on


    Was fairly difficult to call tbf, he was obviously so secure in his post.


    IIRC he said within ‘24-48 hours’ a day after the Spurs game and it was actually 72 hours.


    I mean it was fairly straightforward he was gone after that game, just a matter of the day.

  6. What are the thoughts behind negotiating an early exit from the Fun88 sponsor but not until next season?


    Allowing more time for an alternative? Not being able to agree an exit earlier due to contractual shite? 


    Sure there is logic behind it but assumed they’d have been gone this season with a Saudi-based one revealed.

  7. 43 minutes ago, Keegans Export said:

    That's it basically. They don't need to report every rumour, make stuff up for clicks etc.


    Caulkin and Waugh are always posting rumours etc. on Twitter aren’t they? Or are the articles different and more fact based?

    Don’t subscribe to it so may be misinformed.

  8. 1 minute ago, Nine said:

    Fill me in, did he get stuff wrong in Jan?


    We’re still waiting for the big surprise signing.


    His ITK’ery basically consists of posting vague statements like “soon” or “something is on its way” during times that anyone could make an educated guess that something will likely happen, such as during a short transfer window.


    Absolutely spot on with teamsheets but was clueless throughout the takeover and during January.

  9. Now Ando is back I’m going to go out on a limb and say we might sign someone in the month of June, I’m ITK too.


    :lol: People still hanging on his every word after January. As bad as RTG with that fake accountant. 

  10. Sensible decision. Did well enough to earn the move and expect he’ll be a decent back up option beyond this season.


    Anything that puts Dummett further away from the squad is a good move, makes his squad place seem stranger though.

  11. 4 hours ago, Cronky said:


    Yeah, he looks more than ready. He's an amazingly composed player, considering his age.


    I've never liked the Phillips-Rice combination in midfield. It seems over-cautious. I think Bellingham could take one of their places without us losing too much on the defensive side. If we're really aiming to win, we have to be ambitious in our choices.


    The Phillips-Rice combo is perfect for his dreadful style but it’s the footballing equivalent of a posh wank when you have a little hotty in front of you.


    Nice and tidy but much more attractive and exciting options.


    His persistence with Mount is weird too. He’s been shite for England. Have so many better options.

  12. 1 minute ago, KaKa said:


    'Howe's continued British market obsession' is pretty strong for something we aren't even certain of man :lol:


    Well, the evidence of his transfer dealings across his whole career point to a British obsession. That’s not fiction, look at his deals.


    Just now, 54 said:

    I'm fairly certain there was a Bournemouth fan on here who posted that his signings we're no where near as bad a people love to make out, it was just one or two in his final season that where poor :lol: 


    And while the majority of his signings where English or from British clubs, he was managing Bournemouth, hardly going to be able to attract a load of people from abroad. 


    Also I personally think Ake would be a really good signing and someone who could take up to that top 6 region, he'd be a starter for the next 2/3 seasons and be great to have as a backup further then that. He would certainly better then all out other CB's and would take us forward. DCL i'm meh on, he could be decent injuries aside, there is obviously a player in there.


    Bournemouth fan in peace IIRC.


    And I don’t disagree with the majority of that. Those signings were probably okay for Bournemouth, but he’s not managing them now and he’s trying to push on with us.


    But so far it’s hard to ignore, a majority of our deals concluded and current rumours continue that British base.

  13. 1 minute ago, KaKa said:


    You don't even have a clue who Howe is actually trying to sign. None of us do.


    This guy man :lol:


    I’m making an educated guess based on the rationale posted above. That’s again, assuming Howe has significant say/control.


    Might be totally wrong, that’s fine… that’s how life works. I know as much as you all do and have never suggested anything else.

  14. 10 minutes ago, The Prophet said:




    Fresh from accusing folk of hyperbole in the Botman thread no less.


    Backtracking and hyperbole are not the same thing.


    Go back to January and refresh your own memory, he was the next Maldini. Now it’s going to be a blessing in disguise he’s going to Milan because he’s such a slow fucker.

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