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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 3 hours ago, The College Dropout said:

    Sissoko went from over rated to under rated by people on here.


    He tried his best and never hid so I always respect him for that.


    Eh? He was one of the worst for hiding during our relegation season.


    That Bournemouth performance one of the worst I’ve ever seen from a professional footballer - didn’t want the ball and whenever he got it he immediately lost it.

  2. 23 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:


    If Toney follows his 12/5 season with a 3 goals 3 assists season like Mitrovic did then yeah I'll agree. 





    Well if Brentford finish bottom next season with one of the worst points totals in PL history than that’d be a fair comparison.


    I’m not really even arguing against you, Toney looks to be a great prospect and would agree a better one than Mitro. Just wanted to point out that your comment Mitro had ‘never got anywhere near’ Toney’s season this year wasn’t quite correct.

  3. 11 hours ago, Kid Icarus said:

    Probably the 12 goals and 5 assists in 33 appearances with a newly promoted side like, something the other 2 have never got anywhere near doing. 


    Mitro got 11 goals and 3 assists in a rubbish Fulham side who got relegated, to be fair. Hardly miles apart.

  4. Just now, Nobody said:

    Wood is home grown? ???

    I'm not advocating for Dummett to stay on at all (I don't actually think he will, or at least not be part of the 25 man squad), was just thinking out loud really. 


    According to the PL list, aye. It’s based on if you played in England for 3 years before you were 21, or something like that… I think.

  5. 26 minutes ago, Paullow said:

    2 ex Newcastle (youth) players started for Notts County, Cal Roberts and Kyle Cameron, but the former went off injured after I had switched it on.


    The latter is their captain, or certainly is tonight. 


    Seems to be a massive surge in teams conceding goals deep into injury time in important games these days - this game another one.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    Wonder who will get peddled out of Manquillo and Krafth for the second RB slot? I would rather keep both of them than Dummett, and Krafth as the right hand side utility over Dummett, but then Dummett fills a home grown spot up as well, so understand going with him. I 


    Willock, Wilson, Gillespie/Darlow (assuming only one stays), Shelvey, Longstaff, Lascelles, Burn, Trippier all count towards home grown spots - that’s even before we consider anyone potentially coming in.


    Not expecting many of that group to leave - they certainly shouldn’t ahead of Dummett.


    Even if any of them left, Targett (if he comes back), Wood (if he stays) both count too.


    And as I said it’s probable some incomings will count towards the quota.


    Nonsense we need to keep Dummett for that purpose, just a complete waste of a space.

  7. 42 minutes ago, Comegetasample said:

    Dummett constitutes the 9th defender in the squad i think, who fills both a full back and centre back spot


    Won’t dig this hole too far down but… he is only ever fit enough to ‘fill’ either of those positions for 3 games a season and he’s nowhere near good enough at the task either.


    No point having players in the 25 man squad just existing like Dummett. All players should be competitive and ready to come in when needed. Waste of a squad place.


    Foreign market is easy pickings for squad players at reasonable prices; Zinchenko (£2m although years ago), Tsimikas (£10m), Sarr (free), Masuaku (£6m).


    Not every signing we make needs to be a Bruno. Even one (but hopefully two) of those (£30-£40m) with additional squad players to phase out crap like Dummett would be sufficient to see us take the next step.


    They don’t need to be an exceptional talents. Just someone competent at the job with potential to grow. Players will move because even being a squad player for us is likely to be a wage increase, plus the potential if they do well when called upon.


    I still worry about Howe’s influence in the transfer market, hopefully there is a structure in place asap - kinda crazy none of that is in place yet.

  8. 21 minutes ago, Hanshithispantz said:

    He's done well there like.


    Incredible the number of bang average/ugly footballers with all of these stunning girlfriends like. 


    No idea what the reason could be…


    Some of them have a remarkable knack of it, picking which Academy prospect will go far. These lasses could be scouts.

  9. 21 minutes ago, NE27 said:

    Cornet from Burnley not getting a mention for anyone? Seemed areet from my minimal exposure to him.


    ASM from Wish.


    edit - no idea what this has to do with the mackems though.

  10. 25 minutes ago, brummie said:


    It is difficult to rate Gerrard, as he came into the club in challenging circumstances, but he does have a way to play - likes the front three narrow, and the full backs pushing up. Although he's changed set ups a few times.


    I wasn't keen when he signed, but he's got to get at least a couple of windows and a season, really.


    He's inherited an unbalanced squad which had just lost our best player in decades, and hadn't settled in terms of the new purchases.




    Gerrard looks to have a lot more potential than Lampard. This post and your others about Lampard’s failings are spot on.


    I think I’d just be sick to death of his Liverpool connection totally overwhelming in every conversation about him or my club.


    Lampard/Chelsea connection was barely mentioned when they played Everton a few weeks back. This weekend it was relentless about Gerrard and Liverpool and they weren’t even playing them.

  11. Agree with loads posted so far - particularly the rugby posts. Massive inferiority complex.


    Biggest for me is when someone who doesn’t watch football, or irregularly watches it tries to have an in-depth conversation about it.


    The lasses dad hasn’t a clue. You can tell he’s read the BBC Sport gossip pages before we see him, to try and find something to talk about.


    ”You must be pleased that Newcastle are going to go in for Mbappe (pronounced totally wrong as Um-bapper)”


    Shut the fuck up man. We’ve got nowt in common and you’re boring as hell, I’m only here because your daughter plays with my willy.

  12. 1 hour ago, PauloGeordio said:






    When I saw the top of that photo before scrolling down, I was worried it was another of those photoshopped “you’ll do for me, bonny lad” :lol: 

  13. Also think we need a re-sale ticket system. At the moment people sell their unwanted tickets (or use of ST) via social media which offers no protection to buyer or seller.


    That’ll continue and demand will increase too, it won’t stop or go away. Also sets parameters regarding cost etc.

  14. My preferred option:


    Tickets on sale with a random allocation in a queue, no shop sales to prevent queues outside.


    Those who miss out can apply for the waiting list, again assigning you with a random position. You’re then contacted when one comes up.


    Individual match tickets sold to ‘members’ - a new, free scheme that is based on last season’s purchase history and continues to build from here on in. 

  15. 1 minute ago, bowlingcrofty said:

    They stopped new members at the end of feb, because otherwise the “annual membership” would have lasted less than three months.


    Owners could scrap the membership system altogether, tbf. It was only ever an Ashley money making scheme.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Rich said:


    Explained in the post, to be fair. Can you read?


    I can. Your explanation just seems to be “because that’s what I did and that suits me” though.


    Even without a £40 membership (and just having a membership number by purchasing tickets previously), you have a purchase history. I’ve not had a ST or Membership for 2 seasons and can see every ticket I’ve purchased since then.

  17. 2 minutes ago, Rich said:

    I reckon I'll be sound in any scenario other than an absolute free-for-all, genuinely, but post takeover there was a clear opportunity to sign up/re-sign up as a member (if you didn't have a season ticket or weren't already one) and to start building your digital purchase history up again with the knowledge that future season ticket sales/one-off ticket sales were only going to get more competitive. At that time there was no certainty that the club even had data going back years, and there were rumours of it all being wiped for those who'd packed in.


    If you didn't take that opportunity, you were a bit lazy or a bit silly. It probably won't matter regardless, like, but still. For £40 it was a no-brainer, especially with no booking fees to pay versus general sale (not that general sale was a factor towards the end of the season).


    Thunderdome is the only real solution IMO.


    Why on Earth should someone get priority simply for signing up as a member last November? 


    The membership system is rank in general. I wouldn’t sign up to it purely because you get absolutely no value in it whatsoever. 


    I don’t know why we need a tiered system/hierarchy of who gets preferential treatment. If you’ve binned your ST, or never had one, you should all get in one line together. I’m in that group myself and I accept that.

    I think we’ve already seen a glimpse into the future with the new system of random allocation of places in a queue online.



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