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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. That’s why it’s so farcical. They’re trying to measure it to an incredibly small degree without recognising they can’t do the same with when the ball was kicked. VAR is genuinely making me lose interest in football. More than I even thought it would.
  2. Can’t believe anyone ever wanted VAR. Absolute horseshit.
  3. There’s still no sort of solid plan beyond “maybe buying a nominal share”. I get the insurance policy bit. But as I said, that’s still a massive long shot for many reasons. Even in League One, £50m is an astronomical figure to reach and then there would need to be ongoing funding afterwards. There would be plenty of people with a lot more money interested before it got to that point. It just feels like pissing in the wind. Although, when the money is split between charities at least it’ll go to some good use. Not surprised Alex is the key player behind this. He’ll be gagging to try and sit in the boardroom. Before anyone starts whinging on, I’ve pledged.
  4. I’m still unsure on what the point is in buying 1% (or any nominal stake)? The website doesn’t seem to answer this question either. I could understand it as a future fund in the event the club fell through the divisions, it could act as security that we could jump in and purchase a controlling stake at any point. Although the figure needed here would be huge (£50m+) and theres every chance someone else would jump in and buy it first. I don’t see any benefit in purchasing a tiny stake.
  5. It’s not though, is it? You’re on an internet forum, where people discuss their views on any given subject. People are able to share their opinion of this project, whether it’s positive or not.
  6. Good idea in theory, but it’s so difficult to pull off and needs substantial support at a time people’s interest in NUFC is reducing. There’s also too many gaps and maybes to get people engaged on this regularly. There’s also a question as to what this achieves. A nominal stake in the club will do nothing that a well organised Trust couldn’t achieve with a good relationship with the owners [caveat of it not being MA]. On a separate note... Remember ‘’MyFootballClub”? Everyone chipped in, bought Ebbsfleet and it was fucking awful. Everyone lost interest and it ended badly.
  7. We’re not ‘bashing’ anyone. We’re providing constructive criticism and offering solutions about how to make something better. The problem is people have been saying the same thing for years and the Trust don’t ever seem to listen. Therefore they are rightly criticised about it. After all, they are supposedly a voice of their members. Maybe under Greg’s leadership there will be positive changes, we’ll have to wait and see (starting tomorrow).
  8. It feels like we’ve just made our first signing for the Championship next season.
  9. Will send you a message on here early next week to arrange.
  10. As I’ve said, I’m more than happy to throw the full weight of my support behind them - providing they do things in the right way. At the moment, they don’t, for reasons I’ve already explained. I’ll also eagerly await Thursday and see what the news is. That’s not the issue here, certainly from my perspective. You can have a good relationship with the club but also be critical of them where necessary. They also shouldn’t encourage fan movements at times of crises, telling people to join ‘to get their voice heard’, if they don’t want to be the voice of the fans they’re representing. They’ve led people down a path multiple times (as others have said) and they’ve rightly been criticised for doing so.
  11. I’m assuming based on that, you’ve never actually spoken to or heard from Alex.
  12. I’m pleased they finally put pressure on for something to be done, almost six months into the problem. To claim their input caused refunds to be issued 24 hours later is naive to say the least. They wouldn’t be ‘damned if they do’, if they actually did do something (in a reasonable timeframe) and had an output to show for it.
  13. Of course it was - it’d take a lot longer than 24 hours to organise and send out those refunds The Trust claiming credit for that ffs.
  14. They’re trying to recruit members to promote themselves. What else are they/have they achieved other than self promotion? How is that any better/different?
  15. Absolutely nothing - providing they do it in the right way. Clickbait crap like their recent ‘update’ is just as bad as recruiting members on the back of crises only to vanish without following through on promised actions. If Luke Edwards wrote an article/tweet saying “BIG NUFC NEWS COMING ON THURSDAY”, he’d get absolutely fucking battered for it if it wasn’t takeover related. Why are the Trust above the same criticism?
  16. It’s the first England squad in a long time that has very likeable players in it. I can really get behind them now, whereas before I’ve never really been interested in International football.
  17. I’m not suggesting that they are out to make bank. But every member/quid helps promote themselves. The know full well the fanbase are on tenterhooks right now and they post utter shit like that, purposely to create unnecessary speculation. If Greg wasn’t so heavily involved, the criticism on here would be much more vocal.
  18. Why send out that cliff-hanger nonsense and not just make an announcement on Thursday? It’s two days. Ahh, yes. New M£mb$rs. Depends what you define as ‘trying something’. They’re experts at trying to push their own public image. You can’t put a value on the contribution towards the East Stand toilets though! People are quite right to question an organisation who have taken tens of thousands of pounds from supporters and achieved fuck all to date (apart from multiple backtracks, broken promises and refusals to support protests).
  19. Glad we’ve got VAR so we don’t have contentious decisions in big games anymore.
  20. Knowing the Trust, NUFC have asked them to survey the toilets.
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