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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. He’ll probably be our next Director of fucking Football tbh.
  2. Said this back in February and it already looks to be true. 4 points lost from the last two games and the potential for Brighton to be a 6 pointer in the wrong direction. We’ll probably act, because we’ll fall into the bottom three this weekend. But it’s already too late. Ashley won’t sack him until after Burnley imo, we’ll be 3+ points adrift and 5 almost impossible games for a new manager.
  3. It’s never going to happen though. With corporate, away fans, ticket give aways through corporate, universities etc. I’d be surprised if the attendances would ever drop below 20k. You’ve then got the ‘diehards’ who refuse to miss one game for anything which would bring it to 25k+. That said, I completely agree with your point and it should happen. Sadly, it never will.
  4. Just under 44k. Looked about right as well. The entire Level 7 was sold out every game (family enclosure, singing corner and most away teams sold out their allocation as well). Only noticeable gaps tended to be right at the back of the Gallowgate and front of the Leazes. Hughton wasn't a particularly popular manager at the time, nor was he unpopular mind. More just a "Meh" sort of manager really. His popularity improved massively throughout the season and then into the next season before he was sacked. When you think he brought us back up, had us in a decent position in the league and was sacked yet Bruce has just been a complete s*** show yet his job seems safe it just defies all logic really. I remember numerous games where there were significant gaps. Maybe my mind is getting the better of me, but I recall some games that looked less than the advertised attendances. My point was the early attendances were lower than 40k, the attendances only increased as performances were good and we were doing well. Plus, as you say, Hughton’s popularity increased. A s*** start to a Championship season, under a disliked manager is likely to see the opposite and attendances fall from the starting figure of 37k.
  5. No idea where anyone thinks a win is coming from. We’ve literally just had 3 of the easiest fixtures we could hope for and didn’t look close to getting 3 points in any of them.
  6. Our first Ashley season in the Championship was an average of mid-high 30’s wasn’t it? That was also during a successful season with a likeable manager. Could easily see attendances of 30k next season, especially if there was some muppet like Bruce in charge. Edit - official average attendance was 43k, but it was never that high in real term ‘bums on seats’.
  7. Leicester paid £12m for Danny Ward to be their sub keeper a few years ago too.
  8. The Intertoto Cup win of ours was probably a bigger achievement. Can’t believe they’re actually celebrating it
  9. Bruce is doing a great job though. Stop being deluded.
  10. That’d be too late. It potentially already is.
  11. Aye. Beat Southampton and us and they’re pretty much safe. It’ll be a straight shootout between us and Fulham, which was predicted If that’s the case, I make us big favourites to go down. Will be surprised if were within 3 points of them by the final day.
  12. Mad that people think we’re going to win a game any time soon.
  13. Worst insult ever "You're a failed Newcastle takeover head!" By 2031 you will always be within 5 feet of someone who has failed in a takeover of Newcastle.
  14. Ah good, a late goal to salvage a point where we should have had three to paper over the cracks and act as a win for Bruce. Get in. Open the champers.
  15. We’re so good at making every game we play fucking disgusting.
  16. VAR brings far more problems than solutions. But it’s here, it’s staying and rules are being changed to accommodate it. The viewing is less enjoyable, but the decision makers don’t care.
  17. Now is not the right time to see that memory pop up.
  18. As was mentioned a few pages back, the lack of action regarding Bruce massively concerns me for the chances of the takeover. No, it’s not legally possible for the outside influence and would be completely wrong. But if you’re about to spend £350m on a long-term project, you’d have a quiet word in MA’s ear. The buyers are either not as confident as they express via the press, or they have done so and MA has ignored them or they have confidence in Bruce to turn it around.
  19. 15th marra. What more could you expect?
  20. Won’t cost him a penny. It’ll cost the club, not him.
  21. Nah, Brighton. Great job they collapsed v Leicester though.
  22. Is the news coverage as extensive as a Spanish election?
  23. The reason why it’s so incredibly pertinent to sack him right now is because we all know Jones is going to take over. Yea, it’s great he’s had since January to build a relationship with the players but he’s going to need all of the time in the world to turn this around. Rafa couldn’t. An inexperienced manager will need as much time as possible. From the very brief things I’ve seen since Jones came in, I do have some faith he could do it. But if Charnley/Ashley waste the next two games with Bruce in charge, it’s over.
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