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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Hows he tracking this season against Rafa's final season seeing he picked that particular benchmark for himself?


    I notice all of the Brucites have stopped the “Bruce has x more points than Rafa at this stage” chatter.


    He must’ve fallen behind again.

  2. I can't see how this goes through tbh.


    I've been 'pro' it happening for the majority of the f***ing saga but having looked at the detail a bit more lately, it's not happening imho.


    On the positive side, there'll be other buyers for sure.


    This is where I’m at. There seems to be so many different ducks that all need lining up in such a precise order for it to happen. I think by the time it could happen, PIF will be gone.


    Relegation will complicate the deal beyond repair.


    I’m hopeful Staveley and co. may find another investor though. She seems incredibly keen to get a takeover done.

  3. Shearer has always been an absolutely terrible pundit. It’s not a shock he isn’t a manager at all. I posted this in the old Bruce thread, but it’s no surprise they are close friends...


    I was just looking for an article I remembered about Thauvin and came across this:




    They are at home and you’d expect them to come out, roll their sleeves up and have a right good go.


    So then I turned to Google...




    Alan Shearer urges Newcastle United players to roll up their sleeves ahead of 'another' big summer




    You say: 'Come on. What have you got? Show us something that can gives us a bit of belief, a little bit of hope. Roll your sleeves up and have a bit of a scrap




    It is all well and good having ability but ability alone in a relegation scrap is not enough. You need characters that are going to fight. You need players that are going to roll up their sleeves and have a right good go. That has not been the case for Newcastle unfortunately.


    Bald asshole.


    The last quote makes me want to rip off my own skin and set it on fire.

  4. Another big game Fernandes hasn’t turned up for.


    What? :lol: :lol: Defensively brilliant and was always available on the counter, and also scored. Some of the balls with the outside of the foot to release James and Rashford were divine.


    Feared the worst today, but fantastic from Ole and the team. The high press shocked City early on, and we were the best side in the second half. Can't remember any clear cut chances really for City, whereas Martial should have buried a third goal for us.


    City 21 wins in a row and completely neutralised. De Bruyne nonexistent. Bruno scoring. Couldn't have went any better today to be honest. :lol:


    :tobey: :fishing:

  5. Shearer has always been an absolutely terrible pundit. It’s not a shock he isn’t a manager at all. I posted this in the old Bruce thread, but it’s no surprise they are close friends...


    I was just looking for an article I remembered about Thauvin and came across this:




    They are at home and you’d expect them to come out, roll their sleeves up and have a right good go.


    So then I turned to Google...




    Alan Shearer urges Newcastle United players to roll up their sleeves ahead of 'another' big summer




    You say: 'Come on. What have you got? Show us something that can gives us a bit of belief, a little bit of hope. Roll your sleeves up and have a bit of a scrap




    It is all well and good having ability but ability alone in a relegation scrap is not enough. You need characters that are going to fight. You need players that are going to roll up their sleeves and have a right good go. That has not been the case for Newcastle unfortunately.
  6. He’s played professionally for so long yet still gets beat by a simple diagonal ball over the top of him. Every. fucking. time.


    He also looks so awkward. Like he’s running through treacle.


    Should’ve been binned a long time ago... A bit like most of the players though.

  7. Armstrong will never be good enough for Prem imo, Toney might be though.




    People underestimate the difference. Gayle ran away with goals in the Championship but can’t compete at PL level.

  8. In the reverse fixtures against the remaining teams we have... we only got 8 points :lol:


    That even includes some games during our ‘good run’ at the start of the season.


    We need to hope and pray 35 points will be enough. No chance.

  9. Since Jones came in we're 2-2-3 which isn't disastrous. If we carry on picking up points a similar rate we'll keep Brighton and Burnley in the mix.


    Any of the four sides down there could easily go down, it's a tough call at this point.


    To add perspective, in their last seven games our rivals records are:


    Fulham 3-3-2 12 points

    Brighton 2-2-3 8 points

    Burnley 1-5-1 8 points


    Fulham's form has certainly made things interesting, but we're in similar form to the teams in and around us.


    Weird selection, looking at 7 games. Form over the last 10:


    Fulham - 14 points

    Brighton - 12 points

    Burnley - 11 points

    Us - 8 points


    Carry that over the next 10 games and we’re pretty much relegated. Go back 15 games and it’s even worse.


    I was just at looking at since Jones came in as we've clearly improved since then and would be in far more trouble if we hadn't done so.


    We had a ‘new manager bounce’ and won 2 of the opening 3. Since then we’ve reverted to type and been relatively s***. Jones isn’t going to make a jot of difference whilst Bruce is still here.


    But fair enough, get what you were looking at now :thup:

  10. Since Jones came in we're 2-2-3 which isn't disastrous. If we carry on picking up points a similar rate we'll keep Brighton and Burnley in the mix.


    Any of the four sides down there could easily go down, it's a tough call at this point.


    To add perspective, in their last seven games our rivals records are:


    Fulham 3-3-2 12 points

    Brighton 2-2-3 8 points

    Burnley 1-5-1 8 points


    Fulham's form has certainly made things interesting, but we're in similar form to the teams in and around us.


    Weird selection, looking at 7 games. Form over the last 10:


    Fulham - 14 points

    Brighton - 12 points

    Burnley - 11 points

    Us - 8 points


    Carry that over the next 10 games and we’re pretty much relegated. Go back 15 games and it’s even worse.

  11. It’s been obvious this would happen to anyone with half a footballing brain since the turn of the year.


    Fulham playing great football, picking up useful draws and building momentum against Bruce’s pathetic displays and infighting.


    Our only, only hope is that Brighton can’t get some wins together. The only other chance we have is if Bruce is sacked immediately. If he isn’t sacked directly after this game, we’re going down.

  12. Yup I hear people all the time.  Bla bla if rafa goes I go but nothing ever changes.


    I packed my ST in when Rafa left. Tough decision at the time, but definitely the right one.


    After banging on about ‘if Rafa goes I go’, I’d have felt a nob if I turned up.

  13. Worst outcome possible really.


    Allows Bruce/the propaganda sections of the media to hail it as a great point and say the players are fighting for him.


    A dreadful performance masked again. No team in the country should be clinging onto a 0-0 draw against WBA for 60 minutes.

  14. Can't f***ing believe the cheek of the Darlow stuff. Who the f*** else is leaking it? Bet you any money it was him all along, then he's gone running to Luke begging him to backtrack and cover for him. Regardless, why the f*** is the player himself only officially getting the info 72 hours later? If Bruce was so seething about the leak, why wasn't he on the blower to Darlow immediately to assure him he had nowt to do with it and offer an explanation. Instead he speaks to him 72 hours later? WTF?


    Just appalling management, whichever way you look at it. Playground s****.


    To be fair, knowing Bruce it was probably 72 hours until the players were next in training :lol:

  15. Maybe with the exception of Carroll, you could make a case for each and every one of those players on the bench to be starting :lol:


    With the exception of Darlow and Carroll all of them (unless they had some niggling injuries) would have been starting if it was up to me. :lol:


    Even though there is only 9 of them, I’d fancy the bench team to give the starting 11 a good game :lol:


    Incredible how wrong he’s got it today, even by his standards.

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