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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Wonder what day the players go back to training? Thursday?


    (I am Fantail Breeze because the new forum logged me out of midds and I can’t remember my login details and no longer have access to the email the account is registered with)

  2. I know it was a while ago but Ashley is asking for more than Liverpool cost Fenway Sports Group. We're overpriced and that's why we've not been sold yet imo.


    2016 - Moshiri purchased 49% of Everton for £87.5m (valuing them at £175m)

    2013 - Liverpool were purchased for £300m.


    In the Championship in 2016, Wolves were purchased for a paltry £45m.


    We’re ridiculously overpriced.

  3. I must be one of the only people who think Mourinho is doing okay with that Spurs side. Kane and Son are class, but beyond that they’re not the best. I think the great start they had increased expectations.


    In n a League Cup Final and still very much in the running for 4th. They’re also above Liverpool right now but Klopp escapes criticism in comparison to Mourinho.


    They’ve had some honking performances mind.

  4. I know we're desperate, but, surely this would have been announced already. We don't even know what or who the source is.


    Didn't it take nearly a week to sack McClaren? He was even taking training while it was going on


    Rafa was already in the picture then though, McClaren's treatment toward the end was terrible keeping him hanging on like we did.


    Absolutely. Remember the photos of McClaren at the training ground while Rafa was practically sat at SJP signing on the dotted line? :lol:

  5. 10,000 seats would sell within about 30 minutes.


    Had this conversation on another thread but I doubt we’d ever get the attendance below 30k on a regular basis.


    I don’t even know if that’s any different to other clubs tbh. Would Man Utd ever drop below 40,000? Would Chelsea ever drop below 20,000? Even clubs like Southampton, Leicester and Leeds have all had periods in the Championship and League One under shit ownership and retained a decent attendance.


    With the amount of tickets available for hospitality, free student giveaways, the ‘hardcore’ bunch that wouldn’t leave even if Ashley killed their granny with Covid... empty stadiums are near on impossible.

  6. So this thread has been bumped so people who think the takeover is dead can re-tell us that they still dont think the takeover will happen? [emoji38]



    Yes we know, you've all told us a million times that you think the takeover is dead. This obsession with repeating your stance is canny weird. :idiot2:


    A bit like bumping the Bruce thread to say you think he should be sacked?

    Or bumping the match day thread to tell everyone you thought we’d lose and we did?

    Or bumping the betting thread to follow up on a bet you said everyone should place?


    It’s a forum for discussion. The discussion in here at the moment is that there has been no positive signs, or any indication whatsoever the takeover is alive with any sort of decent pulse rate. It’s hardly obtuse to come in and discuss that.


    No news is a discussion point, especially when we’ve been waiting 14 months for something to happen.

  7. Ashley spending millions to try and fight for a takeover, whilst keeping the fat flid in charge of the team who is going to knock 100 million value of the club and most likely kill the takeover.


    Makes no sense at all. Even for Ashley it doesn’t. Hope the fat c*** kicks the bucket very soon.


    It’s not his money. It’s the clubs.


    It is his money. It's his asset that is depreciating in value.


    He’s already made/taken more money from NUFC than he originally bought the club for. He could sell the club for £50m in League One and still be in profit.


  8. Perfect opportunity for them to recruit new members on the back of a crisis and then sit back and do nothing. Again.


    They obviously have little power in reality, but should have been using their presence to demand a lot of answers to difficult questions in the last 12 months. From both the press and club.



  9. Ashley spending millions to try and fight for a takeover, whilst keeping the fat flid in charge of the team who is going to knock 100 million value of the club and most likely kill the takeover.


    Makes no sense at all. Even for Ashley it doesn’t. Hope the fat c*** kicks the bucket very soon.


    It’s not his money. It’s the clubs.

  10. Pardew essentially had a job for life (even when his position was untenable to the point of him not being able to enter the technical area without getting boo'd and forced to sit down) and Bruce likely has the same unless he decides to quit. It's inexplicable but that's just the way Ashley is.


    Absolutely nothing can or will change this.


    I also think it suggests relegation isn't necessarily a big deal financially. Not in the way it's sold as being anyway.


    Correct. Doesn’t affect Ashley at all.

  11. 14 months on from the news of this takeover happening and here we are... Ashley still owning the club and Bruce in charge with the team hurtling at pace towards relegation.


    No sign from anywhere that it’s going to happen. Journalists reporting more and more that time is decreasing the enthusiasm from PIF, a never ending arbitration case with one fail already, yet people are still blindly optimistic.


    Relegation a mere inconvenience, just with another 15 other ‘mere inconveniences’ in the way.

  12. Allardyce, Keegan, Kinnear, Shearer, Hughton,Pardew, Carver, McClaren, Benitez, Bruce


    10 managers since Ashley has been here, and the two managers our fans loved the most and hoped for a better future were mistreated and lied to.


    It all just seems like one big wind up, the whole thing is a joke.


    Said it for a long time but it’s bizarre we’ve only hired one foreign manager in his whole tenure. Rafa also approaching the club rather than the other way round.

  13. I wonder how much Lee Charnley knows about football?


    The man employed to run the club, arguably has done a worse job than any of the managers, players or staff. This will be the second relegation that is essentially directly his fault.


    I think if the clueless, specky little f*** posted on here, he'd be regularly outed as someone who knows absolutely f*** all. Yet, here he is, running the club.


    I find it hard to believe Charnley has influence when it comes to making big decisions. He'll do the paperwork and that but surely Ashley picks managers and signs off transfers.




    Justin Barnes makes the decisions at NUFC.

  14. You’ve gotta question the players in this. Refuse to f***ing play under him again ffs.


    I’m not one for ‘player power’, but they hold a lot and should be forcing the club’s hand.


    Don't disagree with the principle but stuff like this just doesn't happen. What's their motivation? Their job is to get paid £30-80k a week to play football. That is guaranteed regardless of who is in charge and regardless - as we've learned - of what division they're in.


    Chelsea players instigated a change this season, Leicester players did under Ranieri... There are plenty of examples of it happening.


    Ours just obviously don’t care.

  15. Every word I have said there is true I just can’t believe people falling for this all over again and will rush back to line ashleys pockets first chance they get and in turn keep this never ending nightmare rolling on it’s insanity at this point! As has been said above he’s ruined the club and it’s the city next it’s personal for him he hates us. Like Sims says he would be 6 foot under if he pulled these stunts at certain clubs abroad and even the likes of West Ham would have had him ousted by now. We are soft as muck!




    Nobody is falling for anything man, what you on about? :lol:


    He’s a f***ing nutter.


    New forum should see the end of c***s like this, thankfully.


    Ah so I’m a c*** now for been angry at the state of this club and for people still going to give Ashley money


    Nah, you’ve been a c*** for years pal. Absolute weapon of the highest order.


    :lol: Another tubes meltdown. Who had March 20th?


    He’s in the Bruce thread having an identical meltdown. :lol:


    Shouting the same ramblings of nonsense to two different groups who all have ear muffs on.

  16. Aye doesn’t want to part with a few million pay off for the manager. Irrespective of his stupid f***ing managing director paying to hire him and when he’s not doing his job allowing for him to get a pay off. But hey let’s gamble over 100m on the value of the asset and maybe destroy the sale.


    Ruined our club.


    It’s finally reached “now or never”. I’m not expecting anything to happen, but if there was ever a time...


    You can absolutely guarantee they’ve not sounded any replacements out if it does happen. Will be a standing start, if that.


    The replacement is already here.

  17. 1 goal in his last 31 PL games.


    That’d be crap for a defender these days. This guy is apparently a £40m attacker.


    He’s so similar to Riviere it hurts.

  18. Every word I have said there is true I just can’t believe people falling for this all over again and will rush back to line ashleys pockets first chance they get and in turn keep this never ending nightmare rolling on it’s insanity at this point! As has been said above he’s ruined the club and it’s the city next it’s personal for him he hates us. Like Sims says he would be 6 foot under if he pulled these stunts at certain clubs abroad and even the likes of West Ham would have had him ousted by now. We are soft as muck!




    Nobody is falling for anything man, what you on about? :lol:


    Don't engage, you're giving him the attention he wants.


    Who wants attention ffs!? I’m letting off steam about the utter s*** state our club is in and making valid points


    I think I’ve found your problem, tubes... You’re not :lol:

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