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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. People wanting us to lose. My life!



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Every defeat puts Bruce at more risk. The question should be, why would you want to win and keep him here?


    That question has been answered a million times over on here. While there is a chance of a takeover it makes sense to want to stay in the Premier League. We’re that late in the season now winning and staying up is the most important thing.


    They’re never sacking Bruce either.


    We’ll have a better chance of staying up if we lose today and Bruce is sacked.

  2. Part of me thinks manorpark is so over the top, that he could possibly be someone on the wind up.


    You have to go back to the 19th Feb for his last post that wasn’t in either takeover thread. It was in the Project Big Picture thread, talking about Newcastle as a European giant after the takeover. :rolleyes:


    Clearly not interested in engaging properly about Newcastle, other than to post unrealistic s*** about the takeover which sounds more and more like the stereotypical nonsense that comes out of pundits.

  3. Its funny the way some people are unwavering in their positivity. The club lose a high court case and it absolutely, must be part of a grand strategy, and losing a high court case is exactly what they wanted.


    That might be the case, or De Marco et al. may have genuinely wanted to remove him as a chair.


    :thup: It’s no surprise really. We had some people claiming PIF’s statement pulling out was a good thing and another of these ‘tactical moves’ :lol:


    Sounds like it’s unlikely there will be any movement or news on this until relegation status is confirmed, we may as well forget about it until at least May.

  4. Yeah :lol: Trying to claim it as a victory is weird. They didn’t pursue a High Court judgement intending to lose it.


    Na. Thinking about it then it’s very possible they knew they wouldn’t win this battle but sets them up nicely to go to war. Sacrificed a pawn as this guys biased is now in focus and he can’t exert it over proceedings or they’ll be all over it making the judgement to not replace him look the wrong one.


    It may be a decent secondary outcome, but the overall aim was to remove him. That didn’t happen.


    His bias may be in focus, but on the flip side you could say it makes him/PL very aware of it so if there is any dodgy dealings, they’ll be very carefully covered up rather than an accidental mishap caused by complacency.


    This wasn’t a win. It was a loss. It’s good to see the club are intent on progressing it and it’s clear the club are willing to push this all of the way. All of which is good news. But we don’t need to try and twist/seek out positive news from every development :lol:

  5. So after all of the companies house searching... This is the one we needed:




    Interesting date of incorporation...


    Explain the date


    The company set up by the consortium to take over NUFC was incorporated in very early January 2020. News didn’t break until late January/early February IIRC. The deal was obviously at a very, very advanced stage by that point.


    Just goes to show how little anyone knew about it really. Also interesting we were still pissing around with the O&D test 6 months later.


    Edit - also reveals Staveley’s husband is likely to play a key role in the club too.


    I thought everyone knew this? Where have you been for the past 14 months?  ;)


    The whole of 2020 was spent looking at every company Staveley set up :lol:


    I don’t recall this specific one ever being focused on tbf. I also didn’t personally realise her husband was going to be so involved (as in being listed as a Director).


    Maybe I did know :lol: A lot has happened in the last 12 months.

  6. So after all of the companies house searching... This is the one we needed:




    Interesting date of incorporation...


    Explain the date


    The company set up by the consortium to take over NUFC was incorporated in very early January 2020. News didn’t break until late January/early February IIRC. The deal was obviously at a very, very advanced stage by that point.


    Just goes to show how little anyone knew about it really. Also interesting we were still pissing around with the O&D test 6 months later.


    Edit - also reveals Staveley’s husband is likely to play a key role in the club too.

  7. https://www.twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/13678437029542092


    Erm... what? :lol:


    Edit - deleted by Jacobs:


    One point that’s been overlooked regarding Michael Beloff being “biased” against #NUFC is Beloff is also part of Blackstone... Nick DeMarco’s firm. So “Messi of sports law” is arguing against “Godfather of sports law” despite Blackstone saying he’s “always a joy to work with.”
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