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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 1 hour ago, joeyt said:

    I think I'd be a more dangerous striker than Willian Jose. Looks hopeless

    After hitting a few winners with the ridiculous agent-led transfer approach, they’re now on the duds.

    A bit like us when we went all-French.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    That's not the case any more. 

    Sorry, with Arsenal also winning the Europa League.

    A strange set of circumstances but certainly not impossible.

  3. The top 4 race is set to be quite exciting.

    Leicester, Chelsea, Liverpool and West Ham all with great chances. Everton & Tottenham both with outside chances too.

    Man Utd just about secured 9 points clear, but they look quite fragile recently too.

    They all have interesting fixtures too and some against each other.

    Throw in the possibility of Chelsea/Liverpool winning the CL this season but finishing outside the top 4 meaning 4th place doesn’t get a space.


  4. 8 minutes ago, Ben said:

    I've watched every game this season and I still think our wins and draws are more down to the other team playing terrible, Spurs were crap yesterday and Villa the other week didn't even turn up.

    Yep. We’re totally reliant on the other team not performing.

  5. 12 hours ago, mighty__mag said:

    Not verified on twitter, registered in 2009, but not one like until 2017?

    I just think it's a fan being some sort of clown. 


    Happy for others to believe it is if they want to,  but I just dont.

    I mean, if someone has waited 12 years after registering a parody account for a random businessman in the hope that he might become relevant... :lol:

  6. When referees try and play an advantage, but there isn’t one. Then they don’t pull it back because it’s perceived that too much time has gone since the foul, even though there wasn’t an advantage to begin with.

    Playing advantage these days just seems to be a reflection that the same team has the ball, even if they’re 40 yards from goal and have no team mates in sight.

    There’s no real advantage at times and a free kick would probably be more useful.

  7. 8. 

    The only hope we have is if Fulham don’t find any wins. We’re not going to save ourselves so we just need to hope they manage to be shitter.

    If they need to beat us on the final day to stay up, they will.

  8. The worst thing is, it’s so obvious we’ll put a stinking performance in against Burnley and lose.

    He’ll live off this point for weeks, despite it not even being that great. Spurs were dire. They’re also very beatable, even by the most average teams.

    This point, similar to the Aston Villa draw, Southampton win and Everton win are papering over the very clear cracks. 

    Our form is fucking stinking, yet he and his media chums are going on like we’re playing out of our skins.

    Tottenham (h), Brighton (a), Aston Villa (h), West Brom (a), Wolves (h) in the last 5 and we’ve not even managed a fucking win. 4 points from that is not good enough for a team battling for their lives. Our next 5 fixtures are much harder - where are the points coming from?

    I don’t trust this team to go to Fulham on the final day and avoid defeat. We need to be 4 points clear of them.

    West Brom went to Chelsea and thumped them. We went and surrendered before a ball was even kicked.

    We’ve not won a game of football in two months and he’s celebrating a last gasp point AT HOME to a team who recently lost 3-0 to Zagreb.

    That’s the same West Brom who are only 3 wins away from us. At one point Fulham were 3 wins away from us too...

    The expectations of this fan base are criminally poor yet we’re constantly told they are too high. Ashley and Bruce have forced them to the lowest ebb and people (media included) lap it up. This is not good enough, the performance today wasn’t good enough - but people see it as a fucking positive because we “showed a bit of grit”. That Tottenham team were all over the place and there for the taking.

    We’ve won 2 games in twenty-fucking-one. Over the last 15 games we’re rock bottom of the form table. Yet he’s prancing around like the Cheshire cat today. Fuck off.


  9. 59 minutes ago, TRon said:

    Bruce is probably right to go for the 3 points against Burnley. We're not going to beat Spurs and if Wilson plays, there's every chance he'll aggravate his injury and miss the rest of the season. 

    Spurs are very beatable. We should be going into this game thinking we could get something.

    We’re in a relegation battle ffs. We should be aiming to win every match.

    Edit - unless your point is about rushing Wilson back, which we absolutely shouldn’t do. But we will.

  10. The year is 2027. Newcastle have just battled to a 1-0 defeat at home to Notts County.

    Luke Edwards immediately writes a story to state Bruce has Ashley’s full support.

    Whitley and Manorpark say #wait, good news is due in June.

  11. 23 hours ago, triggs said:

    Wonder if he could really take off and get to the next level in a different league. Wouldn't be surprised if a good Italian team took a punt on him

    Would be a great move for him, Italian league would suit him well.

  12. 14 minutes ago, Andy said:

    I want to see Ashley and Bruce relegated, but not the club. I'm torn.

    Imagine Bruce celebrating at Craven Cottage after a 0-0 draw has kept us up by 1 point.

    Imagine his smug, disgusting face during the post match press conference, where he tells all of the fans how wrong they were.

    Imagine Luke Edwards’ celebratory posts.

    Imagine Ashley thinking he was right all along and extending Bruce’s contract.


  13. No. Although having Bruce in charge seriously tests that.

    I’d be hugely pissed off to cling onto 17th and see his smug face acting like we’ve won the CL.

    The best case scenario is he gets peddled whilst in the shit and we then go on to stay up.

  14. I don’t really care who the new manager would be, to be honest. I can’t think of anyone I’d want less than Bruce right now.

    I’d take a punt on some nobody from the National League if we had to. At least there would be a bit of hope and we might leave our own half.

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