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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Think this is the only fair way of doing it. Reckon they should have no face-to-face sales at the Box Office either to prevent people camping out for days. Log on, get a randomly assigned place and a maximum of 2 tickets in one transaction. Anyone missing out to get put on a waiting list.
  2. Really? He will hold up a valuable squad place and he is dreadful Anyway, I’ll leave it there because I’m hogging the thread a bit and there’s only so many ways I can phrase the same opinion
  3. I don’t think anyone is being massively OTT. It’s a fairly straightforward discussion and people just saying it’s a crap move? If people were saying we’ll be fighting relegation again, or the owners/Howe need booting, aye - massively OTT.
  4. I can’t remember Frankfurt fans being this crazy when we played them, or am I misremembering? That was a dreadful game though, 0-0.
  5. I won’t go over this again but I’m not sure any metric provides a positive for him. Doesn’t score, doesn’t assist, doesn’t create chances, doesn’t pass, doesn’t successfully have a first touch. There’s a reason he’s been dropped. Also disagree on the points - we could’ve signed any big lump up front and got the same results. But I’ll leave that there before we go down another black hole
  6. Such a brilliant player and an absolute king, but gosh I wish he wouldn’t speak.
  7. I though Wood was a ‘dreadful’ signing and I was right. I thought the same about Targett and was wrong. Maybe I’ll be right about this, maybe I won’t. But everyone is entitled to their opinion and that’s the point of the discussion.
  8. Just a player who is competent and fit enough to be relied upon when they’re needed would be fine. Krafth, who looked a bag of shite under Bruce, looks like he could do that job and as a result I’m happy for him to stay around and play that role. Dummett can’t. I’m not asking for the world, but would rather we don’t use up a squad place on someone who is a) proven crap over a long period and b) injured for 3/4s of the season. I’d get rid of Darlow, Dummett, Lewis, Clark, Hayden, Ritchie, Gayle. Replacing those with decent players would be enough to see us advance to the next step. 1-3 in the Bruno/Trippier (quality) standard, probably a CB, Winger and Striker and then the rest in the Burn (steady improvement) bracket would be fine. Players like Lascelles, Krafth, Murphy, Longstaff, Wood, Fraser, Miggy all need replacing too but we may as well kick out the shitest lot, replace with quality and demote the above down a squad place as they’re ultimately better back up players than we have now. It’s all opinions. But I’d be happy with that as summer business to be honest.
  9. A bit weird to say, and I apologise for feeling this way, but would quite like West Ham to win tonight
  10. It’s delusional to think Dummett isn’t good enough for any PL team in 2022? As I said regarding Wood, I’d be disappointed to be clinging onto Dummett if Ashley was still here. It’s a crap decision and people are entitled to call a cat a cat. We don’t need to pretend every decision the owners/Howe make are undeniably excellent.
  11. I don’t know why we’d keep either of them. Both Championship standard and should see the door. We had an opportunity to get rid of one for free and should have taken it. Buy two youngsters with the ability to improve with the club, or bring an experienced older head in who is also on a free in the summer. When we need back up next season, he’ll either not be available through injury (as we’ve encountered several times in the past few years) or, he’ll be torn to bits because he’s not good enough.
  12. Completely irrelevant for a one year deal. We don’t need to worry about that next season which is the one he’ll be sticking around for.
  13. Care to explain why this is a anything but a shite decision? If that’s the case why are we keeping the shittest and most injury prone one of those five?
  14. What a dreadful decision that is. Will hold up a valuable squad place.
  15. It was totally bizarre how they threw it away. Like others, I was pretty much about to turn it off on 85 minutes. They were quite complacent I thought. It was like they were playing in second gear, thinking it was won. The first leg was shocking from their part. Should’ve been 4-0 up before Real scored. People will point to the last few minutes and ET, but they caused a massive issue for themselves with the first leg.
  16. Thought it was a serious offer then and just noticed it’s that crazy fake businessman
  17. Liverpool are deffo going to win the quadruple, aren’t they? Might be best for everyone to stay away from the internet if they do.
  18. Well they’ll be angry now. Only the league to focus on. 5-0.
  19. Paid per game in Europe. Nobody fancies working late without overtime like. Bet he just wanted a bath.
  20. Will be hilarious when we win it before them.
  21. Have Man City ever capitulated like that under Pep before? That’s some collapse like. Mad that they could finish the season with no trophies at all. Completely reliant on getting over the line with the league.
  22. But it has to start somewhere, doesn’t it? So why not now? And the interest will correlate with the investment, improvement in facilities and improvement in quality. They’re all intrinsically linked. The interest in Man City “wasn’t there yet” until they got a mighty windfall of investment. Why is that okay? Those pesky Man City lot should have had to prove themselves of being good enough consistently over years before they were financed, according to your wild theory. You’ve still not answered why it would be a problem of any kind if they had good facilities.
  23. Love it when fans get unnecessarily angry about places like Wycombe, with a population half the size of Sunderland and surrounded by many more successful clubs, not pulling in identical attendances.
  24. Yes. All of which has been manufactured by huge investments into clubs that are not financially viable on their own. Put the same money into the women’s game and you’ll get similar results. Your point is ridiculous. We shouldn’t invest in the women’s game because they’re not good enough. But the men’s game is only good enough because of the investment it’s had. Your Chelsea example being one of the biggest example of this.
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