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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Just now, KaKa said:


    You're a fascinating guy man :lol:


    You just love looking for the one thing you can complain and moan about. It's incredible :lol:


    I’ve posted in at least two other threads about positives, Burn and Schar. I’m also entitled to point out Wood was crap, again. :lol: 


    Can’t even say I’m overly negative. Happy in the relegation thread, happy in two others, disappointed Trippier might be injured and thought Wood was shite.


    I’d argue that’s more balanced than just being overwhelming happy.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Pardiola said:

    Fanny so gasping to be right about Wood being shite (being right about anything would be newsworthy for him, to be fair) he’s even started inventing imaginary meanings for what people post.


    Dry your eyes mate, Chris Wood’s NUFC are undefeated.


    I am right about Wood being shite :lol: It’s there for us all to see with our own eyes. No need to get so upset by it.


    Edit - actually, cba.

  3. Just now, Hanshithispantz said:

    You would think that if it was broken he would have made a meal of things a bit earlier. You can deffinitely mistake a break for a bruise, but having broken a fucking load of bones in my life you're always immediately aware something has happened, even if you're not 100% sure how serious.


    Breaks in your foot are easy to not know you’ve broken them at all, from experience.

  4. 13 minutes ago, midds said:

    These days you get a protective boot put on you and sent for an x-ray for mentioning you've been stamped on, these days. 


    Slightly concerning he’s come back from an x-ray on crutches and in a boot mind.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Danh1 said:

    It’s getting to a point now where they’re essentially a Sheffield Wednesday or a Nottingham Forest, a decent sized club with a big fanbase dwelling in the lower leagues. They’re what I expected us to become under Ashley, in fact if the takeover never happened we would be on our way to join them with Bruce “running” the show. 


    Forest are massive compared to Sunderland.

  6. Our 08/09 team was pretty good at the time, players like Martins, Owen, Coloccini, Enrique and Jonas.


    This Everton team is still miles better than that team though. They’d easily be the best to go down.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Ameritoon said:

    We're all yucking it up here ignoring the fact Sunderland own their own stadium


    Based on how much Sartori paid for his share in the club, the stadium is only worth 20p.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Mr Raspberry Jam said:

    Neil would be a decent appointment. 


    He was very hit and miss at both Norwich and Preston, seems telling that he’s been out of work for a year and nobody has been in for him.

  9. Our takeover, climbing out of the relegation zone, mackems falling out of the playoffs, Keano turning them down…


    All it needs now is a high tide and they’ll be completely fucked.

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