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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Morecambe v Bolton had the players come off in the final few minutes at 1-0 to Morecambe and Bolton down to 10, due to racial abuse from Morecambe fans to Bolton players.


    Just came back out and Bolton equalise immediately. Beautiful. 

  2. Just now, Mr Raspberry Jam said:

    Keane is a fucking pleb, man. He loses his cool as a pundit, he'll flip his lid as a manager. He'll get a new manager bounce no doubt but he's a pudding nonetheless. 


    The last thing a group of players low on confidence need is that thick tosser shouting at them :lol: 

  3. Just now, 54 said:

    I was kind of just taking the piss, but I actually completely disagree with that bit in bold. We easily had one of the worst squads in the league.


    Watford, Burnley, Brentford and Norwich all have worse squads to name four straight off the bat.


    As has been said many times, the last two years the same people who are now saying our squad is the worst in the league, have said our squad was midtable quality and Bruce was the problem.

  4. 3 minutes ago, 54 said:

    But I thought you said Targett, Wood and Burn where no better then what we had? ;) 


    Which is completely correct. Our squad was good enough to stay up with what we had, in comparison to the other teams.


    The addition of Trippier and Bruno makes that gap wider.

  5. 1 minute ago, bigfella said:

    Presumably the tills must be fucked. So what do they do with all the unsold pies, burgers etc?


    Rather than waste it all, surely some cunt could use a calculator on their phone ffs.

  6. He’s an absolutely class bloke, he’s always given 100% for us even when going through difficult times and had a great spell under Rafa.


    Aye, he’s limited and probably never going to lead us to the top four, but I hope he goes on to having a great career. 

  7. On 03/02/2022 at 08:04, TotalWar said:

    Many on here seem very critical of Wood, a player who has scored 10 or more goals in each of his last 4 seasons.

    He has joined a very dysfunctional team, a team that largely doesnt really support the centre forward, that doesnt make runs past the front man, that doesnt cross the ball, or play good balls down the channels.

    Callum Wilson appears to be lauded on this forum, but he has only scored one goal in open  play since October, playing in this same dysfunctional side. No doubt Wilson is a good player, but he hadnt looked very good for some time before his injury.

    Now weve upgraded our team, maybe we will be less dysfunctional, support the centre forward, make runs off him, get crosses in etc, then Wood, or Wilson will look much better.





    Love it when people use stats selectively to prove a point.


    Here’s another version of the same truth.

    Wilson has scored four goals in six weeks for us during this season, a period between Oct and Dec. That’s one more goal than Wood has scored in six months.

  8. 2 hours ago, HaydnNUFC said:


    Can someone explain what this means to dummies? What have they done or trying to do and how have they done so?


    Creative accounting. A bit like Mike used to do, but this is to put money into the club rather than siphon it out.

  9. Would assume they’re scrapping it, which is a good thing. Paying money purely to have access to buy tickets is scandalous.


    Sending a keyring in the post doesn’t quite make it worthwhile.

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