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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 2 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    Think nearly everyone to a man would have taken being 6 point’s from safety going into the transfer window at start of December. 

    The fact is it’s not even that bad, what a fucking opportunity to pull this off now. It’s in our own hands get the transfer window right and we stay up simple as that.



    Even if Burnley and Watford win their games in hand, which they won’t, we’d only be 6 points off.


    We should stay up from here.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Scoot said:

    Fantail, I think you take the award for biggest over reaction of the year so far. Its the 2nd January ffs![emoji38]


    Give it time.





    Do you not rival me for the biggest over reaction, to my over reaction, as it’s only the 2 January? :lol: 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Menace said:

    Better communications? Do you expect Amanda to give us a breakdown of what's happening every week? Christ this is mental. 


    The new owners have communicated more than the last regime did in the space of a few weeks. Take a breather and look at the bigger picture, our next match isn't until 2 weeks..


    You’ve totally misunderstood my post because your reply doesn’t make any sense in terms of what I was saying.

  4. 1 minute ago, Thiago said:

    Respectfully, the flaw in your premise is that it's definitely the owners briefing the likes of Hope and Edwards. 


    Also, if you remember the full fallout from Emery it turned out he changed his demands at the last second and essentially went against an agreed deal and used his contacts -some of whom have vested interests in the middle east- to push stories about how annoyed he was at them going early.


    It's very easy to paint Staveley as incompetent or full of bluster because of her failed takeovers in the past and because she's a woman in football. I don't rule out that they're still treating these deals like traditional business deals and seeing the final details as inconsequential, but I also think she's been the victim of some bad faith reporting and assumption.



    Your last paragraph is weird, I’ve never singled Staveley out or suggested anything about her competence because of her gender.


    There are multiple people in this consortium who are likely to talk to the media.


    I also disagree with the other two points but have already made my views clear and I’m probably derailing the conversation again so will leave it there.

  5. 1 minute ago, NE27 said:


    Fair comment.


    He could just as easily say his goodbyes and hop on a plane tonight after the match like.


    I think we are going to have to accept leaks, and not necessarily assume it's our side doing it. It's in the other parties interest to leak this stuff you would imagine so to rustle up other suitors/more money.



    Not all of the leaks are necessary and/or helpful though. They should have learnt from the “no red flags” fiasco and then the Emery one. 


    On all three occasions now, multiple journalists have been fairly open in stating it’s from our side. 

    I get with transfers there are likely to be leaks, but the club seem to be talking up the deal at every opportunity to multiple journalists which is worrying if it’s not as close as suggested. As I said, it just leaves us open to looking very silly.


    3 minutes ago, Gawalls said:

    They're gonna make mistakes, still learning how to run a club - this is all be to them. I'm fine with that personally.


    Definitely agree and I think they’ll eventually get there.


    The only reason I’m so concerned is because it’s so important they get it right now and we stay in this league.


    I just think the mistakes have been too repetitive. I get why they’re doing it, they want to be open with the fans and keep a good line of communication (something we’ve been starved of before), but it needs to be better managed, imo.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Shadow Puppets said:

    Who said it’s not as close as reported? What had been reported is that we have made a bid, and the player is keen. That is all.


    Trippier is starting a match for A.Madrid in 5 minutes, it’s clearly not that imminent. 


    As I said, I expect we’ll sign him but the longer it goes on the longer we give someone else the opportunity to shithouse in. Or, pick up a long term injury playing a game today.


    It’s unnecessary risk taking, imo. Said the same about delaying sacking Bruce (despite being called a bedwetter then too) and that has ultimately cost us already.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Menace said:

    It's Sunday lads, transfer market has barely been open 48 hours. Jesus Christ.


    People need to stop turning this place into RAWK and seeing any sort of questions asked as criticism that isn’t allowed.


    People are rightly concerned the consortium has again been pushing this deal in the media, despite it not being as close as reported.


    ”No red flags”

    ”Emery coming in within 24 hours”


    Their track record on this is poor. They need to cut it out. 


    I think this deal will ultimately happen, but it’ll be another unnecessary embarrassment if we fuck about too much and someone else nips in for him.

  8. Just now, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:

    You should try Valium, FB.


    :lol: I just like things to get done. Pissing around irritates me. Especially when it’s as straightforward as this signing.


    Might explain my impulsive and unnecessary purchases when the mrs sends me to the shops.

  9. Just now, Jackie Broon said:


    We'd be daft to bid the release clause amount straight away.


    I don’t disagree - but once our initial speculative bid gets rejected, how long does it take to get it completed?


    It’s a hugely important signing, not just to improve on the pitch, but send out a statement to other players who may be on the fence about joining.


    In this case I’d be getting terms agreed instantly and bringing him in, to allow progress elsewhere.


    We need the player, player is happy to join and has a decently priced release clause. Any delay just encourages some other scabby team like Chelsea to come in for him.

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