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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Just now, HTT II said:

    Silva (footy pet hates) is human after all!


    Hate the cunt. Has a class season, so I put him in my fantasy football season and the bloke immediately disappears in every match despite Man City winning 100-0. Pops up to score against Swindon though.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Tomato Deuce said:

    There were some truly stunning posts on their forum about this a few months back. I understand their desperation, but it bordered on “NUFC supporters don’t know what they’re talking about” so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


    You’ll love this one then, from today:


    ”Yeah, not sure listening to fans of a club who think for no apparent reason that they have a God given right to be a Champions league club is all too sensible given our current circumstances.”


    There’s another post that says Ashley “backed his managers” at NUFC :lol: 

  3. I know I said there’s too many to quote, but this one is too irresistible:


    ”If they go on to dominate football like I think they will, then the comparisons between us and the scousers will never have been stronger. 

    Liverpool might have the trophies but Everton will always have the class. I know what I'd rather be”




    Sunderland AFC, the team who actively protected and covered up for a convicted child sex offender, winners of the classiest club.


    Never mind all of those PL and CL titles lads, it’s all about being the classiest club.


  4. 9 minutes ago, Mr Raspberry Jam said:

    I won't give a fuck what language they speak when Carlos ploughs through the back of Che Adams and Botman scores a 90th minute winner and celebrates by sticking the Vs up at Hassenhutl. 


    There’s a few websites for that sort of thing if you don’t want to wait until the game is rearranged.

  5. Just now, LV said:

    What does he want out of them?


    Surely not advertising.


    Maybe buying a distressed brand to ‘streamline’ then sell on? 


    Company in crisis available on the cheap  

    Ability to take advantage and drag them into his retail empire  

    Ability to flip a profit   

  6. 11 minutes ago, triggs said:

    Aye, not sure how good an idea it is to spend loads on 2 centre halves that don't even speak the same language in an emergency


    They’re playing football, not trying to evacuate people from a burning airplane.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Alberto2005 said:

    Does anyone else enjoy opening the thread and seeing a loading blank post. The anticipation.


    It finally loads…


    *Luke Edwards telling us he’s horny*


  8. RTG is absolutely hilarious at the moment. Too many fantastic posts to even try and start copying across, nearly every one of them a gem.


    Genuinely worry for their mental health as this progresses. There really is no other photo than this to sum them up. Every single post. :lol: 



  9. 4 minutes ago, brummie said:


    We've got the third or fourth richest owners in the league. They had to spend a ton of cash just to dig us out of the shit and get us back up.


    Our ability to spend isn't so much limited by the cash in the bank, it's FFP, but they seem to be finding a way around it. 


    Although to be fair, also we've got an excellent youth system in place so it's not all about money.


    Jacob Ramsey being the latest example - plus the youth product we sold for 100m recently (name escapes me).





    A bit like those “ways around” FFP that escaped punishment in the EFL on a technicality? :bluestar:

  10. 36 minutes ago, TheHoob said:



    This is a great approach with the relegation battle in mind, imo. A smart move by Howe and is exactly what we should be doing to bring the right characters in.

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