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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 56 minutes ago, Geogaddi said:

    Coutinho turned us down and we signed England's fourth choice right back who is 31, we must be fuming Gerrard also turned us down and ended up with Howe who can’t attract players like Coutinho.


    I’m as fuming as I remain about the games we lost against them six years ago.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Danh1 said:

    Just hoying £33M in for a centre half.


    So hard to get used to after 14 years of nothingness. 


    Especially when we’re also bidding a similar amount for another centre half :lol: 

  3. Closely followed by this gem:


    Just using the figures you stinkers regularly spout
    Over 100K petitioners 52 K screaming cess pits every other week
    Those are your figures please explain the 52K stinkers every other week do they "actually go"???
    Unfortunately your lot will NEVER have the moral decency or integrity of ANY SAFC supporter


    Seems a bit contradictory :lol: 

  4. Loved this post:


    ”The amount of media coverage they are getting is quite frankly sickening at National and Regional level. We've got a decorator in this week (even he's a bloody mag) and he brings his radio in with him and has Talksport on it and all they ever talk about is the mags. Put Sky Sports News on and it's mags this, mags that, put the local news and its the same. The Sky Sports NORTH EAST Sports correspondent only ever mentions them. He's either outside their shithole of a training ground or sat outside that lopsided shit tip. Doubt he even knows his way to the SoL. My contract with them is up in June if this continues there's no way I'll be renewing it and when I cancel I'll be telling them why!”


    A bit like a Ipswich fan moaning that Norwich are getting more coverage than them on Sky Sports. Thats right, because they’re in the Premier League and not League One.


    Nobody cares about your £10 purchase from Northern Ireland.


    I reckon the customer service rep at Sky will be devastated to lose his custom and immediately rectify the coverage.

  5. Either Cantwell or Ramsey would only be decent if it’s one of them and they’re the second of two midfielders coming in (with a better one being key).


    I don't think Cantwell would particularly improve us and Ramsey is never fit enough to have the impact we need in midfield.


  6. 24 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

    Weakens a direct opponent too. 


    Does it though? He’s barely kicked a ball for them all season. It’d be a strange signing imo and there are far better options out there for the cost.

  7. What is this shit with “and x unnamed clubs” on nearly every single transfer rumour.


    Is it to just have people hanging on and sharing it for clicks? Can’t remember it before but it’s rife this window.

  8. Seems quite a high fee for a 29 year old with no international caps.


    Can’t say I’ve ever really noticed him but will be intrigued to see how he gets on, assuming we get him in.

  9. 1 hour ago, Dr Venkman said:

    SaintJude said:

    Ive sent an email to sky sports. Asking why he’s so pro Newcastle and very anti Sunderland.


    Another mackem said:

    Tried that ages ago. Good luck. They basically denied any bias in their coverage of north east football. I replied asking if they watch their own output or see what he posts on social media. No reply. Sky are as complicit in this sportswashing as the mags.




    :lol: kin hell.

  10. So Man City have announced a partnership today with a renewable energy firm, Masdar.


    Masdar who are owned by Mubadala.


    The CEO of Mubadala? The Chairman of Man City.


    Not sure how this fits in with those new rules implemented.

  11. 3 hours ago, midds said:

    The amount of times players get an opening about 20 yards away and just blast it as hard as they can. No thought as to getting it on target they just leather it and hope it's actually on target. 95% of these shots fly high, wide or both and the opportunity goes instantly. Absolutely infuriating


    Couldn’t agree more.


    But I also hate the fact teams will often completely overplay it. Running down the wing and rather than whipping a cross in, they turn around and go backwards. It’s then passed backwards to the keeper and starts again. 


    I think that’s why some poacher strikers don’t ever really make it anymore (Armstrong, Gayle etc.) it’s not necessarily that they’re not good enough but teams don’t play in any sort of way to leave them with a chance in the box. You need to be able to create your own chances.

  12. 2 hours ago, Abacus said:

    I spent a year sat next to a Sunderland fan at work. Like most, he was a nice fella - until talk turned to football, and I was surprised by how blinkered he became.


    He once asked me about my favourite ever match. There were a few, like Man U 5-0, beating Barcelona, even the 4-3 loss to Liverpool, as heartbreaking as that was at the time.


    So I asked what his was. 


    With a look of triumph, he said that he and all his mates had agreed in the pub that their favourite match was when Newcastle threw away a 4 goal half time lead to draw 5-5 with QPR.


    I gently asked him why they hadn't picked a game involving their own team. 


    This was met with a look of genuine confusion and no answer. He really didn't seem to even understand the question. I just assumed he was an outlier, until I saw RTG.


    Mag at work.

  13. Just now, Shadow Puppets said:

    I don’t think anyone, especially not that Romano fella, has any actual knowledge. So perhaps he is interested but is keeping his options open.


    Romano’s sources are mainly agents, would suspect the desperation for a Chelsea move is coming from there.

  14. Would be concerned if he really doesn’t want to come, not the type of signing we should be bringing in.


    A questionable attitude already if he’s fell out with Rafa.


    He’s obviously quality though and would improve us no end. But could we count on him to play if the going got tough?

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