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Dancing Brave

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Everything posted by Dancing Brave

  1. For me he's up there with Tino, Peter Withe, Mirandinha...and Keegan obv.
  2. A great interview. I'm convinced he will score the goal that keeps us up.
  3. William at the stadium of light William with a light on his head.
  4. "I never wanted him anyway." https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/keane-on-why-he-turned.1572728/
  5. Love to hear what the clown excile thinks about that
  6. They should be fixed once your bet is on. Maybe you should contact them and ask why.
  7. Was one of the games you had postponed ?
  8. "HE NEVER EVER BOUGHT ME A f***ing PINT. I HAD TWO CHATS WITH HIM. LOOK.i'M HUMAN AND GET THINGS WRING SOMETIMES. AND THAT'S A f***ing CRIME NOW." https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/confirmed-kld-only-owns-41.1572531/page-31
  9. Here it comes....the Mike Ashley links. "He's a very good owner who has been wrongfully tarnished by the mags." https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/confirmed-kld-only-owns-41.1572531/page-28#post-35570576
  10. mag at work mag in family https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/a-mags-opinion-of-our-atmosphere.1566940/
  11. Someone post that picture of the mackems crying
  12. It was always just a mater of time. Sad fuckers. "Out with broken metartarsal " https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/nufc-sportswashing-2022-part-3.1570531/page-98
  13. We are now 4/1 to get relegated. Norwich 1/9 Watford 1/5 Burnley 4/11
  14. "They were our rivals because they were close by, and before, it was even a friendly rivalry. That changed in 70s after one of the Mags showed their true gravy colours by trying to attack us and one of them even killed one of ours." What is this all about ? https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/who-are-our-new-rivals.1572356/page-2
  15. 4th favourites to o down @5/2 A point or win tomorrow would see those odds go well up.
  16. Peter Beardsley is the best player I have seen play for Newcastle United, Tony Green was just before my time. When I was just starting to go to the games in the late 70s all the older fans at the time raved about Tony Green. I wish i'd seen him play.
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