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Dancing Brave

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Everything posted by Dancing Brave

  1. mackems will no doubt have a 20 page thread on this.
  2. kick off 12-39 Newcastle green shirts white shorts, green socks chance in the first min, just wide
  3. ..."I’d hate to see one of our own training with a mag like." https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/rashford-training-with-phil-foden.1611217/
  4. Good news...Pelaw metro station is a safe zone today.
  5. Birmingham City taken over by Shelby Not sure if it's Tommy or Arthur in charge, https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/66192434
  6. That would be you...now it's me
  7. Meltdowns all over the place
  8. Now they have convinced themselves this is the way to deal with it... "I think they need to look up the definition of the word hypocrite and also realise the lad hasn’t played for SAFC since 2011." https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/henderson-off-to-saudi.1610950/page-5
  9. That is just beyond pathetic, using your own baby daughter to make an anti Newcastle United video like that. He'll get a few likes and giggles off his like minded mackem mates of course. However, when his daughter grows up she will look back at this video and understand why Newcastle fans call Sunderland fans......sad mackem bastards. It's the most appropriate nickname ever.
  10. "Aye they seem to be going out in their shirts round here more than ever. I even saw a mag in a stained northern rock shirt on Chester road." They just love to make something up. Weird fuckers
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