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Dancing Brave

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Everything posted by Dancing Brave

  1. Spoilsports ! I could have done with a laugh.
  2. I'm delighted with this signing.
  3. They've already got a thread on that scenario It's gave them a chance to say that "no !" sunland would not take the money. Basically a thread that gives them yet another comfort blanket. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/sell-on-clauses-henderson.1611470/ "If we do benefit, we should donate to proceeds to LGBTQ+ charities just to fuck with them"
  4. I'll not believe he's our player until the yellow moving news flash is on the main page.
  5. mackem hero Jordan Henderson signs for a Saudi team. Meltdowns all over the place.. "I don't have any posters of Jordan Henderson on my wall. But if I did I'd be tearing them all down now. And stamping on them. Hypocritical arsehole. Hope he gets caught bumming." https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/jordan-henderson….1611243/page-30
  6. Is that him to the right of the goalpost ?
  7. There's always some clever shite on the internet.
  8. That Adam Pearson lad made it on to the Rangers forum https://www.followfollow.com/forum/threads/newcastle-fan-loving-neh.245750/#post-14450817
  9. Early days of course, but he looks class. Can't wait to see him when he's 100% fit along side Bruno.
  10. "Have you ever seen a mackem in Milan"
  11. I'm going to say 20 pages by tomorrow and then it will be moved to parsnip as the JSMBs will flood the thread with the usual faux outrage and bitterness https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/mags-embarrassing-themselves.1611406/
  12. I think we will go full strength.. Willie McFaul, John Craggs, Frank Clark, Tommy Gibb, John McNamee, Bob Moncur, Ben Arentoft, Bryan Robson, Wyn Davies, Jimmy Scott and Alan Foggon.
  13. I would never wear any colours if I was going into an away end, even if it is a friendly. I think it's asking for trouble. If you do wear your top, don't complain if you do encounter trouble all it takes is one fan to take offence and your day is ruined. Not worth the risk IMO.
  14. For a pre season friendly this has been a very decent game.
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