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Everything posted by DoricGinola

  1. We'll be up against it alright. Against a team bang in form, with our defence looking shaky with a reserve goalie behind them, front line misfiring. It's not played on paper though. Positive is obvs Bruno coming back in and the players can empty the tank on the day. I'm of the opinion the final has had a bearing on league performances outwith missing our Brazilian magician. The players potentially playing within themselves. That all ends on Sunday.
  2. Shocking luck tbh, just what we didn't need. Would be some way for Karius to remend some of his reputation. Stand up tall, son.
  3. Need the 3 points on Saturday, keep the pressure on Man U.
  4. It's on their FB page, call or drop in
  5. Three and a half hours early? Bollocks to that. Maybe they thought it's a 3pm?
  6. Keep me posted. I'll be in Newcastle for it but unsure where to go tbh.
  7. Chelsea utterly ripping the pish meeting Fernandez's clause. Another €120m to add to the ticker
  8. You'd like to think with Shelveys contract extension clause on the verge of being triggered we were prepared for this. Fingers crossed we'll be announcing cover by game time tomorrow.
  9. Tbf I could've scored that last week. Agree, he's probably just a bit off the pace
  10. Not just tonight, he's sent clear headers straight at the keeper a few games in a row now. Looks a yard short too when balls come in. Tbf, he's probably a bit rusty after being out for a while.
  11. Shame we could sneak that goal. Finishing needs to improve, especially Isak
  12. Surely we dip into the market after today.
  13. Hopefully worst case scenario is we do the biz against Southampton and then see him back for the final.
  14. Championship beckons for the Wanderers then
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