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Everything posted by RealGoneKid

  1. Howay man it takes a couple of minutes to post a response . Hes not busy he just doesnt give a fuck
  2. Hoy Miggy on ball over the top from Shelvey 1-0 game over ?
  3. I know its over and it never really began but in my heart it was so real ...
  4. Why stop at Howe ? If hacks are going to ask him questions on international politics / ethics etc then where does it end ? Should they ask ASM for his tuppence worth ? The youth team ? The tea lady ?
  5. Who do you think took the orders for Greggs ?
  6. Because he's actually working
  7. Mandy Med Jamie ... erm Charnley ? Tea lady ?
  8. Mid table by Xmas nee bother
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