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Everything posted by NUFC91

  1. NUFC91

    Safe standing

    Would of been a lot easier if club had had large block of general sale tickets like some clubs do. We could of just moved safe standing to this area. In an ideal world level 4 Leazes or behind the goal. I am sure club would love it if put across correctly. you see loads of game lads, just get them together. I do think a lot of fans would move if seat was better, if you moved people from level 4 leazes to strawberry corner or Gallowgate I doubt they would complain? In terms of St James that corner of Leazes would be best suited and create most noise.
  2. Just says "club will email supporter when eligable to direct the to ticketing website. I'm hoping that means just reminder and you log on?
  3. What do people think the craic is with emails, i've just changed mine aa my company email is a bastard for security. Do i login monday at 10am and buy a ticket or will it be only valid via link? Worried my new email doesnt sink in time... I would ring box office tomorrow but will never ger through
  4. I just swapped my email from work email to personal as no doubt epulf get stuck as spam on my work email. Surely can just login and book be absoluteky carnage through a link can see it causing issues
  5. Some fans are fucking thick mind. Closing box offfice as people ringing up for tickets... Oh and someone on bbc newcastle saying just sell them first come first seerved...aye mate cracking idea.
  6. Nice one mate, funnily enough few of us stood at back if level manged to get leazes going albeit took ages. But if that 8 was 1800 even. Honestly think leazes level 4 corner be good standing area. Lets hope trust and contacts can do something
  7. Howay lads keep emailing [email protected] and push simging section. Lets not give them excuse of not knowing people wanted. Wonder if wor flags got any contacts at the club? Annoying as i truely think club would listen
  8. 100% agree but that will only happen if safe standing singimg section are permitted with forced moves.
  9. Also does it go purchase of season ticket or general purchase. I only sat in my season ticket seat once but attended other fixtures in different seats.
  10. A think it should be loyalty points to begin and sold together so get regular away followers sat together.
  11. Agreed no way to keep everyone happy, i bought ticketa for 3 out the 4 home times and went to Southampton away plus got 170 loyal points. I moved down south for work but would be gutted if i couldnt travel up for cup game and it cost me a finals ticket if i has travelled home and away. Like we say no way keep everyone happy.
  12. However it works out people will complain.. i don't agree with purely doing on it on cup games however. Could get someone who goes home and away but can't do midweek games, does that mean they should'nt be allowed a ticket?
  13. Agreed mate, fucking prawn sandwitch brigade. Fans going to have to get onto club and do something about. Why havd newcastle fans become boring as fuck for?
  14. NUFC91

    Safe standing

    A did say this to them last time, why not just flag to club rather than fannying on with surveys. Am i right in thinking the club hsbe pretty much everything im control so lets make this a priority ffs
  15. NUFC91

    Safe standing

    Bumping this again..some observations. 1. Yes music before game is shite and doesnt help but can't use this as excuse. 2. It's clear to see there is appetite from alot of fans giving fans standing in both leazes corners and gallowgate.. 3. Trust need more force from fans as their current agenda and points are embarassing, kit make, wifi. 4. Is it worth the fans writing to club raising profile and how this is a must? 5. Large amount of fans undo wor flags hard work by not carrying atmosphere into game. 6. Lads leaving after 80 mins can fuck off. @Heron feel for the work you and lads do....just wondering what you lads think and if alot of lads on here etc can get to together and make the point to club. As you know I've put this Trust and they keep saying they'll stick it out yo members. Any ideas lads be great, all i want it the craic back at St james
  16. Aye fair few lads in all 4 corners trying to get it ganin. Sad though as large amount just sit in silence. Was clear to see alot of lads last night was to stand and sing...just sad alot dont care
  17. Fucking got to be. Trust should be l over this...i think this should ne top of the list
  18. Spot on. Done all prem away grounds and lond you say we dont have to put up with up. Lets get safe standing...
  19. Theres never been a bigger game where the crowd is needed. Everyone in that stadium needs to give 100%, get behind the lads. Boo southampton in possession. Iets match this team and manager. They deserve nothing less
  20. All we need is blaydon races blaying and stopped a few mins before and roar lads on to pitch its as they come out. That being said get 5k lads stood and we wont need to worry about shitty p.a
  21. NUFC91

    Safe standing

    Just move fans, what thet going to do give up season ticket or move else where. Annoys me so much that fans wouldnt put the team before a fucking seat
  22. NUFC91

    Football pet hates

    Newcastle anouncing the attendance and people clapping. So cring man, who gives a fuck honestly.
  23. NUFC91

    Safe standing

    Aye they can't be arsed with atmosphere, sure someone at the un understands this is for the good of team not fans
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