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Everything posted by AmericanLooneyToon

  1. Whatever happens, this is going to be great for Dubrarvka. Performing like this at Anfield will make every other match a tad easier for him.
  2. Gordon just keeps getting better. I love watching him play. Isak has such a nice finish.
  3. That seems to be the way of the world nowadays. There seems to be no room for opinions unless they are extreme. I've been frustrated with some of Howe's decisions the past few weeks. Does that mean I would get rid of him? No chance. The way he turned a relegation team that Bruce left him with into an exciting side almost instantly was the first of many reasons that he has earned the right to fight out of some rough patches.
  4. I can understand feeling upset or angry after some of the endings to these matches but it didn't really feel like we were ready yet. It was great to get the experience but the injuries and the timing of those injuries has caused us to look like a completely different team. That doesn't make it any easier but I can't wait for the next few seasons when this team is healthy and flying into these tourneys. This is just the beginning. Let's smash the mackem bitches and get ready for the upswing. Lady luck fucked us this season; and not in a romantic way.
  5. Wow what a goal!! And suddenly the breathing in Newcastle has become much more regular.
  6. It's tough too say anything bad about him because he works his ass off everytime he's out there and he seems like the nicest lad but I do think he's the perfect player to bring on as a sub. Having a fresh Almiron running at tired legs feels like the best way to ulitize him(once everyone is back). Our bad luck with injuries has really screwed everything the fuck up.
  7. As an American, I've watched sports with replay for most of my life. There is no comparison to how horrific the calls are that VAR make time after time. There is absolutely no consistency to any decision. I don't understand what the difference is between the one penalty not given to the one given. Both bounce off a body part and hit the arm. I have no doubt they felt the pressure of the French crowd and gave in like the cowards they are. It's a tough one. But this is just the first step into a young team that will keep getting better.
  8. It was strange to see him act like he was eviscerated when the ball hit his foot.
  9. It always seems horrible in the moment but you know Eddie will have them looking amazing in two weeks. I hate waiting after a loss but we need the break.
  10. I don't think I've ever seen an injury happen like that. It really is crazy our luck with freak injuries.
  11. Such a nice move by Gordan. He panicked a bit but it's just one of those days.
  12. They could both be dead by the time Sunderland is in a position to play a team like Dortmund.
  13. Tonali has looked outstanding. It feels like we're getting closer.
  14. This. All I've seen are posts from fans that are a little disappointed but just trying discussing the first half. Can't stand when certain fans look for ways to cut down other fans for showing any emotion.
  15. I can understand a lengthy ban if he was betting on matches that he was participating in but if he hasn't gone that far than I think it's a tad hypocritical to ban him for a whole year. Gambling is being promoted nonstop during every sporting event in the entire world. It feels like 75% of commercials are about gambling. I get that hes a player so different rules but it seems similar to pushing heroin in front of a drug addict's face every morning. Like FIFA gives a shit about a player gambling. Half their panel is probably betting on how lengthy his sentence will be.
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