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Do We Need Faye?


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Its called building a squad.


2 million in todays market isn't a great deal and we are getting a premiership experienced player who as you've outlined can operate at centre-back and central midfield.


Anyways at the moment i'd say he is better than taylor, edgar and ramage (who is out for most the season anyways), making him at least our 3rd best centreback.


you're wrong about Taylor.


agree, lots of people on here are saying Taylor isnt very good

He will eventually brake into englands starting 11 within 2-3 seasons

also he is young and doesnt make many mistakes anymore


anyone actually watching Taylor play, on and off the ball, can see that he has removed a lot of the problems he caused himself in the past, even as recently as the start of last season. he's a first team starter for me, shoudl have been captain as well, above Geremi, who can't even be given the excuse of being new to the PL for soem of his dismal showings so far.

Come on...Taylor is OK but captain...Please he is JUST A KID you know...


Better - in my opinion - than the current captain. and in fact, the best option for captain we had apart from Lil' Mikey.


Personally i think Barton would make a good captain.


really? thats an interesting idea.

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Guest LucasUnger

excellent signing. experienced premierleague player for 2 million!! i think he'll be a bargain. can play several positions. and no doubt i pick him before rampage and edgar for cb. every good player is an improvement to our squad, cause everyone knows that we'll be number one in injuries. ;)

faye and beye signings = worldclass

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excellent signing. experienced premierleague player for 2 million!! i think he'll be a bargain. can play several positions. and no doubt i pick him before rampage and edgar for cb. every good player is an improvement to our squad, cause everyone knows that we'll be number one in injuries. ;)

faye and beye signings = worldclass



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This is a f***ing stupid thread. It's like asking "Do we need a good squad players?"


Yes, yes we do. What a stupid question.


Don't tell it to me, tell it to Kev


you tell him! You're not the boss of me.



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He removes Ramage (well, Edgar) from being 4th choice centre-half, at the least, which is good news in my eyes.


He'll provide Nicky Butt with some competition for the defensive midfield berth, which he will probably thrive on.


He offers some valuable height/strength to a squad that is still a bit on the "stumpy" side, which could be invaluable in certain games.


He also offers cover for the right-back slot, if necessary, which could move Carr further away from the starting eleven.


For £2m, I'm happy enough with that.

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Guest Guinness

All top clubs have four capable centre backs. It would only take a few injuries for the likes of Ramage (when fit) and Edgar who is still learning the game to come into contention. Faye is proven in the Premiership and has proved himself to be a very solid defender at Bolton, he also offers cover accross the midfield, very valuable player to have in the squad IMO.

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i was with a load of bolton fans yesterday who are absoloutely gutted he has left. an older bloke pointed out his mate who said that he isnt sleeping at the minute becauise of boltons state and the fact they have just 'given away' one of their best players.



he said '£2m? £2m? he's worth ten the lad, great player'



so its a big thumbs up from his old fans by the looks of it!

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I've got a feeling he could end up being our first choice defensive midfield player, replacing Butt imo.Sam's on record as saying he was one of  their most influential players at bolton in Faye's fist season with them and one of the main reasons they got into europe that season.As has also been mentioned, the reaction of bolton fans says a lot too.

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£2 million is not exactly a lot of money in football, and even if he is brought in to be a backup, it still improves the quality of our squad.


he's a cheaper, better squad player than Smith, my far.


Bollocks! Smiths a great player, would have him first on team sheet every week, yes he may not have the skill and flair of other players but hes got the bottle and the desire not seen by many others in the premiership, loved by leeds fans and Man u fans alike says alot about him imo.

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As every boss does when he moves to a new office. Sam is simply trying to instill his new methods into a new club and what better way to do this then bring in tried and tested players he knows and trusts. Besides bring in a few that already believes in him helps the others pick up on ideas quicker.


Besides, Faye fills in nicely and builds the squad up for all eventualities throughout the season.

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£2 million is not exactly a lot of money in football, and even if he is brought in to be a backup, it still improves the quality of our squad.


he's a cheaper, better squad player than Smith, my far.


Bollocks! Smiths a great player, would have him first on team sheet every week, yes he may not have the skill and flair of other players but hes got the bottle and the desire not seen by many others in the premiership, loved by leeds fans and Man u fans alike says alot about him imo.


Erm, no, no ne's not. Man Utd fans who actually saw him play in midfield were in awe of his badness. He is not a very good striker, and poor in midfield. I'd happily not play him again, barring injuries to the other (decent) midfielders.

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He removes Ramage (well, Edgar) from being 4th choice centre-half, at the least, which is good news in my eyes.


He'll provide Nicky Butt with some competition for the defensive midfield berth, which he will probably thrive on.


He offers some valuable height/strength to a squad that is still a bit on the "stumpy" side, which could be invaluable in certain games.


He also offers cover for the right-back slot, if necessary, which could move Carr further away from the starting eleven.


For £2m, I'm happy enough with that.


Personally delighted we have signed him, he has been one of Boltons best players over the past couple of years, he knows Allardyce and his methods inside out, as Sam knows him.


A midfield dominator has been on quite a few peoples lists this close season, albeit quite far down the priorities.


Whilst he isnt an Appiah or even a Diarra, he has the advantage of his history in the premiership and with Allardyce.


Nicky Butt is a battler, but is lacking in height and physical presence. We have decent strength in depth now, I fail to see why anyone could be unhappy with Faye, especially at that price in todays inflated market.

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better than butt at dm.  better than taylor at cb.  better than ramage at everything. better than carr at rb.

sorry.. what was the question again? do we need him?... naaah


Taylor thing: wrong.


taylor's a good player no doubt about it, but faye is more experienced and less liable to make silly errors.

Taylor will one day become a clas defender but right now he isn't as good as a well-established cb like faye.

lets face it though, faye would skip happily into our team last year; its a testament to big sam that a player of fayes calibre is being labelled as not good enough for first team action.. best defence i've ever seen tbh- even our midfielders are defenders

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In terms of the squad, we definately could do with Faye:


CBs: Taylor Cacapa Rozenthal Beye Faye


CM: Butt Emre Barton Geremi Smith Faye


CF: Owen Smith Martins Viduka Ameobi


Now thats what you call "strength in depth". Removing Feye on paper does leave a pretty decent squad still, but adding him makes it much more rounded and complete, covering potentially the worst injury crisis we're realistically likely to see at some stage this season.


One things for sure, under Allardyce injuries are not going to affect us anything like the way injuries affected the previous squads we have had for the past 3+ seasons.

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Guest Stephen927

I'm happy we signed him, good, solid player. £2m is nothing for a player that will provide solid service and versatility when he's called upon.

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I'm not sure he will be a squad player. Sam has taken the trouble to bring him from his former club, the Bolton fans are gutted he's gone and say he's a very good player. As Sam has signed him twice now and only inherited Butt then I wouldn't be surprised to see him gradually favour Faye over Butt in that DM position. Managers often tend to favour their own signings, and Faye with his height and big build is probably more what Sam wants in the centre of the park.


He's good on a squad level too, of course, because we're now in a position where a couple of injuries in defence wouldn't cripple us. When was the last time we could say that?

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