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Sack Big Sam


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I am not too worried about his ability...I am a lot more worried about Smith's status. Apparently undroppable as Ashley's fav player isn't it?


I think Big Sam sees something in him that most of us don't.

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Anybody who thinks Allardyce needs to go is mad, he's had so much to do in such a short space of time that it would be impossible to put right overnight.  He should be given all season before being finally judged then if we've improved he should be given another year.


Some of our football has been awful but some has been good, I hope Allardyce moves away from 4-3-3 as I hate the formation but he's the manager and it's up to him to get the players to play the way he wants, his job will be on the line if he gets it wrong so he's entitled to do the job the way he wants it to be done.


Allardyce wouldn't have been my choice for manager but having said that, he's better then the last two we've had, better by miles.


If we play shite then say it’s shite but give the manager a chance, unlike the last two, he deserves a chance.


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These pple made me sick...just because we are outplayed to a better side...get real, even i Jose is the manager, doubt we can get anything from the game as we have far more inferior payers.  This is liken to Liverpool being outplayed by Milan...no shame at all.  Come on, we as fans need to be more realist.  These fans obviously think we are Arsenal hahahah expecting us to beat all teams we play.


Which oh so superior side are you talking about here??

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Guest toonlass

I cannot believe that people are saying big Sam needs to be fired. FFS this man has only had 7 games in charge in the League. Who else are you going to get in. Like when Roeder and Souness were sacked we don't exactly have people queueing around the block for the manager's job do we? We need to see how the season pans out. There are some fans out there who are too used to the sack em quickly mentality, and its not good for the game. Sam has the capability to produce good things from Newcastle United but the booers need to back off and give the bloke a chance.

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Guest Knightrider

Anybody who thinks Allardyce needs to go is mad, he's had so much to do in such a short space of time that it would be impossible to put right overnight.  He should be given all season before being finally judged then if we've improved he should be given another year.


Some of our football has been awful but some has been good, I hope Allardyce moves away from 4-3-3 as I hate the formation but he's the manager and it's up to him to get the players to play the way he wants, his job will be on the line if he gets it wrong so he's entitled to do the job the way he wants it to be done.


Allardyce wouldn't have been my choice for manager but having said that, he's better then the last two we've had, better by miles.


If we play shite then say it’s shite but give the manager a chance, unlike the last two, he deserves a chance.



Good post Mick.

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These pple made me sick...just because we are outplayed to a better side...get real, even i Jose is the manager, doubt we can get anything from the game as we have far more inferior payers.  This is liken to Liverpool being outplayed by Milan...no shame at all.  Come on, we as fans need to be more realist.  These fans obviously think we are Arsenal hahahah expecting us to beat all teams we play.

What a silly comparison to make Man City like they are Milan and NUFC like Liverpool...For fu*ks sake...This is Man City who were being f*cked in the ass every game last season and were the laughing stock (as well as us) with the quality of their manager and players...They got taken over this summer like NUFC, they got a new manager many weeks after us and had to buy a completely new team like us and Sven had less time to do his wonder than Sam but it is getting clearer and clearer to a lot of people that Sven is miles better than Sam tactically and experienced with continental football that NUFC fans crave for because it is so enjoyable to see...


There is nothing wrong with our players compared to Man City ones...This is just another lame excuse used by people like you to hide away from the truth that Sam is currently NOT as good as Sven...


It is silly to start talking about sacking Allardyce...This is lunacy...BUT SAM NEEDS TO IMPROVE HIS TACTICS AND FORMATION because we have the players on the Bench to do so...

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Can't see why so many people are pissed at losing to City. They're a bloody good team and no doubt better to us.


Saved the anger for the games we lose which we should be winning.


It's because they weren't a better team than us at the end of last season, we took their star player (thus they should have been weakened) and we got a great manager and they got Sven (Most people didn't want him to come here). Now they are better than us and it shows what progress we have actually made.


I wonder if Joey Barton is gutted he came here. :p


And no, I don't want Big Sam to get sacked, I don't want Mourinho either, I want them to give Big Sam the length of time that is on his contract. We didn't spend huge amounts of money this summer and it's taking a little longer than we expected for our players to gel.


As for Sam's Tactics, yes, so far I think he has been poor - though I'm sure he knows a lot more about tactics than me, and I'm sure he has a plan, I'm still going to stick with a top 9 finish for us this season.


Most of this is spot-on.

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Guest teepee

i just cannot believe that people are bitching so much after 7 pl matches - 7 ffs!!!!


sam needs time to get it right, and at times we've seen a much better nufc side than the last couple of seasons, so i am not all that worried (and not only two halves as everyone seems to be saying).


patience is key - no one can be sure that sven will keep his run going, and that we wont slowly grind our way back into things - remember, it is early days, and we're one point behing chelsea with a game in hand!



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Guest microbar

The reason I'm not in the slightest bit worried is that on Saturday it was Zog's poor positioning  and Taylor's lack of pace that cost us the game. Two mistakes. Mistakes can be ironed out. We played some good stuff in the first half, but as everyone knows, we lack the creativity. But that is no fault of Sams. He spent the entire summer strengthening the back line, which is fair enough.


PS, I think 433 could work if Barton was in there. Two holding players in Smith and Butt, and then Barton bombing forward.... could work.




Smith couldnt hold his own bollocks back to the drawing board sam.

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i think sam has been a huge let down so far.  Hes shown a huge lack of managerial talent.  His tactics and formations are poor.


SO far hes been a failure.


However i am happy to wait till barton is playing in midfield to judge him; if he continues to play smith in midfield then he needs the boot.  Smith is contributing nothing to the team and should be a sub at most.


when you compare the starts of man city vs nufc then its  more than a little depressing.  Even considering the difference in amounts spent.

If we keep playing the same drivel we wont make uefa cup .

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Guest Sniffer

I wasn't aware that two players made a backbone particularly when they are both central defenders.


It's very hard to disagree that Fat Sam has been a huge disappointment so far. Nobody knows what he has been doing behid the scenes...could be a lot or it could be fuck-all and he's blowing smoke up our arses especially with gullible people like htt around who believe all kinds of shit. What is obvious is that after seven games he has shown him himself to be incapable of making positive changes to the team during the course of a game, leaves any obviuos changes until far too late and picked formations/players that clearly do not work.....either because the players don't know what's expected of them or they are not capable of playing in that position. Thev most glaring example is N'zogbia. He was hoplesss at LB on Saturday. Hopeless. If a 6 mill man is capable of sitting on the bench, he's capable of starting and if he isn't better at LB than N'zogbia he shouldn't be on the bench in the first place. Why can'd fat sam see that whern everybody else can? Stubborness perhaps, can't take the fact he's wrong?


As for right back, Beye went missing most of the game and doesn't look any better than what we've had so far. Completely lost and out of position for the first two goals.  People say fat sam has worked on the defence but IMO, it's still as shaky as last season for the usual reasons. The full backs are shite so the central defenders are pulled out of position and we are constantly chasing around in the midfield unable to push any teams back. And Sam doesn't seem to want to change much around by the looks of things. No class and a bunch of grafters but more importantly, Sam has not given any positive tactical direction or organisation to at least getting a team of grafters looking like a team of footballers. No balance to the team at all.


I said in the summer that we needed a player in the midfield who could do something with the ball once we had it and got slammed on this forum. Seems like people are actually opening their eyes now. Well, some people but some still have their head in the sand if not up their arses.



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i think sam has been a huge let down so far.  Hes shown a huge lack of managerial talent.  His tactics and formations are poor.


SO far hes been a failure.


However i am happy to wait till barton is playing in midfield to judge him; if he continues to play smith in midfield then he needs the boot.  Smith is contributing nothing to the team and should be a sub at most.


when you compare the starts of man city vs nufc then its  more than a little depressing.  Even considering the difference in amounts spent.

If we keep playing the same drivel we wont make uefa cup .


The difference between Sam and Sven is clear. Sam HAD TO spend the summer re-building the defence, basically from scratch. All his efforts were spent at that end of the pitch. Sven, however, had a decent backbone with Dunne and Richards, and spent his transfer money on falir attacking players for the most part.


I'm sure, come January or next Summer, we'll be in the market for a couple of pacey flair players.


As much as people will have you believe that Man City and Newcastle were in the same boat this summer, they quite clearly weren't.


Your points regarding Sam's tactics and formations being poor, how's that? The Derby game is the ONLY evidence of this. 1 game!


I personally thought the tactics against City were spot on, and we did well first half, but it doesn't take a genius to see that we lack door-openers.


I don't know about the tactics, but the team looked lop-sided to me. Was it really necessary to play Smith, Geremi AND Butt in the midfield? I would have preferred to see Emre in there instead of either Butt or Geremi. That would have at least give us an outlet through the middle.


Enrique starting at LB and Zog moved forward and we'd look a lot less turgid in that midfield area, with plenty of defensive cover considering both Smith and Germi/Butt would still be there.

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Guest Sniffer

Nowhere close to being a knee jerk. It's an observation based on watching the Toon for years, unlike yourself of course. And actually seeing what's happening on the pitch rather than what you think is happening.

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Allardyce probably recognises the need for creativity but in fairness he's having to work with what he's got. Also, our defence was in desperate need of shoring up because we lacked both quality and numbers. This simpley had to be addressed and I think the new players are still getting used to playing in a new league. Also, Barton is injured and he'll bring some drive and creativity to midfield, as will N'Zogbia when Enrique is fully intergrated. We also lost two creative players in Solano and Dyer who provided vision and pace to the side, even though the latter never lived up to his potential. These players wanted to leave, they weren't forced out by the club and signing their replacements was never going to be easy given the timescale. I still think a creative player or two arriving will be in Allardyce's mind as well but it's all about being able to bring in the right player(s) and perhaps that just wasn't possible in the summer. People need to get a grip and give the manager time, at least a couple of years. Obviously Allardyce needs to show the side is improving but I already think we look better than last year's shambles.

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Guest Sniffer

No, but having watched the Toon for years puts me in a position to compare how fat sam is doing rather than prople who are new and are unable to make comparisons because they just don't know. So they slide into the " oh, give him three years " routine.


Nobody expects to win the league. But if you don't expect anything better than the disorganised tripe that we've seen for most of this season then I don't understand you at all. Orgainisation and preparation are  supposedly fatso's biggest qualities as a manager. I'm not seeing it so far.

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No, but having watched the Toon for years puts me in a position to compare how fat sam is doing rather than prople who are new and are unable to make comparisons because they just don't know. So they slide into the " oh, give him three years " routine.


Nobody expects to win the league. But if you don't expect anything better than the disorganised tripe that we've seen for most of this season then I don't understand you at all. Orgainisation and preparation are  supposedly fatso's biggest qualities as a manager. I'm not seeing it so far.



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I love the suggestion that you only want to give Allardyce time if you haven't been watching the Toon very long. :lol: Jesus wept indeed.

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Guest nufc_geordie

In my opinion if we finish with more points than we achieved last season that will be progress. Rome wasn't built in a day and judging by Mort's comments if they are to be believed, Newcastle were on the verge of "doing a Leeds". We have significantly strengthened the defensive and forward parts of our squad, so come January I fully expect a couple of attack minded midfielders to come in and bolster the squad. Far too many people on here have unrealistic expectations of the club! Get a grip.

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It's very hard to disagree that Fat Sam has been a huge disappointment so far.


I think what he has done in seven matches has been fairly promising. We've played 4 away matches and 3 home matces in the league, and we won 2 home, got one draw, and won 1 away, got one draw and 2 lost. With that said, the game against City was fairly good in the first half, while Boro game also was a good away game. Newcastle had the lead twice. I just wonder what people expect from the team? I feel it's fair to assume we'll compete with teams like Portsmouth, Blackburn City, Everton, West Ham this season, and we already won home against one of them. If we'll win against Everton next, we'll be on track. And regardless, we'll do better than last season, having spent less money than many other teams (and having many unable to play).


I really don't know if people expects the team to beat City away. I expected a loss there. Sure, I think we could've beaten Villa, Boro and Derby, but sometimes football doesn't go that way. What I'm sure about though is that the team would do better if people would support them and not boo them home. A lack of support makes people insecure.

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Guest MaetihS

These pple made me sick...just because we are outplayed to a better side...get real, even i Jose is the manager, doubt we can get anything from the game as we have far more inferior payers.  This is liken to Liverpool being outplayed by Milan...no shame at all.  Come on, we as fans need to be more realist.  These fans obviously think we are Arsenal hahahah expecting us to beat all teams we play.

What a silly comparison to make Man City like they are Milan and NUFC like Liverpool...For fu*ks sake...This is Man City who were being f*cked in the ass every game last season and were the laughing stock (as well as us) with the quality of their manager and players...They got taken over this summer like NUFC, they got a new manager many weeks after us and had to buy a completely new team like us and Sven had less time to do his wonder than Sam but it is getting clearer and clearer to a lot of people that Sven is miles better than Sam tactically and experienced with continental football that NUFC fans crave for because it is so enjoyable to see...




There is nothing wrong with our players compared to Man City ones...This is just another lame excuse used by people like you to hide away from the truth that Sam is currently NOT as good as Sven...


It is silly to start talking about sacking Allardyce...This is lunacy...BUT SAM NEEDS TO IMPROVE HIS TACTICS AND FORMATION because we have the players on the Bench to do so...


You are kidding yourself if you think we have better players than Man City.  Let the fact sink in that we are no better than Boro and is some way off away from matching teams like Man City and Everton.  Seriously, we shld be happy with a draw with Everton next week.

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Big Sam should have learned more about using his bolton tactics towards our players... he should more know the squad depth... and what our players capable of... seem he he still stick with his old tactics which won't work towards our player... he should be more creative


by the way give him chance... he still better manager rather than souness & roeder afterall...

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He should not go BUT a 4-3-3 is shite and does not work with Butt Smith and Geremi.


Watching the City game it was clear it does not work - no creativity what so ever.  Also, you look at the way they passed the ball and we do and we are miles apart.


SGE has been in the job no longer then Sam either.


Sam is the right manager for the job - but, if he is going to blame injuries like he has after the City game he will soon go much like Souness and Glenda did.



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Guest BooBoo

The lack of creativity problem is hardly being helped by the poor perfromances of Milner this season (grante, he's being played on the wrong side). His final ball has always been erratic but so far this term it's been hopeless. Unfortunately for him, he's our only creative outlet and when he plays poorly we then rely on the long ball from Geremi.

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