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My Interesting Day

Guest DazzaNufc1892

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Guest DazzaNufc1892

returned to manchester today and saw a few old friends. Namely 1 who is very friendly with tugay and a few of the united lads. In conversation we discussed the turkish team and moved onto emre, interestingly he said emre was after a move in summer but the club blocked it, and he is definitely going to move on, reasons given were he feels he is too big for the club and also, a strange 1 i did not understand was due to religious reasons.


Next we discussed the pricks of the football world, e.g. kieran richardson. It turns out, coming from a man u player that he is hated as much there by the players as he was at united. and now other players are refusing to play with him in the team. Sunderland are tryna get rid but no one will take him due to his reputation and off the pitch antics

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I think it's all a load of bollocks about Emre.




Aye, you actually have to be good to be bigger than a club.


He's improved his end product lately, to be fair to him.


hmmm, debatable. Did basically nothing at Reading til Duberry put thru his own net. Fair enough had a decent match vs spuds.


I just dont think he does enough as our attacking CM, you look at other clubs players in that position and they are regularly scoring/assisting. Emre just doesn't do it consistently.


His play acting fuckin pisses me off too, fuckin pussy rolling about every game, but thats another topic...

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I think it's all a load of bollocks about Emre.




Aye, you actually have to be good to be bigger than a club.


He's improved his end product lately, to be fair to him.


hmmm, debatable. Did basically nothing at Reading til Duberry put thru his own net. Fair enough had a decent match vs spuds.


I just dont think he does enough as our attacking CM, you look at other clubs players in that position and they are regularly scoring/assisting. Emre just doesn't do it consistently.


His play acting fuckin pisses me off too, fuckin pussy rolling about every game, but thats another topic...


3 assists and a goal in his last 3 games, not too bad.

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I think it's all a load of bollocks about Emre.




Aye, you actually have to be good to be bigger than a club.


He's improved his end product lately, to be fair to him.


hmmm, debatable. Did basically nothing at Reading til Duberry put thru his own net. Fair enough had a decent match vs spuds.


I just dont think he does enough as our attacking CM, you look at other clubs players in that position and they are regularly scoring/assisting. Emre just doesn't do it consistently.


His play acting fuckin pisses me off too, fuckin pussy rolling about every game, but thats another topic...


3 assists and a goal in his last 3 games, not too bad.

stats mean sod all really when put that way. ie a player can play shit in every game and claim an assist while being shit...it doesn't mean they've played well.
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I think it's all a load of bollocks about Emre.




Aye, you actually have to be good to be bigger than a club.


He's improved his end product lately, to be fair to him.


hmmm, debatable. Did basically nothing at Reading til Duberry put thru his own net. Fair enough had a decent match vs spuds.


I just dont think he does enough as our attacking CM, you look at other clubs players in that position and they are regularly scoring/assisting. Emre just doesn't do it consistently.


His play acting fuckin pisses me off too, fuckin pussy rolling about every game, but thats another topic...


3 assists and a goal in his last 3 games, not too bad.

stats mean sod all really when put that way. ie a player can play shit in every game and claim an assist while being shit...it doesn't mean they've played well.


If someone got an assist every game they would be a pretty good player to have, creating 38 league goals in a season would be very impressive.

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I think it's all a load of bollocks about Emre.




Aye, you actually have to be good to be bigger than a club.


He's improved his end product lately, to be fair to him.


hmmm, debatable. Did basically nothing at Reading til Duberry put thru his own net. Fair enough had a decent match vs spuds.


I just dont think he does enough as our attacking CM, you look at other clubs players in that position and they are regularly scoring/assisting. Emre just doesn't do it consistently.


His play acting fuckin pisses me off too, fuckin pussy rolling about every game, but thats another topic...


3 assists and a goal in his last 3 games, not too bad.

stats mean sod all really when put that way. ie a player can play s*** in every game and claim an assist while being s***...it doesn't mean they've played well.


If someone got an assist every game they would be a pretty good player to have, creating 38 league goals in a season would be very impressive.

no it wouldn't, think man,half could be misplaced passes but they got the last touch....would you be happy with a player who plays shit all game then in the last minute sets up the winner ?
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I think it's all a load of bollocks about Emre.




Aye, you actually have to be good to be bigger than a club.


He's improved his end product lately, to be fair to him.


hmmm, debatable. Did basically nothing at Reading til Duberry put thru his own net. Fair enough had a decent match vs spuds.


I just dont think he does enough as our attacking CM, you look at other clubs players in that position and they are regularly scoring/assisting. Emre just doesn't do it consistently.


His play acting fuckin pisses me off too, fuckin pussy rolling about every game, but thats another topic...


3 assists and a goal in his last 3 games, not too bad.

stats mean sod all really when put that way. ie a player can play s*** in every game and claim an assist while being s***...it doesn't mean they've played well.


If someone got an assist every game they would be a pretty good player to have, creating 38 league goals in a season would be very impressive.

no it wouldn't, think man,half could be misplaced passes but they got the last touch....would you be happy with a player who plays shit all game then in the last minute sets up the winner ?


If he set up the winner in every game that would mean we would win every game and so win the league, in that case I would be delighted.

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I think it's all a load of bollocks about Emre.




Aye, you actually have to be good to be bigger than a club.


He's improved his end product lately, to be fair to him.


hmmm, debatable. Did basically nothing at Reading til Duberry put thru his own net. Fair enough had a decent match vs spuds.


I just dont think he does enough as our attacking CM, you look at other clubs players in that position and they are regularly scoring/assisting. Emre just doesn't do it consistently.


His play acting fuckin pisses me off too, fuckin pussy rolling about every game, but thats another topic...


3 assists and a goal in his last 3 games, not too bad.

stats mean sod all really when put that way. ie a player can play s*** in every game and claim an assist while being s***...it doesn't mean they've played well.


If someone got an assist every game they would be a pretty good player to have, creating 38 league goals in a season would be very impressive.

no it wouldn't, think man,half could be misplaced passes but they got the last touch....would you be happy with a player who plays s*** all game then in the last minute sets up the winner ?


If he set up the winner in every game that would mean we would win every game and so win the league, in that case I would be delighted.

with the team but in particular with the player.



TWAT :tickedoff:...you know exactly what i'm getting at

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I think it's all a load of bollocks about Emre.




Aye, you actually have to be good to be bigger than a club.


He's improved his end product lately, to be fair to him.


hmmm, debatable. Did basically nothing at Reading til Duberry put thru his own net. Fair enough had a decent match vs spuds.


I just dont think he does enough as our attacking CM, you look at other clubs players in that position and they are regularly scoring/assisting. Emre just doesn't do it consistently.


His play acting fuckin pisses me off too, fuckin pussy rolling about every game, but thats another topic...


3 assists and a goal in his last 3 games, not too bad.

stats mean sod all really when put that way. ie a player can play s*** in every game and claim an assist while being s***...it doesn't mean they've played well.


If someone got an assist every game they would be a pretty good player to have, creating 38 league goals in a season would be very impressive.

no it wouldn't, think man,half could be misplaced passes but they got the last touch....would you be happy with a player who plays s*** all game then in the last minute sets up the winner ?


If he set up the winner in every game that would mean we would win every game and so win the league, in that case I would be delighted.

with the team but in particular with the player.



TWAT :tickedoff:...you know exactly what i'm getting at


Yes I do, I was being an arse.


But Emre has done well since he came back imo.

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I think it's all a load of bollocks about Emre.




Aye, you actually have to be good to be bigger than a club.


He's improved his end product lately, to be fair to him.


hmmm, debatable. Did basically nothing at Reading til Duberry put thru his own net. Fair enough had a decent match vs spuds.


I just dont think he does enough as our attacking CM, you look at other clubs players in that position and they are regularly scoring/assisting. Emre just doesn't do it consistently.


His play acting fuckin pisses me off too, fuckin pussy rolling about every game, but thats another topic...


3 assists and a goal in his last 3 games, not too bad.

stats mean sod all really when put that way. ie a player can play s*** in every game and claim an assist while being s***...it doesn't mean they've played well.


If someone got an assist every game they would be a pretty good player to have, creating 38 league goals in a season would be very impressive.

no it wouldn't, think man,half could be misplaced passes but they got the last touch....would you be happy with a player who plays s*** all game then in the last minute sets up the winner ?


If he set up the winner in every game that would mean we would win every game and so win the league, in that case I would be delighted.

with the team but in particular with the player.



t*** :tickedoff:...you know exactly what i'm getting at


Yes I do, I was being an arse.


But Emre has done well since he came back imo.

he'a annoying cos he always plays well when he comes back in,then when he gets a run he doesn't do enough,espesh away from home
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Guest DazzaNufc1892

you can talk about brown and say it didnt happen. But im sure iv had more right than wrong, nd im sure i said that out bid was purely dependant on heinze's move and nevilles fitness. Finally, im positive i came on here a week ago and told you about our firm intrest in crouch, 3/4 days before the press reported it. Im just not going to bother on here any more its a joke giving info that is found out

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you can talk about brown and say it didnt happen. But im sure iv had more right than wrong, nd im sure i said that out bid was purely dependant on heinze's move and nevilles fitness. Finally, im positive i came on here a week ago and told you about our firm intrest in crouch, 3/4 days before the press reported it. Im just not going to bother on here any more its a joke giving info that is found out

ah i see, the press report it so it's true ?
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you can talk about brown and say it didnt happen. But im sure iv had more right than wrong, nd im sure i said that out bid was purely dependant on heinze's move and nevilles fitness. Finally, im positive i came on here a week ago and told you about our firm intrest in crouch, 3/4 days before the press reported it. Im just not going to bother on here any more its a joke giving info that is found out


Hear what you're saying but I think you're a little naive if you think you're the only one who's being told this stuff.


Also, it's a forum that anyone, journalists included, COULD join. Not saying they do btw.

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I think it's all a load of bollocks about Emre.




Aye, you actually have to be good to be bigger than a club.


He's improved his end product lately, to be fair to him.


hmmm, debatable. Did basically nothing at Reading til Duberry put thru his own net. Fair enough had a decent match vs spuds.


I just dont think he does enough as our attacking CM, you look at other clubs players in that position and they are regularly scoring/assisting. Emre just doesn't do it consistently.


His play acting fuckin pisses me off too, fuckin pussy rolling about every game, but thats another topic...


3 assists and a goal in his last 3 games, not too bad.

stats mean sod all really when put that way. ie a player can play s*** in every game and claim an assist while being s***...it doesn't mean they've played well.


It's as if we've been transported back in time 4 years to a certain ex-player thread.

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you can talk about brown and say it didnt happen. But im sure iv had more right than wrong, nd im sure i said that out bid was purely dependant on heinze's move and nevilles fitness. Finally, im positive i came on here a week ago and told you about our firm intrest in crouch, 3/4 days before the press reported it. Im just not going to bother on here any more its a joke giving info that is found out


I think you have to understand scepticism about these things though. There are so many people with supposed rumours etc all the time that are rarely true.


Also I could have told you Allardyce wants Crouch playing for him ages ago. Doesn't exactly take a genius to put together the pieces of Sam liking big target men and having raved about Crouch as one of England's most effective players.

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you can talk about brown and say it didnt happen. But im sure iv had more right than wrong, nd im sure i said that out bid was purely dependant on heinze's move and nevilles fitness. Finally, im positive i came on here a week ago and told you about our firm intrest in crouch, 3/4 days before the press reported it. Im just not going to bother on here any more its a joke giving info that is found out


I think you have to understand scepticism about these things though. There are so many people with supposed rumours etc all the time that are rarely true.


Also I could have told you Allardyce wants Crouch playing for him ages ago. Doesn't exactly take a genius to put together the pieces of Sam liking big target men and having raved about Crouch as one of England's most effective players.


He broke the news of the Smith transfer before it had become widespread knowledge. This guy does get the occassional Manchester United tidbit.

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you can talk about brown and say it didnt happen. But im sure iv had more right than wrong, nd im sure i said that out bid was purely dependant on heinze's move and nevilles fitness. Finally, im positive i came on here a week ago and told you about our firm intrest in crouch, 3/4 days before the press reported it. Im just not going to bother on here any more its a joke giving info that is found out



I think you have to understand scepticism about these things though. There are so many people with supposed rumours etc all the time that are rarely true.


Also I could have told you Allardyce wants Crouch playing for him ages ago. Doesn't exactly take a genius to put together the pieces of Sam liking big target men and having raved about Crouch as one of England's most effective players.


He broke the news of the Smith transfer before it had become widespread knowledge. This guy does get the occassional Manchester United tidbit.


If only he'd been wrong about that one.

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