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With home support like this, what chance has anyone got of succeeding here?


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I've only read the quoted bit of text on here and not the whole article but it sounds more like a mouth piece from the thoughts of the club than a comment from a fan. To have a go at the support after a performance that was given by the players just seems strange. I've no problem them having a general pop at the fans who have a go regardless of performance, result or stuff like that. Surely after a performance like Saturdays the people who deserve the criticism are those on the pitch ?

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I think the article is spot on - in a general sense.  I did not see or was not at the game so cannot comment on some of the points.


Ok, a 4-1 defeat at home is not on and questions should rightly be asked.  However, in the context of a whole load of recent events, one or two bad results following our best start to a season in years the club should not implode into the fans freaking out and media jumping on the jizzwagon of who is tipped to take over big sam after less that a third of the season in charge.  It is utter bollocks.


We have a new chairman and owner, one that has cleared our debts and has put the club in a much better place. We have one of the best managers in the league and whole load of new players - all of which need time.


The time to judge all of the above is not after 11 games and two shite results.  We have to see this period as a transition - not "we are going to win the league bollocks"..


I agree some of Sams tactics have been shocking, however, I feel he should be given the time to get it right.  After the absolute shite he got dumped with, this HAS to and WILL take time.


Some people will never see this and as a result the pressure will always be on our managers.  As Mort has said, changing managers when things go wrong does not work.  I think the long term view is something NUFC and its fans has never been good at.  Will this attitude change?  Probably not.  Should it?  Definately.


Alex Ferguson took time to get going at Manure - look at them now. 


People need to look at themselves and realise that alot of the pressure the fans apply is counter productive and damaging to the club. 


Two wins on the bounce now and my points will probably be proved - until the next "big sam has to go" result (loss).

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I hate the way people pontificate to other fans in this way.  It's usually just some preening, jumped-up, conceited tw@t on an ego-trip trying to say "I'm a better supporter than you".


As much as I enjoy their site, it has to be said you do get a lot of that from nufc.com.


As Brummie pointed out, Villa fans left in their thousands in response to a hammering from Man Utd. We were hammered by Portsmouth and here we have nufc.com suggesting it is the reason we're not successful. Whose fans should we model ourselves on then? Should we be more like Man Utd fans, Chelsea fans? Perhaps we should be like Real Madrid or Barcelona and make the stadium like a library, or even better we could copy Juventus and leave vast sections of the stadium empty altogether? These clubs seem to be successful, maybe we've got it all wrong eh? We're to blame, folks.


It's quite a hypocritical piece from .com IMO. Here they are happily adding to the hysteria and hyperbole and I don't see how their comments are designed to galvanise supporters. There are some very valid points in that piece but there's also some condescending bollocks.

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There are fans who think it is a badge of honour to be so 'disgusted with the club' because they 'care so passionately' that leaving early or getting a right strop on is sort of meant to represent their depth of support.


People are not walking out calmly saying 'i'm a bit bored of this, think i'll pop along to the pub early', they are stamping their feet and making out like their life is about to end.


I think .com have it spot on as they can see instinctively the pathetic and fruitless nature of this mind set, it doesnt stand up to the reality of our situation.


I stayed to the end as usual.

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I hate the way people pontificate to other fans in this way.  It's usually just some preening, jumped-up, conceited tw@t on an ego-trip trying to say "I'm a better supporter than you".


As much as I enjoy their site, it has to be said you do get a lot of that from nufc.com.


As Brummie pointed out, Villa fans left in their thousands in response to a hammering from Man Utd. We were hammered by Portsmouth and here we have nufc.com suggesting it is the reason we're not successful. Whose fans should we model ourselves on then? Should we be more like Man Utd fans, Chelsea fans, perhaps we should be like Real Madrid or Barcelona and make the stadium like a library, or even better we could copy Juventus and leave vast sections of the stadium empty altogether? These clubs seem to be successful, maybe we've got it all wrong eh? We're to blame, folks.


It's quite a hypocritical piece from .com IMO. Here they are happily adding to the hysteria and hyperbole and I don't see how their comments are designed to galvanise supporters. There are some very valid points in that piece but there's also some condescending bollocks.


It is condescending to criticise others but then again when people need to pull their heads out of their arses and think about the situation the club has been in for the last 3 years......


Just because Villa fans are idiots too, doesnt mean .com cant say they think our lot are being stupid too.

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I hate the way people pontificate to other fans in this way.  It's usually just some preening, jumped-up, conceited tw@t on an ego-trip trying to say "I'm a better supporter than you".


As much as I enjoy their site, it has to be said you do get a lot of that from nufc.com.


As Brummie pointed out, Villa fans left in their thousands in response to a hammering from Man Utd. We were hammered by Portsmouth and here we have nufc.com suggesting it is the reason we're not successful. Whose fans should we model ourselves on then? Should we be more like Man Utd fans, Chelsea fans, perhaps we should be like Real Madrid or Barcelona and make the stadium like a library, or even better we could copy Juventus and leave vast sections of the stadium empty altogether? These clubs seem to be successful, maybe we've got it all wrong eh? We're to blame, folks.


It's quite a hypocritical piece from .com IMO. Here they are happily adding to the hysteria and hyperbole and I don't see how their comments are designed to galvanise supporters. There are some very valid points in that piece but there's also some condescending bollocks.


It is condescending to criticise others but then again when people need to pull their heads out of their arses and think about the situation the club has been in for the last 3 years......


Just because Villa fans are idiots too, doesnt mean .com cant say they think our lot are being stupid too.


Absolutely and there are parts of that piece which are valid and perhaps needed saying. But they seem only too happy to add to the hysteria and it reads like a bit of a tantrum. The last line is ridiculous, the most successful clubs have the most impatient and demanding fans going. They were clearly looking for a pithy conclusion to wrap it up but it is bollocks and they know it.

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I left with about 10 minutes to go. 4-1 down with the game peetering our (as it had been from around 25 minutes in) I feel more than jusitified in leaving early. The fans had shown up to that point enough loyalty & support to the team.


The fact is that the game was over after 11 minutes (but we weren't to know that then), we did nothing to change the course of the final result in our favour & the club, manager & players could not have complained if there was no-one left at full time.


.com are wrong to condemn the fans who left shortly before the end. Having spent over £30 of hard earned cash I feel entitled to have seen better.



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The same arseholes (i.e. .com) were having a pop at Allardyce before we'd played a game. Expect a few members who mysteriously never post except in threads about .com to come on and defend them btw.

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Phrases along the lines of "it's always been like this" just aren't true. The phrase of "that familiar circle of pressure, impatience and reaction" doesn't apply until after the departure of Keegan, to be honest.  So I can only imagine that some memories are rather short, unless they don't really mean that "it's always been like this." After saying that, even after the Keegan times, Robson had 5 years because he was clearly doing ok, you simply can't stick with a manager who is obviously not doing a good job. Relegation lies down that road and the club can't afford relegation.


What really hasn't changed is that we've won nowt but the club as a whole has changed massively over the years I've been a supporter.


What we have now are a load of people who appear to be demanding success as though we have some kind of right to success. They may not think they're like this but they do create that impression when they get up and walk out when the 4th goal goes in, or they boo our own players or (according to some) even laugh at our own players. The club doesn't need this type of supporter but that's what they've ended up with.


essentially correct. Some people would reply by saying that the older fan has less expectation when accused by the older fan of "thinking they have a right to success". I don't have less expectation at all. I've always wanted to win the league and bring in the type of players that you need at a club that wants to win the league.


But basically, going back in time, there were less fans, but who were fundamentally more loyal and stuck with the club more, most definitely because the club was not expected to be successful.


The people who bugger off - whenever this happens and just because we are losing - are welcome to bugger off, for me, and the sooner they let someone else in their seat who will stay, or not boo, or not laugh at our own players, the better.



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slightly different ........ but how many people on here are always late into the ground because they are at the pub, and how many people go for a pint before half time, and come back after the break, for instance ?


A bloke who sits 2 seats to my left - sometimes - always goes for a pint 10 minutes before half time, and comes back about 20 minutes into the 2nd half. Why does he bother coming to the game ???????????????


I also heard the idiot muttering to his mate when we were trying to come back from 3-1 down - "this is quite entertaining now".  :weep:

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It's the 'modern football fan'. I don't get it myself if I'm being honest. I've often commented on the people who miss about 10-15 minutes of the game due to arriving late, going for a half-time pint early then leaving early. Where the fuck some people need to be so quickly at ten to five on a Saturday is beyond me. That said, I went after the board for added time went up on Saturday. I'd had enough and I needed a slash.

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Theres a couple of older lads in the gallowgate that spend most of the game at the bar. I have a theory that the match is their one escape route from the family for a couple of hours on a saturday and prefer to spend it drinking than watching the dross on the pitch.

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slightly different ........ but how many people on here are always late into the ground because they are at the pub, and how many people go for a pint before half time, and come back after the break, for instance ?


A bloke who sits 2 seats to my left - sometimes - always goes for a pint 10 minutes before half time, and comes back about 20 minutes into the 2nd half. Why does he bother coming to the game ???????????????


I also heard the idiot muttering to his mate when we were trying to come back from 3-1 down - "this is quite entertaining now".  :weep:


I'm always in the ground about 2.45 normally but on Saturday we were running a bit late from the off, culminating with a massive queue outside the turnstile I didn't get in until 3.15, missed all 3 goals!


Never understand going downstairs before half-time though, its stupid.

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People turn up 10 minutes late, leave 10 minutes before half-time, don't come back until 10 minutes after half-time then leave 10 minutes before the end. They see less than an hour of a 90 minute match. Amazes me.

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People turn up 10 minutes late, leave 10 minutes before half-time, don't come back until 10 minutes after half-time then leave 10 minutes before the end. They see less than an hour of a 90 minute match. Amazes me.


People going down to get food and drink 10 mins before half time does my fucking nut in. Can't they last 90 minutes without consuming?


These are the people who really need to give themselves a good talking to, more so than those who leave early when their side is 3 goals down.

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The ammount of people flooding out of SJP, win lose or draw, ten minutes before the end is pretty shameful. As someone said above, whats so important that they have to get away for?! The whole "beat the traffic" excuse can be easily avoided- just go for a pint (of shandy) and let the traffic congestion ease.

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Phrases along the lines of "it's always been like this" just aren't true. The phrase of "that familiar circle of pressure, impatience and reaction" doesn't apply until after the departure of Keegan, to be honest.  So I can only imagine that some memories are rather short, unless they don't really mean that "it's always been like this." After saying that, even after the Keegan times, Robson had 5 years because he was clearly doing ok, you simply can't stick with a manager who is obviously not doing a good job. Relegation lies down that road and the club can't afford relegation.


What really hasn't changed is that we've won nowt but the club as a whole has changed massively over the years I've been a supporter.


What we have now are a load of people who appear to be demanding success as though we have some kind of right to success. They may not think they're like this but they do create that impression when they get up and walk out when the 4th goal goes in, or they boo our own players or (according to some) even laugh at our own players. The club doesn't need this type of supporter but that's what they've ended up with.


essentially correct. Some people would reply by saying that the older fan has less expectation when accused by the older fan of "thinking they have a right to success". I don't have less expectation at all. I've always wanted to win the league and bring in the type of players that you need at a club that wants to win the league.


But basically, going back in time, there were less fans, but who were fundamentally more loyal and stuck with the club more, most definitely because the club was not expected to be successful.


The people who bugger off - whenever this happens and just because we are losing - are welcome to bugger off, for me, and the sooner they let someone else in their seat who will stay, or not boo, or not laugh at our own players, the better.




The point is the seat is unlikely to be taken by anyone better.


Going back to the pre Keegan days, when we were shite and not expected to win anything, there was a hardcore of fans who supported the club and would turn up and "sing their hearts out for the lads" irrespective of what was happening on the pitch. That hardcore support is still there, and I'd put their number at about half the ground capacity, the rest are bandwagon merchants just waiting for an excuse to bin their season tickets.

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