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Big Sam, would he stay? Says so...

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Guest MagicNumber9

Tough one but dont think he will leave but I dont think he will be approached anyways!


Come on, your talking about the FA who employed Mclaren only 2 years ago, wouldnt be suprised if Hollaway gets a look in knowing them usless b@st@rds

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I'd rather see him stay with us...


However, if he is on the "famouos list", they better f***ing pay us some compensation for Owen's inj. first, and then I expect them to give us a  Big(fat) bag of money for Big Sam. We're not selling out cheap this time! He*l No way!

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I don't honestly see the FA offering him a job after all those bung allegations.  Also he's been fairly outspoken as a rule and threw his toys out of the pram after McClown was appointed.  They're a conservative bunch generally in terms of standards & the press.  That's why we tend to end up with mediocrity instead of excellence, that's why Cloughie was never appointed and we've not moved on much since then.  Added to that he's hardly pulled up trees this season and the football's been generally poor.

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Guest Ridzuan

Nope,I dont think he will go (though I hope it will happen so that we can get a top class  manager here).I think the reason he wont go is because he has just recently join us and if he decides to go,then I think most people will be very disappointed with his decision,not including me.

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Guest Ridzuan

There is no chance of Jose coming here.He has said that he wouldnt want to manage another english club in his next step and I would assume that he would stick to his words.But if he has a change of heart,I wouldnt mind him coming here either.

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I think Allardyce would do a better job than McClaren....but then so would my dog....and I dont even have a dog !


**Nightmare possibility***

Allardyce gets offered the job, and McClaren gets Newcastle job !

SCREEEEEEEEAAAAAMMMM !!!!!!!!!!!! :kasper:

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Categorically ruled himself out of the running.


I remember last season when we were doing absolutely shite, Pearce took the U21 job. Some fucking nerve. Allardyce hasn't exactly hit the ground running so well done to him for doing what that twat Pearce couldn't and showing some pride in trying to get the job he's in working right before thinking of whats best for himself.

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Guest nufc_geordie

I had a feeling Big Sam might have said that. Theoretically the FA could have appointed him, but the likelyhood is that he wouldn't have got the job as he missed out last time and his history regarding the Bung's enquiry. What Sam's actually done is taken a decision away from Ashley and Mort. If Big Sam had have declared an interest in teh England job I could see those two letting him go if the job was offered. He wasn't there choice of manager and he hasn't exactly set the world on fire with his start here. I'm personally glad he's staying at Newcastle but i'm not too sure whether Mort and Ashley will be glad he's not interested in England at the moment.

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I don't dislike the bloke or owt but i hope he goes and we go for mourinho.

if we are going to spend wads on players i want to see good football. chelsea under jose done it for about 4 month


Mate we can play more boring football than we are now and win games under Mourinho! And yes he may hyave spent a wad of cash but lets not forget he did win the league twice as well as the FA and Carling Cups. He is in a different league of management to Allardyce. I know it's all about giving a manager time but if the oppurtunity arises to get Jose and Sam can go to where he wanted to be all along, there would not be a moment's hesitation in my mind!

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I don't dislike the bloke or owt but i hope he goes and we go for mourinho.

if we are going to spend wads on players i want to see good football. chelsea under jose done it for about 4 month


Mate we can play more boring football than we are now and win games under Mourinho! And yes he may hyave spent a wad of cash but lets not forget he did win the league twice as well as the FA and Carling Cups. He is in a different league of management to Allardyce. I know it's all about giving a manager time but if the oppurtunity arises to get Jose and Sam can go to where he wanted to be all along, there would not be a moment's hesitation in my mind!


Cant belive people seriusly think Mourinho would come to us, itrs as likely as Kaka/Tevez/Rooney etc wanting to sign for us..

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Guest Brewcastle


Dont know if this has been posted yet? Big Sam is staying put !

And Sam says: He added: "I don't think it's any shock to anybody, unfortunately, part of that job - the non-negotiable - would be to qualify for the Euro 2008 championships and if you don't you suffer the consequences.


The same consequences as if you not qualify NUFC for Europe  >:D.


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I don't dislike the bloke or owt but i hope he goes and we go for mourinho.

if we are going to spend wads on players i want to see good football. chelsea under jose done it for about 4 month


Mate we can play more boring football than we are now and win games under Mourinho! And yes he may hyave spent a wad of cash but lets not forget he did win the league twice as well as the FA and Carling Cups. He is in a different league of management to Allardyce. I know it's all about giving a manager time but if the oppurtunity arises to get Jose and Sam can go to where he wanted to be all along, there would not be a moment's hesitation in my mind!


Cant belive people seriusly think Mourinho would come to us, itrs as likely as Kaka/Tevez/Rooney etc wanting to sign for us..



Based on what exactly?

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