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The booing perspective - Joey Barton has his say on us...

Benwell Lad
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I've been going to Newcastle matches for over 15 years now and have always been of the opinion that you support the team no matter what. If you want to withhold applause at the end then fine, but don't boo - leave that to the Mackems.


All that changed on Saturday though. Whilst I didn't boo them myself (I did join in with "You don't know what you're doing" though) I fully understand why people have taken this course of action and was sorely tempted to join in, which I've never even contemplated before in all my time at St James's park.


I've never witnessed such dross as I have this year and the only way to get the message across that the mentality we have adopted on the pitch is absolutely unacceptable is to make some kind of vocal gesture. And before anyone starts I'm not talking about the results here, I couldn't care less about getting beaten by Liverpool or even Derby as these things happen and you get on with it but at least have the right players in the right positions and try to get forward a bit. Tactically Sam is getting it wrong week after week and it's hard to just sit there and watch as your team comes out lined up so fundamentally wrongly and tries to sneak a nil-nil at the Premiership's whipping boys.


I don't think any of the booing was directed at the players whatsoever, it was solely at Allardyce for his baffling and perplexing lineup, mentality, tactics and substitutions, all of which he somehow manages to get wrong every single week. If nothing changes, he can expect further insipid performances like Saturday's (And Reading, Derby, Sunderland, Portsomouth etc...) and if we keep managing to average 3 off target efforts per match, none on target and no corners then he can only expect the booing to get even louder. Next time I might join in.

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Guest ChickenKiev

I left with ten minutes to go on Saturday - as it is my right to do.  The game was over as a contest and I wanted to beat the traffic.  People can pontificate all they want, it's none of their f****** business.


Well said!

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I've been going to Newcastle matches for over 15 years now and have always been of the opinion that you support the team no matter what. If you want to withhold applause at the end then fine, but don't boo - leave that to the Mackems.


All that changed on Saturday though. Whilst I didn't boo them myself (I did join in with "You don't know what you're doing" though) I fully understand why people have taken this course of action and was sorely tempted to join in, which I've never even contemplated before in all my time at St James's park.


I've never witnessed such dross as I have this year and the only way to get the message across that the mentality we have adopted on the pitch is absolutely unacceptable is to make some kind of vocal gesture. And before anyone starts I'm not talking about the results here, I couldn't care less about getting beaten by Liverpool or even Derby as these things happen and you get on with it but at least have the right players in the right positions and try to get forward a bit. Tactically Sam is getting it wrong week after week and it's hard to just sit there and watch as your team comes out lined up so fundamentally wrongly and tries to sneak a nil-nil at the Premiership's whipping boys.


I don't think any of the booing was directed at the players whatsoever, it was solely at Allardyce for his baffling and perplexing lineup, mentality, tactics and substitutions, all of which he somehow manages to get wrong every single week. If nothing changes, he can expect further insipid performances like Saturday's (And Reading, Derby, Sunderland, Portsomouth etc...) and if we keep managing to average 3 off target efforts per match, none on target and no corners then he can only expect the booing to get even louder. Next time I might join in.


No more needs to be said  :clap:

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I'm sure I saw people leave at the Carr substitution. Never seen that before.


The Carr substitution was perhaps the only one I could understand. The match was lost at 3-0, and he wanted to give him a few minutes of pitch time to help him get back to fitness. Why he didn't take Geremi off though and put Carr on at his favoured right back position is anyone's guess, but I can understand why he brought him on.


Actually, thinking about it, he probably took Enrique off as he might have realised that if he DID take Geremi off, it would have elicited the biggest cheer of the day.

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I stayed until the end, was to numb to move. :D


The "you don't what your doing" chant was very loud and a fair enough point made I thought, to many times Sam has taken off the wrong player when making a change. I think its just getting to the point where everyone is sick to death of the very poor football we play and the fact that Sam appears to be unable to do anything about it.

I worry that the only way he can sort things out is to go back to his Bolton style of play, and end up raiding Bolton in January for his type of player. He is starting to look like a one trick pony, a long ball pony!!

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I stayed until the end, was to numb to move. :D


The "you don't what your doing" chant was very loud and a fair enough point made I thought, to many times Sam has taken off the wrong player when making a change. I think its just getting to the point where everyone is sick to death of the very poor football we play and the fact that Sam appears to be unable to do anything about it.

I worry that the only way he can sort things out is to go back to his Bolton style of play, and end up raiding Bolton in January for his type of player. He is starting to look like a one trick pony, a long ball pony!!


Sad but true.

His Bolton team were consistently the worst team to watch when they played at SJP, but he argues the style got results that made them punch above their weight.

Right now we'd just like to win a couple of games by any method but long term the Bolton style will never work out at Newcastle.

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Sacking Big Sam would just be ludicrous at this point. Who in their right mind would come in knowing that they had 6 month to win the league, the fa cup and beat the mackems 23 nil or the crowd would turn on him. Patience is what we need at the moment. If we keep on sacking managers we will achieve fuck all.


Exactly toonlass.


In the past we've always had an itchy trigger finger, just waiting to jump on the idiotic tabloid bandwagon and start heads rolling.


With a brand new boardroom and a seeminly intelligent and patient setup we'll reap the rewards eventually.


We have to get through these tough times, we have to realise that sacking a manager gets us nowhere and continuity is where success lies. Yes, sam will make mistakes and yes at times results will be horrible but I've seen this at so many clubs over the years and they rightly stuck with their manager, supported him and in the end were much better off for it.


Its just sad that the media monkeys pulling the strings influence the idiots so easily. 

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I don't think we have the right squad to play Sam's way, not the long ball attacking play any team can do that,  but the off the ball dropping back into two banks of four and closeting the door tactic.

We would do better closing down higher up the pitch and winning the ball back as fast as we can. We have decent players as individuals but I do not think as a team we have the right blend no matter what 11 players he picks. If Sam wants to stay here and play on the deck football then he needs to sell players first and he has to be brave enough to do it. Then he must go out and buy the right players and not worry about the price if he has those kinds of funds at his disposal then spend it  all.

The type of player he looks for in January will give us a good idea of how he see's us playing, if he starts looking for big bully boys then its off back to the Bolton boring style then he will get even more stick from the fans but if he is looking at players like Riquelme then he may just get the fans back on side.

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I don't think we have the right squad to play Sam's way, not the long ball attacking play any team can do that,  but the off the ball dropping back into two banks of four and closeting the door tactic.

We would do better closing down higher up the pitch and winning the ball back as fast as we can. We have decent players as individuals but I do not think as a team we have the right blend no matter what 11 players he picks. If Sam wants to stay here and play on the deck football then he needs to sell players first and he has to be brave enough to do it. Then he must go out and buy the right players and not worry about the price if he has those kinds of funds at his disposal then spend it  all.

The type of player he looks for in January will give us a good idea of how he see's us playing, if he starts looking for big bully boys then its off back to the Bolton boring style then he will get even more stick from the fans but if he is looking at players like Riquelme then he may just get the fans back on side.


from the money he has spent so far, i have fuck all faith in his being allowed to spend any more cash.

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I wouldn't blame anyone who did leave early and some booing was inevitable. The songs aimed at Allardyce by our own 'fans' was another matter for me though.


Why? Should we be grateful to have a manager who is not up to it? Shoudl we sing our praises for a man liek him?


Never any grey areas with you are there? :lol:


Just because someone doesn't join in with chanting doesn't mean they are happy ffs.

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I don't think we have the right squad to play Sam's way, not the long ball attacking play any team can do that,  but the off the ball dropping back into two banks of four and closeting the door tactic.

We would do better closing down higher up the pitch and winning the ball back as fast as we can. We have decent players as individuals but I do not think as a team we have the right blend no matter what 11 players he picks. If Sam wants to stay here and play on the deck football then he needs to sell players first and he has to be brave enough to do it. Then he must go out and buy the right players and not worry about the price if he has those kinds of funds at his disposal then spend it  all.

The type of player he looks for in January will give us a good idea of how he see's us playing, if he starts looking for big bully boys then its off back to the Bolton boring style then he will get even more stick from the fans but if he is looking at players like Riquelme then he may just get the fans back on side.


from the money he has spent so far, i have f*** all faith in his being allowed to spend any more cash.


Ashley shouldn't let the fat idiot have another penny

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I wouldn't blame anyone who did leave early and some booing was inevitable. The songs aimed at Allardyce by our own 'fans' was another matter for me though.


Why? Should we be grateful to have a manager who is not up to it? Shoudl we sing our praises for a man liek him?

Yes, that's what I said. I was delighted on Saturday, obviously.

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i understand people booing, i didnt boo anyone though

definitly dont understand people walking out when we are getting tortured, i saw a few people leave when they went 2-0 up, there was 43minutes to go and some people actually went!

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Personally hate it. Particularly when the knuckle dragging plebs start on it for no particular reason other their hatred of something about the player. Happens sadly. Saturdays was just frustration though. Not into it, won't condone it and won't do it though.

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Guest justin99.

be funny if Ashley joined in with the chants


If I had gone to the match, I would have probably pulled my seat out due to frustration.


most pundits giving Sam 2-3 more games, we'll see what happens...

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Guest Spurs_from_Africa

Surely you cant have been that bad could you? You are 11th in the league, with a squad that from an outsider's view looks better than last season's, although i dont think you have replaced the likes of Dyer and Solano. I had my doubts as to how Sam would do at a big club because I thought his transfer policy/tactics didnt suit a big club but I honestly dont think you have given him enough time.

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I wouldn't blame anyone who did leave early and some booing was inevitable. The songs aimed at Allardyce by our own 'fans' was another matter for me though.



Thats where I draw the line, too.

That was beyond the pale.

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Surely you cant have been that bad could you? You are 11th in the league, with a squad that from an outsider's view looks better than last season's, although i dont think you have replaced the likes of Dyer and Solano. I had my doubts as to how Sam would do at a big club because I thought his transfer policy/tactics didnt suit a big club but I honestly dont think you have given him enough time.


We are always "The worst team/performance I have seen in my 89 years of going".


Grass is always greener aswell.



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I was as dissapointed as anyone but our fans are a joke at the mo, in past weeks we have chanted for Martins to come off the bench, then moaned and groaned everytime hes missed a chance or lost the ball, chanted for Milner to come on then moaned as he has come on and dissapointed, Now we want rid of SA, so what we get rid and move onto the next saviour then piss and moan if he does not take us into top 4 within 10-15 games.


Surely you mean 'moaned as he has come on the left wing and has to cut back onto his strong foot to even have a chance of performing'.


I'm sorry mate, but the result on Saturday was (glaringly) obviously down to one man alone and his inability to pick a balanced team in a familiar formation, and use his substitutes wisely.


Blind faith must be a wonderful skill to master, but also a very risky one.


Iam not defending SA, iam saying we always think better is round the corner, who do we REALISTICALLY replace him with?, people calling for Mourinho are a joke.


I can't answer that question, I don't know. All I know is that as things stand we are going nowhere.

But if you haven't got a solution then all we'd be doing is change for changes sake and look where that's got us in the past.  Maybe we should try a different approach this time and back the manager, give him reasonable time and "support" the team?  You know, something crazy like that.


Most people will argue, we gave Souness and Roeder time and look what that did, the huge diffrence is that SA will not take us down or leave us with a championship quality team..like the souness and roeder did

you may get quoted on that in the future ,nobody knows if he will take us down or keep us up ,roeder and souness didnt take us down either as they were not given the chance by fat fred but the longer we struggle and show no signs of progress and disenchantment on the terraces will more than likely dictate our chairmans actions .
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Guest justin99.

This gave me a chuckle..



Newcastle boss Sam Allardyce tried to dig into what was wrong with his poorly performing side when he asked his players if they did not like him or his training methods - the responses were of the mumbled variety. (Guardian)

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