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Egg Head Leaves West Ham


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West Ham United has today announced changes in share ownership and a number of changes to the governance of the Club as part of the long-term development of the Club and its plans for the future, including a new 60,000 seat stadium.


The changes were agreed at a shareholders meeting of WH Holding, the UK holding company of West Ham United Plc.


The key changes are as follows:


# Bjorgolfur Gudmundsson has bought the five per cent of shares held by Eggert Magnusson in West Ham United and is now the sole owner of West Ham United.


# Mr Gudmundsson has invested a further £30.5m into the company in order to bolster the financial base of the Club.


# WH Holding and West Ham United Plc will form a joint Board to oversee all activities of the Club, including the new stadium development project.


# The new Board will be chaired by Mr Bjorgolfur Gudmundsson.


# Mr Eggert Magnusson has decided to stand down as Club Chairman in order to pursue his wider business and football interests.


# The new Board will comprise: Bjorgolfur Gudmundsson (Chairman), Asgeir Fridgeirsson (Vice-Chairman), Thor Kristjansson, Mike Lee, Gudmundur Oddsson with Executive Directors Scott Duxbury (CEO) and Nick Igoe (Finance Director).


At the first meeting of the new Board it was agreed to continue the process of investigating the potential development of a new 60,000 seat stadium for West Ham United.


Commenting on today's changes, Mr Gudmundsson said: "We are seeking to build some truly solid foundations for the future ambitions of West Ham United FC. This is a great football club with tremendous heritage and tradition and the most wonderful set of supporters.


"My job as owner is to help plan for the future and create the right conditions off the field to help Alan Curbishley and the playing squad deliver success on the field.


"I am particularly delighted that we have been able to take the first real step in our plans for a new stadium, which is crucial to the long-term ambitions of the Club.


"As we move forward I want to pay tribute to Eggert Magnusson, who has done a tremendous job as Chairman, often in difficult circumstances, since our consortium bought the Club twelve months ago. Eggert has decided to move on to new pastures and to pursue his other interests. We wish him well for the future and express our thanks for all that he has done for West Ham.


"As incoming Club Chairman I recognise the responsibility that comes with this role and I know that view is shared by all the members of the Board. Today marks the next step in the development of this great Club and we are all proud to be part of something so special".


Outgoing Chairman, Eggert Magnusson said: "I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here at West Ham. From the moment that Bjorgolfur Gudmundsson and I formed the consortium to bid for the Club, it has been an honour to be involved. Now that I have sold my financial stake in the Club and I need to focus a little more on my interests overseas, I think it is the right time to stand down as Chairman.


"The last twelve months have not been without their challenges but I feel that we have emerged stronger and fitter as a Club. Bjorgolfur has always supported me as Chairman and I am pleased that he has decided to take over the role to help the Club move on to the next level.


"I would like also to pay a special tribute to the West Ham fans who, I believe, have shown themselves over many years to be the best in the country. My thanks to everybody who has worked with me in my time here and I wish the Club every success for the future. I will still be cheering on the team whenever time permits."



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he's stepped down and a billionaire is taking over


So it could be better rather than worse for them :(

not much has actually changed as egg head only had 5% and the fella buying them was the vast majority share holder already
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he's stepped down and a billionaire is taking over


So it could be better rather than worse for them :(

not much has actually changed as egg head only had 5% and the fella buying them was the vast majority share holder already


I always assumed Magnusson was just the front man who gave the consortium some level of legitimacy...cos this Gudmundsson, while rich, is a convicted criminal? Whatever happened to that fit and proper persons stuff.

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Whatever happened to that fit and proper persons stuff.




The FA or whoever runs English football these days dont give a fck.  Aslong as some cockend has bags of cash they'll be allowed to buy a club.


So glad Mike Ashley took over us.



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Whatever happened to that fit and proper persons stuff.




Good one Dr Specky you gotta be on the wind up. A few minor book-keeping offences compared to human right issues etc.


When Shinawatra took over us there was all sorts of stuff coming up about this fit and proper persons test because of all the claims over human rights offenses and whatnot. That was fair enough. But "fit and proper" wasn't really about that sort of thing, its about whether or not a person has a history of fraud, theft, tax evasion, etc. And this fella Gudmondsson has spent 12 months in prison for bookkeeping offenses. Where is the outrage? Silence is deafening. Typical cockney media bias.

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he's stepped down and a billionaire is taking over


So it could be better rather than worse for them :(

not much has actually changed as egg head only had 5% and the fella buying them was the vast majority share holder already


I always assumed Magnusson was just the front man who gave the consortium some level of legitimacy...cos this Gudmundsson, while rich, is a convicted criminal? Whatever happened to that fit and proper persons stuff.

I don't think you're in a position to criticize the legitimacy of an owner ;)

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he's stepped down and a billionaire is taking over


So it could be better rather than worse for them :(

not much has actually changed as egg head only had 5% and the fella buying them was the vast majority share holder already


I always assumed Magnusson was just the front man who gave the consortium some level of legitimacy...cos this Gudmundsson, while rich, is a convicted criminal? Whatever happened to that fit and proper persons stuff.

I don't think you're in a position to criticize the legitimacy of an owner ;)


Nope, not really.


However I am in a position to criticize the disproportianate media representation of Shinawatra compared to other shady characters like Gudmundsson and Gaydamak. :knuppel2:

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he's stepped down and a billionaire is taking over


So it could be better rather than worse for them :(

not much has actually changed as egg head only had 5% and the fella buying them was the vast majority share holder already


I always assumed Magnusson was just the front man who gave the consortium some level of legitimacy...cos this Gudmundsson, while rich, is a convicted criminal? Whatever happened to that fit and proper persons stuff.

I don't think you're in a position to criticize the legitimacy of an owner ;)


Nope, not really.


However I am in a position to criticize the disproportianate media representation of Shinawatra compared to other shady characters like Gudmundsson and Gaydamak. :knuppel2:

What have they been found guilty of?

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But "fit and proper" wasn't really about that sort of thing, its about whether or not a person has a history of fraud, theft, tax evasion, etc. And this fella Gudmondsson has spent 12 months in prison for bookkeeping offenses. Where is the outrage? Silence is deafening. Typical cockney media bias.


Your right when the "fit and proper" for owners was setup the probably didn't think about people who have pissed off amnesty international. As for  a person has a history of fraud, theft, tax evasion, etc I am sure if you man ever goes on trial he will have few of them against him as well.

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he's stepped down and a billionaire is taking over


So it could be better rather than worse for them :(

not much has actually changed as egg head only had 5% and the fella buying them was the vast majority share holder already


I always assumed Magnusson was just the front man who gave the consortium some level of legitimacy...cos this Gudmundsson, while rich, is a convicted criminal? Whatever happened to that fit and proper persons stuff.

I don't think you're in a position to criticize the legitimacy of an owner ;)


Nope, not really.


However I am in a position to criticize the disproportianate media representation of Shinawatra compared to other shady characters like Gudmundsson and Gaydamak. :knuppel2:

What have they been found guilty of?


Gudmundsson spent 12 months in prison for book keeping offenses after the collapse of his shipping firm.


Gaydamak has been found guilty of nothing. But his father (power behind the throne?) is wanted the world over for arms dealing and tax evasion.

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gudmundsson never went to prison, he was charged with 450 offences and found guilty on 5 minor bookkeeping irregularities. he got 12 months probation in 1991, which is long enough ago for the conviction to be considered spent anyway.


hardly the same boat as someone who is responsible for thousands of extra-judicial murders.

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gudmundsson never went to prison, he was charged with 450 offences and found guilty on 5 minor bookkeeping irregularities. he got 12 months probation in 1991, which is long enough ago for the conviction to be considered spent anyway.


hardly the same boat as someone who is responsible for thousands of extra-judicial murders.


Whoops. I saw that on Wiki and completely read it wrong.  :-[


Anyway. He's guilty. Its a minor point, but, while I make no attempt to defend Shinawatra's past, he's not the only one out there with a shady past. Thaksin deserved the witchhunt he had to suffer thru to take over City but theres never been a murmur about anyone else. Gudmundsson past isn't nearly as mirky as Thaksin's but having a man who owns a premiership club having a history of being a director of a massive company that went south, and being convicted of crimes, however minor, in the aftermath, is pretty interesting? But it never gets a mention, and I certainly don't remember outcry over whether he is fit and proper when he took over, and I don't expect one now. Is it because practically every cunt on Fleet Street is a West Ham fan? ???

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Have to agree with Speccy on this one.

While their owner is worse, something which he doesn't deny, it still isn't right that the West Ham owners have such a dodgy past without it getting a mention.

Let me also echo northerngimp in saying that it feels great that Ashely bought us

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