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Alan Smith


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f*** this argument.


Poor Alan Smith on 60K a week :( Why should he even try playing football if he has to play for 30K a week. Poor lad. We should chip in for him.


BTW: The short career bollocks is a phrase from a time long gone when footballers earned f*** all. It means nowt now.


I happen to think they deserve a good slice of the business/club they are integral to the success of. But I'm not shedding tears for a 'footballer' who has made no desire of playing football.


Not saying it's right, but a lot of professional football players get in financial trouble later in their career. They've earned a lot of money early in their life, but they've also grown used to this income and have a spending habit to match. Then, their income drops substantially and they have the rest of their lives to live on whatever remains. This requires a lot of financial discipline, which most football players lack if you ask me, which is not even taking into account all the leaches that surround them and take money off them.


Not sure if this applies to Alan Smith in particular, and certainly not meant to read as justification for the extreme wages footballers earn nowadays, but to simply state they earn a more in a year than most of us do in our lifetime so what's a few 10k/week more or less to them is, quite frankly, ridiculous.


Perish the thought they should have to 'work' after they retire at 35. He earns £3m a year ffs and has done for each of the the previous 4 years. Not to mention the wages he earned at Man U and Leeds for the 8 years previous to that.


How much does a bloke have to have in the bank before he puts actually playing football before earning even more money? I just don't get it. 

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f*** this argument.


Poor Alan Smith on 60K a week :( Why should he even try playing football if he has to play for 30K a week. Poor lad. We should chip in for him.


BTW: The short career bollocks is a phrase from a time long gone when footballers earned f*** all. It means nowt now.


I happen to think they deserve a good slice of the business/club they are integral to the success of. But I'm not shedding tears for a 'footballer' who has made no desire of playing football.


Bingo. We're talking about a multi-millionaire who's been paid thousands of pounds every week for the last 10 years. He's not skint, he's not struggling for cash, he's been paid circa £14m from NUFC alone since he signed for us. If he's still putting money before playing football then he's a greedy c***. He values earning money above actually playing football.


He's scum. 


Remember Assou-Ekotto coming out a year ago or so saying he had lost the love for the game and was only in it for the money. Oh, how everybody though the honesty was refreshing. Can't remember anybody calling him money grabbing scum.  :undecided:


If he was content to sit on the bench and continue to get paid for doing nothing the you'd have a point. He's earning his money by playing. He may not like his job as footballer but at least he's doing it.


Completely different to Smith tbh.

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I don't think anyone is justifying the wages footballers earn, simply stating that the daft lads in here are being completely unreasonable if they believe it makes someone "scum" because they're not in a hurry to half their wages.


I think he's scum because he would rather earn £3m for doing nothing as opposed to earning £1.5m for actually playing. I could understand a young kid putting money first but a player who's been paid several million quid for the last 12 years putting money before playing is galling to say the least. It's sheer greed, no matter how you slice it. 

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f*** this argument.


Poor Alan Smith on 60K a week :( Why should he even try playing football if he has to play for 30K a week. Poor lad. We should chip in for him.


BTW: The short career bollocks is a phrase from a time long gone when footballers earned f*** all. It means nowt now.


I happen to think they deserve a good slice of the business/club they are integral to the success of. But I'm not shedding tears for a 'footballer' who has made no desire of playing football.


Bingo. We're talking about a multi-millionaire who's been paid thousands of pounds every week for the last 10 years. He's not skint, he's not struggling for cash, he's been paid circa £14m from NUFC alone since he signed for us. If he's still putting money before playing football then he's a greedy c***. He values earning money above actually playing football.


He's scum. 


Remember Assou-Ekotto coming out a year ago or so saying he had lost the love for the game and was only in it for the money. Oh, how everybody though the honesty was refreshing. Can't remember anybody calling him money grabbing scum.  :undecided:


If he was content to sit on the bench and continue to get paid for doing nothing the you'd have a point. He's earning his money by playing. He may not like his job as footballer but at least he's doing it.


Completely different to Smith tbh.


Just because the manager does not pick him ahead of first choice players? You must hate all back up players for taking money from the club..?

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Guest bimpy474

People comparing football to a regular job :facepalm:


Will be chuffed when he finally pisses off



Aye, i'd love to get paid £60,000 a week to go football training, so far from a regular job its defies logic anyone could even compare it.

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f*** this argument.


Poor Alan Smith on 60K a week :( Why should he even try playing football if he has to play for 30K a week. Poor lad. We should chip in for him.


BTW: The short career bollocks is a phrase from a time long gone when footballers earned f*** all. It means nowt now.


I happen to think they deserve a good slice of the business/club they are integral to the success of. But I'm not shedding tears for a 'footballer' who has made no desire of playing football.


Bingo. We're talking about a multi-millionaire who's been paid thousands of pounds every week for the last 10 years. He's not skint, he's not struggling for cash, he's been paid circa £14m from NUFC alone since he signed for us. If he's still putting money before playing football then he's a greedy c***. He values earning money above actually playing football.


He's scum. 


Remember Assou-Ekotto coming out a year ago or so saying he had lost the love for the game and was only in it for the money. Oh, how everybody though the honesty was refreshing. Can't remember anybody calling him money grabbing scum.  :undecided:


If he was content to sit on the bench and continue to get paid for doing nothing the you'd have a point. He's earning his money by playing. He may not like his job as footballer but at least he's doing it.


Completely different to Smith tbh.


Just because the manager does not pick him ahead of first choice players? You must hate all back up players for taking money from the club..?


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year and gives precisely nothing back in return. I resent him for it and I'm quite happy to admit it.

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Would those defending him have the same opinion of Michael Owen? Another multi millionaire who'd rather continue to coin it in than play football. Pair of c***s.


Steve Harper a c*** too?


If harper didn't support us I think he would have left ages ago

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Caption competition time.


(The Mail's attempt, "Window of opportunity: Alan Smith looks set to end his spell at Newcastle").

All I can see is Randall from Clerks.  Sums up his attitude tbh :lol:
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Guest bimpy474

f*** this argument.


Poor Alan Smith on 60K a week :( Why should he even try playing football if he has to play for 30K a week. Poor lad. We should chip in for him.


BTW: The short career bollocks is a phrase from a time long gone when footballers earned f*** all. It means nowt now.


I happen to think they deserve a good slice of the business/club they are integral to the success of. But I'm not shedding tears for a 'footballer' who has made no desire of playing football.


Bingo. We're talking about a multi-millionaire who's been paid thousands of pounds every week for the last 10 years. He's not skint, he's not struggling for cash, he's been paid circa £14m from NUFC alone since he signed for us. If he's still putting money before playing football then he's a greedy c***. He values earning money above actually playing football.


He's scum. 


Remember Assou-Ekotto coming out a year ago or so saying he had lost the love for the game and was only in it for the money. Oh, how everybody though the honesty was refreshing. Can't remember anybody calling him money grabbing scum.  :undecided:


If he was content to sit on the bench and continue to get paid for doing nothing the you'd have a point. He's earning his money by playing. He may not like his job as footballer but at least he's doing it.


Completely different to Smith tbh.


Just because the manager does not pick him ahead of first choice players? You must hate all back up players for taking money from the club..?


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year and gives precisely nothing back in return. I resent him for it and I'm quite happy to admit it.


Tbf to Smith thats the clubs fault (well whoever gave him the contract), why should a player of limited ability leave for probably a sixth of the wage he is on, i know that can be seen as greed but he is hardly to blame for seeing it out.

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f*** this argument.


Poor Alan Smith on 60K a week :( Why should he even try playing football if he has to play for 30K a week. Poor lad. We should chip in for him.


BTW: The short career bollocks is a phrase from a time long gone when footballers earned f*** all. It means nowt now.


I happen to think they deserve a good slice of the business/club they are integral to the success of. But I'm not shedding tears for a 'footballer' who has made no desire of playing football.


Bingo. We're talking about a multi-millionaire who's been paid thousands of pounds every week for the last 10 years. He's not skint, he's not struggling for cash, he's been paid circa £14m from NUFC alone since he signed for us. If he's still putting money before playing football then he's a greedy c***. He values earning money above actually playing football.


He's scum. 


Remember Assou-Ekotto coming out a year ago or so saying he had lost the love for the game and was only in it for the money. Oh, how everybody though the honesty was refreshing. Can't remember anybody calling him money grabbing scum.  :undecided:


If he was content to sit on the bench and continue to get paid for doing nothing the you'd have a point. He's earning his money by playing. He may not like his job as footballer but at least he's doing it.


Completely different to Smith tbh.


Just because the manager does not pick him ahead of first choice players? You must hate all back up players for taking money from the club..?


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year and gives precisely nothing back in return. I resent him for it and I'm quite happy to admit it.


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year too, and I can't wait for him to leave at the end of the season and the money to be invested in better players. The fact he offers nothing back in return is a choice by his manager; he makes himself available for selection but the manager estimates (correctly) that he has better options at his disposal. I don't resent the player concerned for this as I think most people would not give up the majority of their wages for another, more satisfying job, despite what they say on an internet forum. I certainly wouldn't. If that makes me a cunt, so be it.

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It's not about how much footballers earn.


It's about Alan Smith choosing to NOT play football over going elsewhere to play the game and costing our club millions in the process. Yeh, he got the contract from us. And as far as I can tell the club has upheld its side of that.


What I hate him for (and many more) is the fact he IS NOT a footballer. He's a pro moocher.


I think you have a low opinion of the human race if you think it's ridiculous to expect some dignity in a man earning his wage.


You're not living in the real world, man :lol:


No human being on Earth would (at best) half their wages to do the same job that they're doing now elsewhere. Footballers included. Yes they earn a daft wage and to us it seems ridiculous but if you've been getting paid tens of thousands of pounds every week since you were 18/19 then I'd wager the difference between £30k and £60k is massive. Take into account the fact that footballer's careers rarely last longer than 15 years and of course they're going to want to earn as much as they possibly can in that short space of time. At the end of the day it's still just a job for them, once they're retired all they'll have are memories, medals and money and unfortunately the first two don't pay for the lifestyle they've lived since they were teenagers. This isn't a justification, just my view of the situation.


The crux of the issue is that we shouldn't have given the useless bastard the contract in the first place but I wont actively wish ill on someone because of it. He's not like Owen, who patently wasn't interested in playing for us and actively avoided it if it would impinge on his international commitments. I'll reiterate - Smith has always given his all when on the pitch for us and played with the passion that our fans demand. Unfortunately that does not make him a good footballer.

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Would those defending him have the same opinion of Michael Owen? Another multi millionaire who'd rather continue to coin it in than play football. Pair of c***s.


Steve Harper a c*** too?


Steve Harper played many games for us over the years and has been a great servant. He was always number 2 keeper. There's always been a chance for him to get regular football here.


But he's going out on loans now he doesn't look like getting regular football.


Not comparable to Alan Smith. Who knows he has no chance now...yet isn't f***ed about it.


Alan Smith has played 94 matches for us in 4 and a half seasons, or over 20 matches a season. Don't think Steve Harper's average number of appearances would have been much higher..?

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f*** this argument.


Poor Alan Smith on 60K a week :( Why should he even try playing football if he has to play for 30K a week. Poor lad. We should chip in for him.


BTW: The short career bollocks is a phrase from a time long gone when footballers earned f*** all. It means nowt now.


I happen to think they deserve a good slice of the business/club they are integral to the success of. But I'm not shedding tears for a 'footballer' who has made no desire of playing football.


Bingo. We're talking about a multi-millionaire who's been paid thousands of pounds every week for the last 10 years. He's not skint, he's not struggling for cash, he's been paid circa £14m from NUFC alone since he signed for us. If he's still putting money before playing football then he's a greedy c***. He values earning money above actually playing football.


He's scum. 


Remember Assou-Ekotto coming out a year ago or so saying he had lost the love for the game and was only in it for the money. Oh, how everybody though the honesty was refreshing. Can't remember anybody calling him money grabbing scum.  :undecided:


If he was content to sit on the bench and continue to get paid for doing nothing the you'd have a point. He's earning his money by playing. He may not like his job as footballer but at least he's doing it.


Completely different to Smith tbh.


Just because the manager does not pick him ahead of first choice players? You must hate all back up players for taking money from the club..?


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year and gives precisely nothing back in return. I resent him for it and I'm quite happy to admit it.


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year too, and I can't wait for him to leave at the end of the season and the money to be invested in better players. The fact he offers nothing back in return is a choice by his manager; he makes himself available for selection but the manager estimates (correctly) that he has better options at his disposal. I don't resent the player concerned for this as I think most people would not give up the majority of their wages for another, more satisfying job, despite what they say on an internet forum. I certainly wouldn't. If that makes me a cunt, so be it.


I would.


I'd want to play as much football as my body would allow. I'd look at my bank balance of several million pounds (steadily accumulating over the last 12 years) and make a decision that playing football was more important than earning even more money. Id want to go back to my home town club and try to help them back into the Premier League.


I don't understand his or your way of putting money before playing football. What's most important for a footballer ffs?

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f*** this argument.


Poor Alan Smith on 60K a week :( Why should he even try playing football if he has to play for 30K a week. Poor lad. We should chip in for him.


BTW: The short career bollocks is a phrase from a time long gone when footballers earned f*** all. It means nowt now.


I happen to think they deserve a good slice of the business/club they are integral to the success of. But I'm not shedding tears for a 'footballer' who has made no desire of playing football.


Bingo. We're talking about a multi-millionaire who's been paid thousands of pounds every week for the last 10 years. He's not skint, he's not struggling for cash, he's been paid circa £14m from NUFC alone since he signed for us. If he's still putting money before playing football then he's a greedy c***. He values earning money above actually playing football.


He's scum. 


Remember Assou-Ekotto coming out a year ago or so saying he had lost the love for the game and was only in it for the money. Oh, how everybody though the honesty was refreshing. Can't remember anybody calling him money grabbing scum.  :undecided:


If he was content to sit on the bench and continue to get paid for doing nothing the you'd have a point. He's earning his money by playing. He may not like his job as footballer but at least he's doing it.


Completely different to Smith tbh.


Just because the manager does not pick him ahead of first choice players? You must hate all back up players for taking money from the club..?


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year and gives precisely nothing back in return. I resent him for it and I'm quite happy to admit it.


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year too, and I can't wait for him to leave at the end of the season and the money to be invested in better players. The fact he offers nothing back in return is a choice by his manager; he makes himself available for selection but the manager estimates (correctly) that he has better options at his disposal. I don't resent the player concerned for this as I think most people would not give up the majority of their wages for another, more satisfying job, despite what they say on an internet forum. I certainly wouldn't. If that makes me a cunt, so be it.


I would.


I'd want to play as much football as my body would allow. I'd look at my bank balance of several million pounds (steadily accumulating over the last 12 years) and make a decision that playing football was more important than earning even more money. Id want to go back to my home town club and try to help them back into the Premier League.


I don't understand his or your way of putting money before playing football. What's most important for a footballer ffs?


Well then you're clearly a better man than me (or just a liar ;) ) as I'd probably do exactly the same as Smith has done.

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I'd want to play football. If that meant having to get by on a paltry £1.5m a year then I think I'd go along with that.


Realistically though....no fucker would pay Smith anywhere near £30k a week :lol:


I think he'd struggle to get half that to be honest, he'd go to a mid-table championship team at best and they surely wouldn't be able to afford much more than £10k. I can sympathise with the greedy angle but realistically I think he'd be taking a £2m+ paycut per year to play for a fairly shit championship team which probably wouldn't be that exciting when you've previously played in the champions league and got a few England caps under your belt.


He should be looking to get some mental deal in China, Qatar or the like.

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f*** this argument.


Poor Alan Smith on 60K a week :( Why should he even try playing football if he has to play for 30K a week. Poor lad. We should chip in for him.


BTW: The short career bollocks is a phrase from a time long gone when footballers earned f*** all. It means nowt now.


I happen to think they deserve a good slice of the business/club they are integral to the success of. But I'm not shedding tears for a 'footballer' who has made no desire of playing football.


Bingo. We're talking about a multi-millionaire who's been paid thousands of pounds every week for the last 10 years. He's not skint, he's not struggling for cash, he's been paid circa £14m from NUFC alone since he signed for us. If he's still putting money before playing football then he's a greedy c***. He values earning money above actually playing football.


He's scum. 


Remember Assou-Ekotto coming out a year ago or so saying he had lost the love for the game and was only in it for the money. Oh, how everybody though the honesty was refreshing. Can't remember anybody calling him money grabbing scum.  :undecided:


If he was content to sit on the bench and continue to get paid for doing nothing the you'd have a point. He's earning his money by playing. He may not like his job as footballer but at least he's doing it.


Completely different to Smith tbh.


Just because the manager does not pick him ahead of first choice players? You must hate all back up players for taking money from the club..?


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year and gives precisely nothing back in return. I resent him for it and I'm quite happy to admit it.


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year too, and I can't wait for him to leave at the end of the season and the money to be invested in better players. The fact he offers nothing back in return is a choice by his manager; he makes himself available for selection but the manager estimates (correctly) that he has better options at his disposal. I don't resent the player concerned for this as I think most people would not give up the majority of their wages for another, more satisfying job, despite what they say on an internet forum. I certainly wouldn't. If that makes me a c***, so be it.


I would.


I'd want to play as much football as my body would allow. I'd look at my bank balance of several million pounds (steadily accumulating over the last 12 years) and make a decision that playing football was more important than earning even more money. Id want to go back to my home town club and try to help them back into the Premier League.


I don't understand his or your way of putting money before playing football. What's most important for a footballer ffs?


All I can say is you are a more noble man than me, and I'm guessing 90% of humanity. Are you a student by any chance?

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f*** this argument.


Poor Alan Smith on 60K a week :( Why should he even try playing football if he has to play for 30K a week. Poor lad. We should chip in for him.


BTW: The short career bollocks is a phrase from a time long gone when footballers earned f*** all. It means nowt now.


I happen to think they deserve a good slice of the business/club they are integral to the success of. But I'm not shedding tears for a 'footballer' who has made no desire of playing football.


Bingo. We're talking about a multi-millionaire who's been paid thousands of pounds every week for the last 10 years. He's not skint, he's not struggling for cash, he's been paid circa £14m from NUFC alone since he signed for us. If he's still putting money before playing football then he's a greedy c***. He values earning money above actually playing football.


He's scum. 


Remember Assou-Ekotto coming out a year ago or so saying he had lost the love for the game and was only in it for the money. Oh, how everybody though the honesty was refreshing. Can't remember anybody calling him money grabbing scum.  :undecided:


If he was content to sit on the bench and continue to get paid for doing nothing the you'd have a point. He's earning his money by playing. He may not like his job as footballer but at least he's doing it.


Completely different to Smith tbh.


Just because the manager does not pick him ahead of first choice players? You must hate all back up players for taking money from the club..?


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year and gives precisely nothing back in return. I resent him for it and I'm quite happy to admit it.


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year too, and I can't wait for him to leave at the end of the season and the money to be invested in better players. The fact he offers nothing back in return is a choice by his manager; he makes himself available for selection but the manager estimates (correctly) that he has better options at his disposal. I don't resent the player concerned for this as I think most people would not give up the majority of their wages for another, more satisfying job, despite what they say on an internet forum. I certainly wouldn't. If that makes me a c***, so be it.


I would.


I'd want to play as much football as my body would allow. I'd look at my bank balance of several million pounds (steadily accumulating over the last 12 years) and make a decision that playing football was more important than earning even more money. Id want to go back to my home town club and try to help them back into the Premier League.


I don't understand his or your way of putting money before playing football. What's most important for a footballer ffs?


All I can say is you are a more noble man than me, and I'm guessing 90% of humanity. Are you a student by any chance?





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f*** this argument.


Poor Alan Smith on 60K a week :( Why should he even try playing football if he has to play for 30K a week. Poor lad. We should chip in for him.


BTW: The short career bollocks is a phrase from a time long gone when footballers earned f*** all. It means nowt now.


I happen to think they deserve a good slice of the business/club they are integral to the success of. But I'm not shedding tears for a 'footballer' who has made no desire of playing football.


Bingo. We're talking about a multi-millionaire who's been paid thousands of pounds every week for the last 10 years. He's not skint, he's not struggling for cash, he's been paid circa £14m from NUFC alone since he signed for us. If he's still putting money before playing football then he's a greedy c***. He values earning money above actually playing football.


He's scum. 


Remember Assou-Ekotto coming out a year ago or so saying he had lost the love for the game and was only in it for the money. Oh, how everybody though the honesty was refreshing. Can't remember anybody calling him money grabbing scum.  :undecided:


If he was content to sit on the bench and continue to get paid for doing nothing the you'd have a point. He's earning his money by playing. He may not like his job as footballer but at least he's doing it.


Completely different to Smith tbh.


Just because the manager does not pick him ahead of first choice players? You must hate all back up players for taking money from the club..?


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year and gives precisely nothing back in return. I resent him for it and I'm quite happy to admit it.


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year too, and I can't wait for him to leave at the end of the season and the money to be invested in better players. The fact he offers nothing back in return is a choice by his manager; he makes himself available for selection but the manager estimates (correctly) that he has better options at his disposal. I don't resent the player concerned for this as I think most people would not give up the majority of their wages for another, more satisfying job, despite what they say on an internet forum. I certainly wouldn't. If that makes me a cunt, so be it.


I would.


I'd want to play as much football as my body would allow. I'd look at my bank balance of several million pounds (steadily accumulating over the last 12 years) and make a decision that playing football was more important than earning even more money. Id want to go back to my home town club and try to help them back into the Premier League.


I don't understand his or your way of putting money before playing football. What's most important for a footballer ffs?


Well then you're clearly a better man than me (or just a liar ;) ) as I'd probably do exactly the same as Smith has done.


Fair enough, I admire your honesty.


I'd want to play football and would take a cut in wages to do so.




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f*** this argument.


Poor Alan Smith on 60K a week :( Why should he even try playing football if he has to play for 30K a week. Poor lad. We should chip in for him.


BTW: The short career bollocks is a phrase from a time long gone when footballers earned f*** all. It means nowt now.


I happen to think they deserve a good slice of the business/club they are integral to the success of. But I'm not shedding tears for a 'footballer' who has made no desire of playing football.


Bingo. We're talking about a multi-millionaire who's been paid thousands of pounds every week for the last 10 years. He's not skint, he's not struggling for cash, he's been paid circa £14m from NUFC alone since he signed for us. If he's still putting money before playing football then he's a greedy c***. He values earning money above actually playing football.


He's scum. 


Remember Assou-Ekotto coming out a year ago or so saying he had lost the love for the game and was only in it for the money. Oh, how everybody though the honesty was refreshing. Can't remember anybody calling him money grabbing scum.  :undecided:


If he was content to sit on the bench and continue to get paid for doing nothing the you'd have a point. He's earning his money by playing. He may not like his job as footballer but at least he's doing it.


Completely different to Smith tbh.


Just because the manager does not pick him ahead of first choice players? You must hate all back up players for taking money from the club..?


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year and gives precisely nothing back in return. I resent him for it and I'm quite happy to admit it.


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year too, and I can't wait for him to leave at the end of the season and the money to be invested in better players. The fact he offers nothing back in return is a choice by his manager; he makes himself available for selection but the manager estimates (correctly) that he has better options at his disposal. I don't resent the player concerned for this as I think most people would not give up the majority of their wages for another, more satisfying job, despite what they say on an internet forum. I certainly wouldn't. If that makes me a cunt, so be it.


I would.


I'd want to play as much football as my body would allow. I'd look at my bank balance of several million pounds (steadily accumulating over the last 12 years) and make a decision that playing football was more important than earning even more money. Id want to go back to my home town club and try to help them back into the Premier League.


I don't understand his or your way of putting money before playing football. What's most important for a footballer ffs?


Well then you're clearly a better man than me (or just a liar ;) ) as I'd probably do exactly the same as Smith has done.


Fair enough, I admire your honesty.


I'd want to play football and would take a cut in wages to do so.





I'd want to play football, but I'd realise I'm 31 on £60k p/w and I'd get a better deal if I left on a free rather than a transfer.

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f*** this argument.


Poor Alan Smith on 60K a week :( Why should he even try playing football if he has to play for 30K a week. Poor lad. We should chip in for him.


BTW: The short career bollocks is a phrase from a time long gone when footballers earned f*** all. It means nowt now.


I happen to think they deserve a good slice of the business/club they are integral to the success of. But I'm not shedding tears for a 'footballer' who has made no desire of playing football.


Bingo. We're talking about a multi-millionaire who's been paid thousands of pounds every week for the last 10 years. He's not skint, he's not struggling for cash, he's been paid circa £14m from NUFC alone since he signed for us. If he's still putting money before playing football then he's a greedy c***. He values earning money above actually playing football.


He's scum. 


Remember Assou-Ekotto coming out a year ago or so saying he had lost the love for the game and was only in it for the money. Oh, how everybody though the honesty was refreshing. Can't remember anybody calling him money grabbing scum.  :undecided:


If he was content to sit on the bench and continue to get paid for doing nothing the you'd have a point. He's earning his money by playing. He may not like his job as footballer but at least he's doing it.


Completely different to Smith tbh.


Just because the manager does not pick him ahead of first choice players? You must hate all back up players for taking money from the club..?


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year and gives precisely nothing back in return. I resent him for it and I'm quite happy to admit it.


I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year too, and I can't wait for him to leave at the end of the season and the money to be invested in better players. The fact he offers nothing back in return is a choice by his manager; he makes himself available for selection but the manager estimates (correctly) that he has better options at his disposal. I don't resent the player concerned for this as I think most people would not give up the majority of their wages for another, more satisfying job, despite what they say on an internet forum. I certainly wouldn't. If that makes me a c***, so be it.


I would.


I'd want to play as much football as my body would allow. I'd look at my bank balance of several million pounds (steadily accumulating over the last 12 years) and make a decision that playing football was more important than earning even more money. Id want to go back to my home town club and try to help them back into the Premier League.


I don't understand his or your way of putting money before playing football. What's most important for a footballer ffs?


All I can say is you are a more noble man than me, and I'm guessing 90% of humanity. Are you a student by any chance?






I used to be more idealistic and naive when I was a bit younger. Now I'm in my mid thirties and find myself sometimes doing or thinking things I wouldn't have back in my student days; this is a prime example (chasing money before having a more fulfilling professional life). I applaud you for being less "bitterered" by age and experience than me.

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