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Damien Duff - needs a cut


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has pissed me off so much the people on this forum ready to write him off, he'll show what a great player he is


Stand by for numerous people who said we didn't need him to do a u turn.


He was always signed as a player of a good age, for a good fee, with his best years in front of him. Injury permitting.


Best years in front of him? :lol:


And we didnt need to sign him at the time. We needed players for other positions, as Huntington at left back and Sibierski/Rossi up front proved.


Well, I hope you don't harp on about the club lacking "planning" if that is what you think. Nice to have him on the books to replace Nobby though, hopefully, now that he's gone, and he was knocking on 30 at the time we bought Duff.


That new left back that we needed has done very well hasn't he, along with the other defenders we needed as well.


Are you advocating instead of signing Sibierski and Rossi, we should have spent more money and gone more into debt by any chance ? Or do you think we would have got a top quality goalscorer for the 5m we paid for Duff, because I would be curious to know who exactly you had in mind at a price like that ?


McCarthy for £6mill maybe?


Who I think we should have signed is irrelevent. I dont know who was available or not. That doesnt mean we should have spent 1/3rd of the transfer budget on a third left winger. You know, we had NZogbia, Milner, Dyer, and Solano at the time. Why add another winger to that set, when the defensive squad was Ramage, Babayaro, Huntington, Boumsong, Taylor, Carr, Bernard, etc, and up front for that season we had Martins, Sibierski, Rossi, Ameobi?


I appreciate that Duff used to be a top player, but he was rubbish for Chelsea by the time we signed him, and he was exactly the same for us. Maybe he'll do better under Big Sam, and I hope he does, but dont try and rubbish completely legitimate, and in fact correct, views about that particular signing at that time - as 14th place, poor performances and regularly being injured proved, did it not?


Solano was getting older. Dire was injury prone. MIlner isn't good enough.


What do you have against the concept of looking ahead at getting a decent player through the door before making a sale, or anticipating a sale or a loss ? Or are you just looking for a way to misrepresent people at the club as usual ? I bet if the club had waited until selling first, you would have had a lot to say about "lack of planning".


Must stick in your throat when the club shows this "planning", as it does re the signing of Woodgate, which it appears that you have stopped mentioning now for the same reason.



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Big Sam goes Roeder/Souness-tastic :lol: :


"For me it’s like having a new player."


"He’s worked exceptionally hard to get himself back. He got on the pitch and didn’t look out of place, I’m glad to say.


"It looks good for the future and I hope he steers clear from injury."

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can't believe so many people dislike Duff


he's a top, top pro, great attitude, humble, full of good positive comments, obviously a very positive influence in the dressing room, on the pitch and around the club and on top of that, he could very well still be a great player. We need more Damien Duffs

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can't believe so many people dislike Duff


he's a top, top pro, great attitude, humble, full of good positive comments, obviously a very positive influence in the dressing room, on the pitch and around the club and on top of that, he could very well still be a great player. We need more Damien Duffs

Yeah...I like him very much
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Guest bluegeordie

With the January transfer window just around the corner, through an astute signing I don't see any reason why Big Sam can't snare a player who combines the most noteworthy attributes of both the new-look Damien Duff and Captain Smudge. Someone like this would seem to fit the bill:




But seriously, I thought that Duff looked the part yesterday ... it's just a pity that "the part" happened to be the Page Boy of Camelot, complete with dodgy hairdos and tights. All he needed to complete the look was a pair of these:




No, but being seriously serious now, I did feel that compared to the Duff that we've seen so far at NUFC, he looked slimmer, fitter, faster, and vaguely dangerous yesterday, and who knows, with a bit of match sharpness (and, preferably, an absence of Terry Mac's last-minute Pictionary touchline instructions) we might just have something like the player that we hoped we'd signed at the time he came over from Chelski.


Regardless of how Duff turns out for us though, I must say that I concur with tmonkey regarding the (lack of) wisdom in us spending a sizable portion of our transfer budget on him, considering the more pressing defensive and striking needs that we faced in our squad at the time.       

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can't believe so many people dislike Duff


he's a top, top pro, great attitude, humble, full of good positive comments, obviously a very positive influence in the dressing room, on the pitch and around the club and on top of that, he could very well still be a great player. We need more Damien Duffs


Its pretty much because he's been shite since we signed him.  He does deserve a chance to put that right though

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Guest Ridzuan

Duff hasnt been performing well for us since he join and the injury he suffered didnt help his cause either.But his back nowhe deserve a second chance because we know he is a much better player than what he has shown us so far and Im sure he will come good.Back to the topic,I agree he needs a cut,He looks so funny and fugly,like those kids in Chinese village with the bowls looking hairstyles,but if it could be a distraction to the opponents,then he might as well keep it.

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Duff hasnt been performing well for us since he join and the injury he suffered didnt help his cause either.But his back nowhe deserve a second chance because we know he is a much better player than what he has shown us so far and Im sure he will come good.Back to the topic,I agree he needs a cut,He looks so funny and fugly,like those kids in Chinese village with the bowls looking hairstyles,but if it could be a distraction to the opponents,then he might as well keep it.




Merry Christmas Ridz.

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Looked sharp overall. Definitely has the potential to shine in a 4-3-3 formation. Hope to see more of him this season.



Good to see I'm not the only drunk person online at this time (I hope!) :D

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