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Newcastle 0 - 2 Manchester City - 02/01/08 - post match reaction from page 24


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I just cant get my head around how he can be such a success at Bolton, to then move to a bigger club with better players and more money yet look completely clueless. He made Bolton into a tough tough fixture, especially at home so what the f***'s happened?


you've posted that 8 years too early mate

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Guest RodrigoPalacio

Thats the thing, he had years at Bolton, something he will never get here due to the "big club" theory that surrounds the place.

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Can't help but agree, mate.  We could have Wenger managing and the same players, but we wouldn't see the same success.  Our squad isn't very good. 


Our entire movement going forward comes from our left back.  Haha...  and he's a midfielder!!! 

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I just got back to Australia from Newcastle...




Then I read the rest.


And I thought I was committed going to the matches from Stanley almost every week, considering how shit we are...

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Zoggy, Faye and Beye are the only players that should be happy with their performances from yesterday. The rest of them were average or worst (Martins, Milner and Butt in particular).


We looked really good in the first half, should have scored a couple. We had decent attacking moves and really pressured them, and then in the one half chance that they get, they score. I thought Given went down a bit too slow, really should have had that covered since it wasn't exactly flying in, was it?


I'll give credit to Sam for the substitutions, they're the ones that he should be making in every game; only this time it didn't work out. Enrique looked good enough to me, which begs the question of why he isn't getting more games. This 'settling in' nonsense is just that, nonsense. He looked like a defender when defending and also showed some attacking intent as well. Though it must be said that Zoggy disappeared when he was actually moved up to LW, so maybe Sam is doing the right thing after all?


It was a decent performance on the whole and I really think there's positive things that we can take from this game, especially the first half. Saying all that, it's still bitterly disappointing that the most excited I got in the first half was when Charlie dribbled past three players and had a decent shot on goal.

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We lost because of the players, not the manager. I think thats the first time I've thought that this season.


Martins, Zog, Duff, Owen and Milner all had opportunities they squandered, Man City had far fewer chances but took theirs. Simple as that.


we lost because of the players and the manager.


oh, and all of those fans who were getting onto their knees to suck Viduka off when he arrived - despite ALL of us slating him when he was at the Beasts - he's NOT a great player, he's not even a particularly good one. Its about time Newcastle fans realised that just because a player signs for us, it DOESN'T make him great.


one last thing - Cacapa: not good,. He got away with a few things last night, but he's a liability.

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Guest birdhunter

As an outsider I believe the performance was really poor. The passing, the movement in the midfield and upfront was like shit most of the players having no idea what to do was really frustating to see. The team never succeeded to close M.City down and create some pressure. Faye is solid and okay when you're defending but that's it.. a pass to his left a pass to his right is not what you expect from a DMC who should be doing much more and be more fluent but that's something he is not capable of.. so everything is relying on Butt with Milner too wide on the right and Duff too wide on the left with a huge gap in the middle of which City made use of it very properly.

Some are still satisfied with how the team played, this is the 9th or 10th time I watched you guys this season but imo there is not a clear gameplan no tactics and definitely no harmony btw the players and they are definitely not prepared to fight for each other... imo you can consider this season being wasted...

Having sent off Sam Allardyce won't be very wise financially.. so I wish you a lot of patience this season and with the big games coming a lot of luck.



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So original.


We've signed loads of shit players, and Viduka was rubbish last night. Do you want a medal?


What exactly is this forum about? Is it about fans putting across their genuine feelings about their club, or about only posting positive stuff to keep you happy?

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My point is you constantly argue against these imaginary people that inexplicably said we'd finish fourth, that we have world class players, and that Sam Allardyce is the second coming. You're forever slagging off people that don't exist outside those without brains, and in my opinion it's tiresome.

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I just cant get my head around how he can be such a success at Bolton, to then move to a bigger club with better players and more money yet look completely clueless. He made Bolton into a tough tough fixture, especially at home so what the f***'s happened?


you've posted that 8 years too early mate


It took him 8-years to turn a very good Championship side, into a respectable mid-table Premiership side. People can go on about the lack of money, scientific techniques, etc...but at the end of the day, that's all he did.

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My point is you constantly argue against these imaginary people that inexplicably said we'd finish fourth, that we have world class players, and that Sam Allardyce is the second coming. You're forever slagging off people that don't exist outside those without brains, and in my opinion it's tiresome.


and you, sir, are incorrect.

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We may not be playing particularly well at the moment, but we are also getting some rotten luck as well. We could have been a goal or two or a man or two up by half time yesterday, but instead the rub of the green went against us and we went in a goal down, which by the looks of things affected the confindence of the players.


Similar situation against Chelsea, IMO we at least deserved a draw, but we lose to a hand ball going against us for one goal and a blatantly offside goal for the other.


The performances need major improvement, but we are still due a bit of luck.

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We may not be playing particularly well at the moment, but we are also getting some rotten luck as well. We could have been a goal or two or a man or two up by half time yesterday, but instead the rub of the green went against us and we went in a goal down, which by the looks of things affected the confindence of the players.


Similar situation against Chelsea, IMO we at least deserved a draw, but we lose to a hand ball going against us for one goal and a blatantly offside goal for the other.


The performances need major improvement, but we are still due a bit of luck.


Sounds very "Souness-era" like that paragraph, where despite being poor, we also did get some genuinely sh*t decisions against us.

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I just cant get my head around how he can be such a success at Bolton, to then move to a bigger club with better players and more money yet look completely clueless. He made Bolton into a tough tough fixture, especially at home so what the f***'s happened?


you've posted that 8 years too early mate


It took him 8-years to turn a very good Championship side, into a respectable mid-table Premiership side. People can go on about the lack of money, scientific techniques, etc...but at the end of the day, that's all he did.


In this day and age, no manager would get 8 years.  Whilst we gradually improve (or not), teams that could be considered similar to us move further away ie. Villa, Everton, City, Spurs.


And all of this nonsense about Fergie getting the time to change it around that the media trots out winds me up because that was 20 years ago.  He would not get that opportunity today as times have changed and the pressure to stay in the Premiership and make money is too great.



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I just cant get my head around how he can be such a success at Bolton, to then move to a bigger club with better players and more money yet look completely clueless. He made Bolton into a tough tough fixture, especially at home so what the f***'s happened?


you've posted that 8 years too early mate


It took him 8-years to turn a very good Championship side, into a respectable mid-table Premiership side. People can go on about the lack of money, scientific techniques, etc...but at the end of the day, that's all he did.


In this day and age, no manager would get 8 years.  Whilst we gradually improve (or not), teams that could be considered similar to us move further away ie. Villa, Everton, City, Spurs.


And all of this nonsense about Fergie getting the time to change it around that the media trots out winds me up because that was 20 years ago.  He would not get that opportunity today as times have changed and the pressure to stay in the Premiership and make money is too great.




You do have to strike a balance though, you cant expect a manager to come in, makeover the whole club, and expect everything to be rosey in 20 games.


Apart from Man City being a rare exception; Everton, Villa and Spurs have all taken a few years to get where they are.

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When Everton, Villa & Spurs appointed Moyes, O'Neill & Jol, despite not pulling up many trees and finishing mid-table, they did show almost immediate signs of improvement and looked as if, long-term, they'd improve. We've shown nothing this season that sets us apart from the Souness & Roeder teams.

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When Everton, Villa & Spurs appointed Moyes, O'Neill & Jol, despite not pulling up many trees and finishing mid-table, they did show almost immediate signs of improvement and looked as if, long-term, they'd improve. We've shown nothing this season that sets us apart from the Souness & Roeder teams.


They've all had ups and downs along the way tho.



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When Everton, Villa & Spurs appointed Moyes, O'Neill & Jol, despite not pulling up many trees and finishing mid-table, they did show almost immediate signs of improvement and looked as if, long-term, they'd improve. We've shown nothing this season that sets us apart from the Souness & Roeder teams.


Exactement.  And that's what's causing the tension, lack of faith and misgivings, not that our current league position is considered unacceptable for a team of our perceived calibre.

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Guest iliketoonarmy

As said, Allardyce and Eriksson both took over at the same time, spent a similar amount on a similar amount of player and we are near the bottom while they compete for the CL.


Sven had more cash to spend and we sold two of our creative players and didn't replace thm.


Sven had a year off to scout the players he brought in.


very good reason,you are a genius.

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I'm highly pissed of by the way we are playing at the moment, we look disjointed, unconfident and boring.


However, sacking the manager will get us nowhere. We need to give this a season, if we want to change things we can do it then.

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Guest michaelfoster

Right i went to the match last night but went straight to bed as i had to be up at quarter to fice this morning, so heres my thoughts.


Team Selection & Tactics


I was quite impressed he actually went with Duff on the left & Milner on the right but as someone else said why play to DM at home against Man City, it leaves us with nobody to create from midfield. Apart from that I was quite pleased with the team selection, we also played 4-4-2 which i was suprised with.


The match


First half we played quite well, kept the ball low passed it around, created chances & had a few good shots on goal. Duff wasnt offside and the foul afterwards should of been a sending off for the last man. Elano was lucky not be be sent off for the foul on Faye as he didnt even attempt to go for the ball. Second half we bottled it i think, wedid the opposite of the first half, we couldnt string two passes together, couldnt create & couldnt finish. Man City took thier chances and got the 3 points. I was dissapointed with quite a few players last night.


Given - 5 hesitates far too much, should of came & collected a few balls but left for defenders and gave City a few possible chances. Seems to lost his confidence collecting balls after the challenge by Harewood


N'Zogbia - 7 did well getting forward


Taylor - 6 did ok


Cacapa - 5 still looks short of confidence


Beye - 7 solid again


Duff - 7 did well down left but him & milner kept switching which ended up being inneffective


Faye - 7 good in air, good tackling, got forward a few times


Butt - 6 didnt do much yesterday, seems to run around alot and didnt do anything of interest.


Milner - 5 dont cut inside when your one on one with the keeper you c*nt, poor crossing, poor dribbling, poor first touch, worst performance from him this season so far.


Viduka - 5 Stands still and lets the ball come to him, when the ball comes towards you go for it and keep your back to the defender.


Martins - 5 Couldn't finish his dinner, runs around alot but has no composure, positioning, off the ball skills.




Owen - 6 Had 1 good chance just after he came on, didnt really do much after that.


Emre - 6 Did ok


Enrique - 6 tried but lacks strength & gets knocked off ball too easily.


Other Comments


wp to the guy who shouted mr blobby is on the pitch when the blue baloons were on the pitch. I was scared Owen would get injured when he want to kick the balloons off the pitch.


The guy behind me in the east stand who was talking at the top of his voice just before half time saying Given's crap, Harper should play every game from now on etc etc was getting right on my tits, i was tempted to hit him just for deliberatly talking so loudly


Anyone see the two guys in the middle of the east stand standing by the exit, waiving their white hankercheifs & shouting its ok we surrender, you dont need to play like this anymore, was fb :D


Finally the Man City fans were in good voice last night, shame they sang whe shall not be moved about a million times, they hardly sang anything else


Overall a poor performance, another 3 points lost, the players dont seem to know what formation & tactics they are actually playing which is quite worrying.

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