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Guest K9

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He's done f*** all since he joined in truth, he certainly hasn't improved or managed to look like a £10m striker. Awful last night. Long-term get rid.


17 goals in his first season which kept us up and he's done f*** all? aye whatever.

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Martins is vital for us.. anybody who can't see this is f***ing retarded.


yeah we really need a player, who can't pass, or trap the ball,or hold the ball up, or link up with strike partner,  ..etc etc.


yeah we do


considering our other strikers are made up of players who are either shite, inexperienced, permanently injured or dont want to be here

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He's done f*** all since he joined in truth


Apart from scoring a few goals.


Few being the key word. We can't rely on him up front at the best of times never mind now. Honestly some of his play was embarrassing last night, I wouldn't mind but he's like that 2 games in 3, like I said he does very little other than score the odd goal which just isn't enough really. That pass where it went out of play, that control where it come off his shin, the dilly dallying, the constant misreading of Shola's knockdowns, that moment where he pointed for Shola to play it which he did, only for him to seemingly forget where he pointed to, going the other way instead. Thick as pig s*** that lad up stairs on that pitch.


He scores goals though - and has proven in the past what a vital player he is for us (twice), late end of last season where his pace were perfect for changing the complexions of a game in an instant and when his goals saved us from relegation under Roeder. Lets not forget that, and lets not forget how when he did play in a team that knocked the ball about he did well.


He needs the ball to his feet, not lumped to him from the defence.


As for that little bit you described at the end, i actually thought it was no ones fault, if anything it was intelligent forward play from Martins where he made his run but checked it late to fool the defender - unfortunately Shola didnt read it.  Martins didnt point at all.


He's by no mean the complete package, and i dont think he ever will, but he's definitely a vital player for us in this paceless team.




The ball was played to his feet a lot in the first half, but it didn't stick and the few times he was through he crossed the ball out of play or it went for a goal-kick after coming off his shin. He did point as well. There was no need to try and fool the defender either as he has the pace to get to Shola's ball, with the defender already flat on his feet. Not that he tried to fool the defender like, you're just excusing him. He offers us f*** all outside of the odd goal. His control, decision making, awareness and all-round game is abysmal for a £10m player who has been here a few years now and should have at least improved a little. If we can get our money back for him we should snap their hand off, although due to our small squad we'd need to get someone in first obviously. I can't remember many times in the past when one of our players has had such an abysmal game in terms of decision making, first touch, control, awareness and general hold-up play.


Last night was s shocker for him no doubt - you definitely dont know what your gonna get some of his play WAS woeful but i still think "sayin he's done fuck all here since he's joined" is a bit much in my opinion. We'll have to agree to disagree about pointing, i definitely didnt see it, i wont question your credibilty as an authorative source of info though. ;) . Im also not sure why theres no need to fool the defender?  Surely trying to make space for yourselfis generally deemed intelligent play, Rooney does it all the time, even though he has the pace to outrun many defenders.


In fact i think i'll stop here, your just talking bollocks mate, how you can say he offers very little other than the"odd goal" is beyond me. What did Owen offer before Keegan changed his role?



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Martins is vital for us.. anybody who can't see this is f***ing retarded.


yeah we really need a player, who can't pass, or trap the ball,or hold the ball up, or link up with strike partner,  ..etc etc.


yeah we do


considering our other strikers are made up of players who are either s****, inexperienced, permanently injured or dont want to be here



god your right, we are really in the shit,...

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Scored more than Owen in half the time.


Well ok i know Owen's had injuries but so has Martins over that last season and a half, they've played the same amount of games this season, 5 i think and Owen's got 3 and Oba's had 2.


What stats are you using, lad?  I'm not slagging off Martins (who may have been a bit off-pace, esp in 2nd half, but I usually like to give players a couple matches back before I complain too much about that sort of thing).  Owen's record for NUFC is 1 in 2.  Martins' is about 1 in 3 -- which is still quite good, imo.  Owen has scored 23 goals in something like 45 matches for NUFC.  The problem with that stat being the 45 matches in three seasons...but that's still a better than Oba's 22 (I think) in approx. 70.  Definitely a better ratio for Owen.  That said, it's rather unfair to say Oba's not quality because he's not Michael Owen.  Not many players are.  Owen's quality is unquestionable (how many strikers score 1 in 2 in the Premiership over 10 seasons?).  It's unfair to Oba to constantly compare him to Owen.  Try looking at Oba on his own merits, not someone else's.  A 1 in 3 striker is quite valuable, especially one who can be well-utilized to get the best out of a 1 in 2 striker (see the 4-3-3 from last season). 


Is a 1 in 3 striker worth £10m though? In my eyes undoubtedly, does anyone knowhow many assists he has and does anyone know how many importants roles he's played in other peoples goals? Obviouly not but i think he's easily worth about 25-30 goals a season, assuming we're flying as a team. Something we've not seen consitenlty in a season since 2003/4....

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"The ball goes up to him and you think, 'give it simple', and he will backheel it, run round the other side of the player and then lash it into the top corner.


"You say, 'Okay, that's not too bad, don't give it anymore, just keep doing that'.


Brilliantly funny and the absolute truth about what type of player Martins is. Personally, I would rather have him in our team than the opposition's..

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Scored more than Owen in half the time.


Well ok i know Owen's had injuries but so has Martins over that last season and a half, they've played the same amount of games this season, 5 i think and Owen's got 3 and Oba's had 2.


What stats are you using, lad?  I'm not slagging off Martins (who may have been a bit off-pace, esp in 2nd half, but I usually like to give players a couple matches back before I complain too much about that sort of thing).  Owen's record for NUFC is 1 in 2.  Martins' is about 1 in 3 -- which is still quite good, imo.  Owen has scored 23 goals in something like 45 matches for NUFC.  The problem with that stat being the 45 matches in three seasons...but that's still a better than Oba's 22 (I think) in approx. 70.  Definitely a better ratio for Owen.  That said, it's rather unfair to say Oba's not quality because he's not Michael Owen.  Not many players are.  Owen's quality is unquestionable (how many strikers score 1 in 2 in the Premiership over 10 seasons?).  It's unfair to Oba to constantly compare him to Owen.  Try looking at Oba on his own merits, not someone else's.  A 1 in 3 striker is quite valuable, especially one who can be well-utilized to get the best out of a 1 in 2 striker (see the 4-3-3 from last season). 

Martins has played 84 and scored 29 but in a way it's unfair because he played on the wing for a good few games last season plus he had to settle in which Owen has never had to really do with this league and he's had his own niggling injuries to deal with. Owen has played 53 and scored 25. Owen is a better striker i'm just saying Martins has scored more goals which he has, i'm not getting into goals a game ratios.

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I love this "but the next time he'll turn round and smash it into the top corner" stuff that ALWAYS gets an airing when debating about Martins. He never fucking does it, he's scored the goal against Tottenham ages ago and it's like everyone's wiling to forgive his shit play in case he does that again next game.

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I love this "but the next time he'll turn round and smash it into the top corner" stuff that ALWAYS gets an airing when debating about Martins. He never f***ing does it, he's scored the goal against Tottenham ages ago and it's like everyone's wiling to forgive his s*** play in case he does that again next game.


more likely, he may do it the next season...

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Until we get someone else, Martins is our second best striker (ignoring Viduka completely as he's not got a functional body).


He's the only striker we've got with any real pace, regardless of how he uses it.


He's the only striker we've got who scares defenders when he has the ball, regardless of how often he miscontrols it.


He's the only striker we've got who can produce something out of nothing, regardless of how rarely that occurs.


He must play.

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I still say try and hijack the Cisse transfer in the summer.


I'd say in terms of productivity they offer pretty much the same. If i was a defender though, id be a bit more scared of Martins than i would of Cisse.

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I still say try and hijack the Cisse transfer in the summer.


I'd say in terms of productivity they offer pretty much the same. If i was a defender though, id be a bit more scared of Martins than i would of Cisse.


I'd say Cisse brings a more aggressive and in your face style than Martins does.

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I still say try and hijack the Cisse transfer in the summer.


I'd say in terms of productivity they offer pretty much the same. If i was a defender though, id be a bit more scared of Martins than i would of Cisse.


I'd say Cisse brings a more aggressive and in your face style than Martins does.


More direct, better footballing brain, better finisher.

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I still say try and hijack the Cisse transfer in the summer.


I'd say in terms of productivity they offer pretty much the same. If i was a defender though, id be a bit more scared of Martins than i would of Cisse.


I'd say Cisse brings a more aggressive and in your face style than Martins does.


More direct, better footballing brain, better finisher.


Easy tiger. ;)

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I still say try and hijack the Cisse transfer in the summer.


I'd say in terms of productivity they offer pretty much the same. If i was a defender though, id be a bit more scared of Martins than i would of Cisse.


I'd say Cisse brings a more aggressive and in your face style than Martins does.


Agree with that. :nods:


Also capable of bringing others into play and can hold it up too.

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I still say try and hijack the Cisse transfer in the summer.


I'd say in terms of productivity they offer pretty much the same. If i was a defender though, id be a bit more scared of Martins than i would of Cisse.


I'd say Cisse brings a more aggressive and in your face style than Martins does.


Would agree with that, however Martins always try to take his man and that scares the shit out of defenders especially with his pace.

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I still say try and hijack the Cisse transfer in the summer.


I'd say in terms of productivity they offer pretty much the same. If i was a defender though, id be a bit more scared of Martins than i would of Cisse.


I'd say Cisse brings a more aggressive and in your face style than Martins does.


More direct, better footballing brain, better finisher.

Cisse is possibly the most inconsistent finisher in the league, he has had some woeful misses like one from 2 yards out against Man U, Martins can take a chance in one or two, Cisse takes about 5 attempts.

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