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Louis van Gaal


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I've got a lot of books about Dutch football and van Gaal would be another Gullit here based on the things I've read about his coaching methods. He is too technical for us and our players and indeed our league.


The books and articles you read suggested Allardyce's methods would be somewhat of a guaranteed success though, didn't they?



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Guest Knightrider

I've got a lot of books about Dutch football and van Gaal would be another Gullit here based on the things I've read about his coaching methods. He is too technical for us and our players and indeed our league.


The books and articles you read suggested Allardyce's methods would be somewhat of a guaranteed success though, didn't they?


And look what happened to him here. Which is my point. We need someone who can come in and get things up and running quickly based on the basics and not someone with fancy ideas who will just confuse things further. van Gaal is a very technical manager, everything he does is planned to the finest detail, his players are prepared in every way possible. Then there are his tactics, systems and his abrasive style. Don't get me wrong he's a class act but he would struggle here I feel.



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For those interested Ajax beat AZ 6-1 this afternoon. AZ had 10men for second half though. Wouldn't be against seeing Van Gaal here mind.


We had 10 men for the entire match yesterday. Strangely, we still had 10 men once Smith went off. ???

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Guest bluegeordie

I've got a lot of books about Dutch football and van Gaal would be another Gullit here based on the things I've read about his coaching methods. He is too technical for us and our players and indeed our league.


The books and articles you read suggested Allardyce's methods would be somewhat of a guaranteed success though, didn't they?


And look what happened to him here. Which is my point. We need someone who can come in and get things up and running quickly based on the basics and not someone with fancy ideas who will just confuse things further. van Gaal is a very technical manager, everything he does is planned to the finest detail, his players are prepared in every way possible. Then there are his tactics, systems and his abrasive style. Don't get me wrong he's a class act but he would struggle here I feel.


I think that you're underestimating the intelligence and technical sophistication of some of our players HTT, and in the end it would all boil down to us simply refining the communication process. Maybe van Gaal could build on Sam's idea of the headset, by issuing one to all of his players. I can see it now, "Oba, Oba, can you read me? Excellent. You need to run really, really, really quickly in that direction. No, I meant the other way, and don't worry about Mickey - he'll recover. Alright, now all you need to do is to remember to run that way when the ball is actually in play, and preferably when we're attacking, and to stop when you reach the sideline, or the advertising hoardings at the very latest. Over?"       

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Guest assyriantoon

I've got a lot of books about Dutch football and van Gaal would be another Gullit here based on the things I've read about his coaching methods. He is too technical for us and our players and indeed our league.


Does that explain why it worked for Gullit at chelsea? Does that explain why Gullit failed at Feyenoord? I find it utterly amazing that you could consider Louis Van Gaal (A Champions League winner) on a par with Ruud Gullit.

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For those interested Ajax beat AZ 6-1 this afternoon. AZ had 10men for second half though. Wouldn't be against seeing Van Gaal here mind.


We had 10 men for the entire match yesterday. Strangely, we still had 10 men once Smith went off. ???


Even more strangely, we had the SAME 10 men once Smith went off. ???

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Guest Knightrider

I've got a lot of books about Dutch football and van Gaal would be another Gullit here based on the things I've read about his coaching methods. He is too technical for us and our players and indeed our league.


Does that explain why it worked for Gullit at chelsea? Does that explain why Gullit failed at Feyenoord? I find it utterly amazing that you could consider Louis Van Gaal (A Champions League winner) on a par with Ruud Gullit.


I'm not comparing the two as managers man, I'm saying the outcome would be similar. IMO of course.

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I've got a lot of books about Dutch football and van Gaal would be another Gullit here based on the things I've read about his coaching methods. He is too technical for us and our players and indeed our league.


Does that explain why it worked for Gullit at chelsea? Does that explain why Gullit failed at Feyenoord? I find it utterly amazing that you could consider Louis Van Gaal (A Champions League winner) on a par with Ruud Gullit.


I'm not comparing the two as managers man, I'm saying the outcome would be similar. IMO of course.

Isn't it always in your opinion if you're saying it?

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Guest Knightrider

I've got a lot of books about Dutch football and van Gaal would be another Gullit here based on the things I've read about his coaching methods. He is too technical for us and our players and indeed our league.


Does that explain why it worked for Gullit at chelsea? Does that explain why Gullit failed at Feyenoord? I find it utterly amazing that you could consider Louis Van Gaal (A Champions League winner) on a par with Ruud Gullit.


I'm not comparing the two as managers man, I'm saying the outcome would be similar. IMO of course.

Isn't it always in your opinion if you're saying it?


Depends which frame of mind I'm in...

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I actually dont think that the managers style of coaching is the main problem for Allardyce's successor. I genuinely think that the most iportant aspect about this appointment is that it is someone who every single fan can get behind.


There isnt a single manager out there who can guaratee succes, (some come close), the improtant thing for the club s that they appoint someone who the fans wont turn on. Shearer sits high on that list becasue the fans could stand by him, a high class appoitment irrespective of coaching style isantoher tye of manager that people could get behind. Anyone less known or between the 2 wont get the support at all. Managers like Quique Flores, Manchini, Co Adriaanse etc, these are all managers who are quite successful but arent on the big stage so wont get the support that is requirted to enable contiuity.

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Exactly. He manages AZ Alkmaar at the moment, why people seem to think he's completely above our level is beyond me,


AZ is actually pretty rich club with high ambitions, I heard that they were really close to signing Afonso Alves with very high fee, but he wants to join some Premiership club.


In comparison to other Dutch clubs AZ is pretty rich, but they are practically out of the running to win this year´s title and they´re already out of Europe, so it will be another one and a half year at least until he wins a major trophy with them. He may well feel the wheels have come off and could be tempted by another challenge, especially one involving a better competition (although he doesn´t normally speak highly of English football in interviews) and significantly more money.


So he'd doing kinda s***, so we should bring him in off reputation....


Is that the way you would feel about Mourinho too?


Mourinho was undermined at Chelsea and his relationship with Abramovich was unberable. Never lost a league game at home in the 2 seasons he was there. So no I wouldn't. Don't try and put words in my mouth.


So Van Gaal didnt impress last season when his mediocre AZ side knocked us out of the UEFA cup, and he completely outhought and outclassed Roeder with his side going for the jugular?


No I wasn't overly impressed, they got knocked out the night round anyway.


Well, fair do's, but I thought his tactics were excellent against us, and he won the mental battle that night, showing himself to be in a different class to the gutless but niceguy Roeder.


AZ are struggling right now, but is it fair to judge him on his current team considering his proven calibre? Didn't many of us similarly think Svenn was s*** based on his tactics and philosophy with England? Was Sir Alex's "s*** and sliding" ManU side a fair reflection on his ability a few years ago, when everyone was saying he was finished?


He's a CL winning manager. There arent many of them around, and they tend to be very good at their jobs - nobody's fool. They do fail sometimes, they do go through peaks and troughs in terms of success, but they normally bounce back at some point or another. The closest we've had in recent times was Sir Bobby, a Cup Winner's Cup winning manager. Maybe Hughes is a good manager in waiting, but I dont think its fair on others who want Van Gaal to say hes wanted just because hes a foreigner. Hes proven his class.


Some good points regarding Sven. It is my belief still that in big games, Sven's negative tactics will unravel Man City but his moves in the transfer markets have been brilliant and he's got Man City playing carpet football.


However we are weak defensively (even though we've got some good defenders), seems more than stupid to hire a manager whose team are very weak defensively as well. I suppose Blackburn have been thumped a few times as well but AZ really don't impress me at all.


You talk about peaks and troughs but Man United have never finished below 4th (or even 3rd) for a long, looooong time.


His tactics against us also wasn't that impressive. It just seemed like he indentified that one young lad who played at right back and decided to rape him. That's all I remember of that.

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Allardyce had most fans' support, I'd say. It evaporated pretty bloody quickly, though.


I dont think it was someone who the majority wanted, Allardyce was everyones inevitable choice and was accepted as so. Throughout the years i can only think of 2 or 3 managers who the fans could of got behind, Keegan, Bobby and Dalglish, Dalglish was unformtunate becasue he came after a golden time in our history and his style of football was always gonna be judged agaisnt his predecessor.


There are plenty of people who i think could do a job, but i think that they still wouldnt be accepted because they are either unknwn and unfamiliar. In my opinion its only Shearer and Keegan, or a big big foriegn manager with big achievemnts who would be accepted.

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I don't think anybody here would argue that he's not a good manager, it's just a matter of fit.


Allardyce has already proven that the obsessive-compulisve tinkerer style who requires absolute obedience from his players doesn't work with NUFC.


We need somebody who can win back the dressing room, bring things back to basics, and give the players some freedom.

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Van gaal is the perfect man for NUFC.  Even more so when you look at the so called criteria laid out by Mort.  Van gaal ticks every box.


His teams play brilliant football,  normally in the typical dutch total football style.  I gave up long ago ever thinking i'd see NUFC win something in my lifetime and i'm only 34 but would have no problem handing over my £500 every year to watch that kind of football.


Look at his record with youth players,  has managed Ajax and Barca,  2 clubs with probably the best 2 academies in World football.  I was talking to a dutch lad from my work and his success with Alkmaar in the last few seasons as been built on bringing through young players.


He can handle the pressure,  you've just got to see where he's been before to see that.


I know he can be a bit of a idiot and can be abrasive ect but the fact that he will make Alan Oliver's life more difficult by ignoring him and having a weekly argument with him should be viewed as a bonus!!

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