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We need a foreigner


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I honestly believe our new manager has to be a foreigner.


Firstly most foreign managers will be less aware of the poison chalice reputation of the Newcastle United job. Now i know this sounds like a naive comment but British managers have experienced the demise of NUFC from very close quarters and have seen all the negative press coverage that has come with it. Although a lot of the foreign managers will be aware of the hirings and firings i doubt a lot of the other crap will have filtered through.


There are no British managers that we consider good enough to take us where we want to be with the exception of Ferguson, Moyes and possibly O'Neill, and none of those are going to happen. Even Hughes is yet to prove he has what it takes to challenge the top four. I would rather take a chance on one of the up-and-coming Championship managers than the current crop of British Premier league bosses.


Respect from the players. That little bit of mystery that comes with a foreign manager mght be enough to get some more effort out of the players. Our player's reputations would count for nothing. They would all have to prove themselves to the new man and do their best to earn his respect.


Tactics. It seems that continental managers piss all over British managers when it comes to tactics. There are too many one-dimensional fixed-format managers in the English game, and there's no place for them any more.


We've seen our nearest rivals pull away from us by having the forsight to look abroad. If we don't do the same i fear we'll drop back even further.

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Its a shame we didnt get sven when he was linked with the club. Alot of our fans were against it at the time but ive always had a soft spot for him since we beat the germans 5-1.

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Only Spurs and City have gone foreign, and they both picked up managers who were either out of work and familiar with the premiership, or looking to work in the Premiership and biding their time for a job to come up.


It's not like there's a whole host of top foreign managers queing up.

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Only Spurs and City have gone foreign, and they both picked up managers who were either out of work and familiar with the premiership, or looking to work in the Premiership and biding their time for a job to come up.


It's not like there's a whole host of top foreign managers queing up.


Over what time period?  :lol:

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Only Spurs and City have gone foreign, and they both picked up managers who were either out of work and familiar with the premiership, or looking to work in the Premiership and biding their time for a job to come up.


It's not like there's a whole host of top foreign managers queing up.


Over what time period?  :lol:


Got to mean this season & is not classing jocks as foreign

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Only Spurs and City have gone foreign, and they both picked up managers who were either out of work and familiar with the premiership, or looking to work in the Premiership and biding their time for a job to come up.


It's not like there's a whole host of top foreign managers queing up.


There are a fair few who have said they want to come to the premierhship, its only the Liverpool job which looks like it will be availbale and appealing to big managers, the next one from that is ours,




Van Gaal


Mourihno (said he wants to come back sooner or later)




They are all managers in recent times who have said they would like to come to the premiership, not saying that they would come now but just saying the names are out there.


p.s Im aware of some of the peoples circumstances, just reiterating that its an appealing league which top class managers want to come to.


The fact is is that managers want to manage in this league, its become an ambtions for a lot of managers becuase of the hype and money around the premiership nowadays.


If you ask me if it were possilble for a top class foriegn manager to be appointed for nufc, despite todays performance id still say yes because the oppurtunity to manage one fo the big big clubs is becoming rarer and rarer so its a case of the next best thing. Which without a shadow of a doubt is us.

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The distinction of British and foreign is completely immaterial, what we need is a good, experienced manager. As long as he's that, his nationality doesn't matter.


The sad fact being that we're unlikely to get one, regardless of whether we go domestic or foreign.


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Ask Liverpool for permission to speak to Raffa…. would be interesting just to hear the owners response…


We could always say he’s not suitable after interview.


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Are there actually many other British based managers who may be approached?


Can anyone tink of any managers who may be on Morts list, obviously not stupid ones like Ronnie Moore, but ones in the same brcket as Redknapp.


The 3/4 i can think of are Hughes, Shearer, Keegan and Jol. Now its already been intimated that nationality isnt an issue so isnt it likely that we will be looking abroad as well?





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Tell you who I'd go for if I were MA - and I'm talking about realistic targets, so I'm excluding Mourinho etc etc - Slaven Bilic.


He seems like a good option, id like to see Joachim Lowe as well. Seems to be doing well with Deustchland. I think we can forget about defensive minded targets.

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Tony Mowbray or Gary Johnson would be perfect for you, but neither are high-profile enough, it's a shame.


How would they be perfect? Not having a go, just wondered.


Johnson in particular, has masterminded to promotions, Bristol City and Yeovil, both on fairly low budgets. Plays brilliant football in a league where it is difficult to implement that style of play, has experience at an international level and generally seems to be an astute fella, very good.


Mowbray, again turned Hibs into a top 4 SPL side and is regarded by their fans as one of their best managers, and despite building up a great squad and losing in the play-offs to Derby last season, losing some of his prized assets to Prem clubs, he's been brilliant in the transfer market this season. I've been particularly impressed with Filipe Teixera. They play great football, second that imho of Bristol City this season.


Both these guys need a chance in the big-time, they are good enough, however young English managers aren't really given the chance at the top-level and I would like to see one of them at a big-ish club, such as Newcastle, although a risk it is one I think would pay off.

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