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Toon turning to Shearer and Keegan

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Lineker just said on MOTD that Shearer told him it's highly unlikely.

What did he say exactly


Just said on MOTD that Shearer told him it's highly unlikely.


Probably highly unlikely because he dosnt think he will be asked

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Lineker just said on MOTD that Shearer told him it's highly unlikely.

What did he say exactly


Just said on MOTD that Shearer told him it's highly unlikely.


Pity as I think it would probably save us from this shit tip of a season

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Guest Knightrider

Despite what people say, I guarantee some part of you would love to see him back and that the very thought of those days gets you all giddy.

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Guest sombrero

personally, i hated the idea of shearer becoming manager because it was too soon, but im staritng to warm to the idea, also, many of you wont agree, but id personally love to see keegan back after all hes the only manager i can remember ever since i was aware of newcastle who has magnificent success and wasnt sacked! he was doing something right. wasnt he?

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Guest assyriantoon

Despite what people say, I guarantee some part of you would love to see him back and that the very thought of those days gets you all giddy.


If you mean Keegan then I totally agree. However, for some reason Shearer is not all that exciting to me.

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Shearer is now the only man for the job IMO. If it all goes wrong, at least it's out of everyone's systems.


I've got to agree unfortunately.  The media have it into thier heads that is all that we want, and wanted last summer, have plenty of footage to show it to be true and have brodcast that 'fact' so much it must be true that any decent manager will not touch us with a fifty foot disinfected barge pole.

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Shearer is now the only man for the job IMO. If it all goes wrong, at least it's out of everyone's systems.


I've got to agree unfortunately.  The media have it into thier heads that is all that we want, and wanted last summer, have plenty of footage to show it to be true and have brodcast that 'fact' so much it must be true that any decent manager will not touch us with a fifty foot disinfected barge pole.


If this story is true then it really is a sad indictment of Ashley and Mort and their decision making

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Oh, just give him it and get it over with.


If it works on pure motivation and sentiment, great. If not, relegation and rebuilding properly without a 'big name' could be the best thing to happen for the club. We need root and branch reform - have done since SBR's penultimate season.

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more than just the mail on sunday running with this


It's in the Times as well, from what I've seen, anywhere else? Daily Star...


Allied with Mike Ashley's war cry in the NOTW, I'm starting to think that Shearer is going to be in the mix somewhere.

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Shearer is now the only man for the job IMO. If it all goes wrong, at least it's out of everyone's systems.


I've got to agree unfortunately.  The media have it into thier heads that is all that we want, and wanted last summer, have plenty of footage to show it to be true and have brodcast that 'fact' so much it must be true that any decent manager will not touch us with a fifty foot disinfected barge pole.


If this story is true then it really is a sad indictment of Ashley and Mort and their decision making


Haven't the events of the last 3 days already convinced you of this?

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The hting about all this is that the clubs statement that they are looking for an experienced manager seemed to write off Shearer.


Also, if the owner is looking for someone to produce a specific style fo football why would he hire someone who has no body of work that can be referred to?


I think this is just poor journalism.

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