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Definitely Ashley - "I want our team to be admired for brilliant football"


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He added: "I want a team that is going to be admired up and down the country because of our brilliant, attacking football.


"Like they did when Kevin Keegan was in charge here.


"In those days everyone in the land loved to watch Newcastle in action. I certainly did.



seems hes been a fan for some time?, this was also one of the main reasons i started supporting nufc!



however, i really like this bit, lets see if he can make something out of it

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Guest Harry-Norway

Sam is gone,he is history,after reading this article i am a bit more optimistic.


Mike Ashley says he had done something he never did before by notdoing things his own way,now he is starting all over again doing it his way and we just have to give him that chance.


Things cant be worse then it is at the moment.


i am optimistic :-)

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I have never doubted that Ashley DOES want to make this club a success AND by playing good football - it was always obvious to me that he wanted to have fun with his dosh...

The sentiments he expresses back up my initial feelings - the only doubts I have are whether he will be able to get the special kind of manager he needs(and the club needs)... its a tough call, but if he succeeds with the manager its obvious that the money and backing will be there - and that is all anyone can ask of a club boss.


I really hope he gets his wish because he has taken a huge financial gamble - but we all benefit if he does.

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He's not asking for gratitude, he's addressing the people in the media who've slagged him off imo. There seems to be an article every day about him wanting to sell up or how he's a laughing stock for sitting with the fans.


Funny how they don't have a go at the Glazers for saddling Man Utd with £400m worth of debt, or Shinawatra for performing executions on innocent people! Nah easier to have a go at that fat bloke sitting with the thick Geordies. What a bunch of c***s.




Seconded, marvellous post.

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Guest sittingontheball

Sorry if this has been said before but,


How many of the current Top Four do not play "brilliant attacking football" on their day?


Why do people frame this demand as romantic nostalgia for Keegan? Attacking and scoring goals are how you consistently win matches.  If Allardyce couldn't see that, he's a complete berk.  So are the media who fall for all that "Big Sam" self-aggrandisement.

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He's not asking for gratitude, he's addressing the people in the media who've slagged him off imo. There seems to be an article every day about him wanting to sell up or how he's a laughing stock for sitting with the fans.


Funny how they don't have a go at the Glazers for saddling Man Utd with £400m worth of debt, or Shinawatra for performing executions on innocent people! Nah easier to have a go at that fat bloke sitting with the thick Geordies. What a bunch of c***s.




Seconded, marvellous post.

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Well, judging by the reaction here at least this interview seems like a brilliant coup for Ashley.


I agree with previous posters. f*** logic, f*** practicality. Lets get behind this man and whoever he appoints.


honest question: is SSR Invicta Toon in disguise?


Honestly, I didn't want to stir up the reaction I got, just the more I defended myself, Ashley's disciples took it as a slight on their hero. They see him as a footballing romantic who is just ploughing money into the club never to see it again.


Yeah, that's why he took on a club - that he had no previous affiliation with - that was recently in the top 20 richest clubs, instead of the numerous smaller clubs in dire need. There's gold in them thar hills.


There seems to be a myth perpetuated that football is a financial black hole, and anyone investing any money into it is just throwing it away for personal glory. Astronomical tv deals, tickets @ £30 a pop, yet apparently there is no money to be made in this business. :lol: The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed.


Anyways, it doesn't matter if he is a prudent investor or footballing philanthropist. As our avaricious friend Shepherd taught us; if you make lousy choices, it is all for naught. 


I'm tired of being told what players we're going to buy and how we're going to play attacking football, and how great we're going to be. Don't sing it, BRING IT.


Why doesn't he shut up and get on with delivering us these promises? Because all I can see right now is a managerless club with a barren transfer window ahead.


Get us a top manager and give him enough money to give us a squad with a decent first 11 and cover in reserve. Then stand back and beam with pride. Don't brag to us at the aftermath of a disaster. It's distasteful.

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He's not asking for gratitude, he's addressing the people in the media who've slagged him off imo. There seems to be an article every day about him wanting to sell up or how he's a laughing stock for sitting with the fans.


Funny how they don't have a go at the Glazers for saddling Man Utd with £400m worth of debt, or Shinawatra for performing executions on innocent people! Nah easier to have a go at that fat bloke sitting with the thick Geordies. What a bunch of cunts.



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He's not asking for gratitude, he's addressing the people in the media who've slagged him off imo. There seems to be an article every day about him wanting to sell up or how he's a laughing stock for sitting with the fans.


Funny how they don't have a go at the Glazers for saddling Man Utd with £400m worth of debt, or Shinawatra for performing executions on innocent people! Nah easier to have a go at that fat bloke sitting with the thick Geordies. What a bunch of c***s.




seconded :thup:

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Why doesn't he shut up and get on with delivering us these promises? Because all I can see right now is a managerless club with a barren transfer window ahead.


If he hadn't said anything the board forum would be full of people wringing their hands and weeping, asking "Why doesn't he come out and say something."


It's only the second time he's given an interview about the club and you're asking him to shut-up?

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Why doesn't he shut up and get on with delivering us these promises? Because all I can see right now is a managerless club with a barren transfer window ahead.


If he hadn't said anything the board forum would be full of people wringing their hands and weeping, asking "Why doesn't he come out and say something."


It's only the second time he's given an interview about the club and you're asking him to shut-up?


I'm not complaining about how often he speaks, I'm objecting to the timing and the content.

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Nothing new in there. Some nice and interesting sentiments and it looks like reinforced commitment to the project.


However he needs to spend money on the pitch.


You've bought a business Mike and you've stabalised it...No one asked you to.


It's a business that relies on players and it's a business that is speculative in terms of risk.


BUY some quality players.

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Well, judging by the reaction here at least this interview seems like a brilliant coup for Ashley.


I agree with previous posters. f*** logic, f*** practicality. Lets get behind this man and whoever he appoints.


honest question: is SSR Invicta Toon in disguise?


Honestly, I didn't want to stir up the reaction I got, just the more I defended myself, Ashley's disciples took it as a slight on their hero. They see him as a footballing romantic who is just ploughing money into the club never to see it again.


Yeah, that's why he took on a club - that he had no previous affiliation with - that was recently in the top 20 richest clubs, instead of the numerous smaller clubs in dire need. There's gold in them thar hills.


There seems to be a myth perpetuated that football is a financial black hole, and anyone investing any money into it is just throwing it away for personal glory. Astronomical tv deals, tickets @ £30 a pop, yet apparently there is no money to be made in this business. :lol: The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed.


Anyways, it doesn't matter if he is a prudent investor or footballing philanthropist. As our avaricious friend Shepherd taught us; if you make lousy choices, it is all for naught. 


I'm tired of being told what players we're going to buy and how we're going to play attacking football, and how great we're going to be. Don't sing it, BRING IT.


Why doesn't he shut up and get on with delivering us these promises? Because all I can see right now is a managerless club with a barren transfer window ahead.


Get us a top manager and give him enough money to give us a squad with a decent first 11 and cover in reserve. Then stand back and beam with pride. Don't brag to us at the aftermath of a disaster. It's distasteful.


Nothing controversial in there. You say what you think mate.  :razz:

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Nothing new in there. Some nice and interesting sentiments and it looks like reinforced commitment to the project.


However he needs to spend money on the pitch.


You've bought a business Mike and you've stabalised it...No one asked you to.


It's a business that relies on players and it's a business that is speculative in terms of risk.


BUY some quality players.


Are you advocating the owner to buy players Park Life?  :razz:

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I genuinely think that the guy is in it for the thrill of the ride, rather than as a business opportunity. In that sense, he's similar to Abramovich in his motivation. What he has to realise is that if we're going to get to a position where we can match the big four, he has to splash a bit more money than he has done up to now, and / or show a bit of patience with whoever he brings in.


What comes across from the interview is that he never really wanted Allardyce. Sam is bound to have detected that, and I think it was also shown by the rather tentative way in which we spent money. It's difficult for a manager to perform well with that 'dead man walking' feeling.


It would have been very difficult for Ashley to replace Allardyce in the summer. The take over didn't fully go through for a number of weeks, and new players had to be brought in during the summer transfer window. It all explains that rather strange atmosphere surrounding transfers at that time, where Allardyce didn't seem to know what was going on, and voiced public concerns about whether the new owners were moving quickly enough.

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If you actually read my post properly before you had got so angry, you'd notice that I didn't actually say the things he had done were to the detriment to the club. I was taking offence at him expecting gratitude as if he was doing this out of the goodness of his heart.


When his savvy business acumen eventually - hopefully - translates into a team worthy of the fans, then I may kiss the ground he walks. I'm not kissing his arse for a healthy balance sheet.



I don't think that was his tone tbf - I think he was trying to emphasise that he had done something "major" by putting that much money in to show he was serious rather than a figure of fun suggested by his sit with the fans image.


I would stop short of kissing his arse but us being a debt free club is worthy of some gratitude I feel.


Being debt-free doesn't affect the fans. If the efficient running of the club's finances eventually results in higher revenues which are invested in higher quality personnel, which in turn results in better performances on the pitch - then it affects us.


Hasn't happened yet. I'll be grateful when it eventually - hopefully - does.



Yeah, Luton fans aren't being affected at all mate.



I agree with you Gol


one day some people may grasp the concept that running a football club isn't quite the same as running Marks and Spencers




It's easier.

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Nothing new in there. Some nice and interesting sentiments and it looks like reinforced commitment to the project.


However he needs to spend money on the pitch.


You've bought a business Mike and you've stabalised it...No one asked you to.


It's a business that relies on players and it's a business that is speculative in terms of risk.


BUY some quality players.


To be fair Parky, we need a manager first.  :smug:

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