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The Magedia Thread - Sunderland suck trollolololol


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:lol: How does this shite get printed? This shit gets called a news story these days. Most of those quotes are unbelievable! People go to university to learn to write that shit, and then get paid to write it. Un fucking real.
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Not sure if this is significant, but if you go onto the NOTW story now you this.....





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Still on the home page though.

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Guest firetotheworks

Cut to another week and they'll moan about how English players are over-rated. They'll give a list and Andy Carroll will be on it, then they'll question why they're over-rated, oblivious to the paradox of their own stupidity.

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Wankers on sunday Supplement say the baggage might put the likes of Chelsea off buying him .


Oh and he went on to say Chelsea have got rid of some of there bad headlines over the past few years and become a more loveable team :lol:


Could think of the top of my head, John Terry cheating on his wife with a teamates ex, JT's dad selling coke , JT selling access to the club, Ashley Cole shagging behind Cheryls back etc.

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Guest Wally_McFool

Just out of interest, isn't it the NOTW that are banned from the training ground/ press conferences ect?


If they aren't already banned, they soon will be.

Good riddance to the twats as well.


I'd like to know what skeletons Keith Gladdis and Dominic Herbert have in their cupboards. the pair of shit stirring cunts..

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Never remember the papers being so utterly shite as they have been over the last 5 years (at least). Write bollocks, get page impressions, give link to blog so people get vent online, get blog hits, charge more for advertising for 'popular' pages. Disgrace.

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