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Shearer: I have the passion

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest SpinTheBlackCircle

Don't doubt Shearers passion.  His ability as a manager is unknown though.


Like Keegan. Bring Shearer on now.

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Guest elbee909

Don't doubt Shearers passion.  His ability as a manager is unknown though.


Like Keegan. Bring Shearer on now.


Great reasoning. :(

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At least Southgate and Merson will be happy now, for some reason they thought he should have done this months ago, but he is under no obligation to do anything.


He has been on holiday and told us his thoughts on that matter, its not quite a come and get me plea but he say look I am here to listen, also from that article it seems like he will listen to an offer as an assistant aswell.


Why are some people so sure he will fail?


Why has he been so averse to getting his hands dirty learning the management trade elsewhere rather than farting about on MOTD for the last 2 years or so?


He knows he has influence but rather than build upon that he's relying on it. 


Would learning the trade elsewhere guarentee him success at Newcastle?


Allardyce had got his hands dirty in the past and where did that get us? Handling a bigger club is obviously far different from handling a big club, many that have been good at the small clubs has found this out. Equally if Wenger or Fergie took over at Bury or Wrexham there are no guarentees of success, it is a totally different job, Fergie or Wenger maybe shite managers in the lower leagues.


Would you take Martinez who has done well at Swansea? He has picked up experience and cut his teeth elsewhere?


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Shearer has had opportunities in the past to take the job, and instead of gaining coaching or managerial experience, he chose to be a TV pundit. He can’t expect to just walk into the job now that there’s money to spend and he decides he wants it. If he’s passed over this time, it’s a reasonable decision and he has no-one to blame but himself.


It also seems a bit selfish to go public like this. It can only undermine the position of the new Board, who are responsible for running the club that he professes to love.


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*Sticks fingers in ears* I'm not listening, la-la-la-la-la, f*** off Alan, la-la-la-la-la


No need for the f*** off alan like, insulting


He's pissing me off by playing this game. If he knows he wont get it and he is a fan then he should rule himself out just to stop the twitchy arseholes from heaping the pressure on the next bloke in the event of a bad run of form.


He needs to stop being so egotistical and whoring himself out to The Sun. It'll cause havoc.


Yeah well that's your opinion - and not one I agree with.

If Shearer says nothing he is canned by the various wads as leaving a shadow over the club. Others complain he should come out and speak up. Now he has been honest and said I want it and implied he's even consider being no2 blokes you carry on. If the next bloke gets on losing streak then no matter what - the pressure is on, when Shearer was playing it was no different, you don't perform and the crowd turn on you, almost as quickly as you have on one the most faithful servants of our club.


The pressure would only be on because some fans don't understand the concept of continuity.


I've turned on Shearer because what he is doing is massively detrimental to the search for a new manager. It'll put managers off, it'll heap more pressure on the board and could harm us having any success in the near future.


At least Southgate and Merson will be happy now, for some reason they thought he should have done this months ago, but he is under no obligation to do anything.


He has been on holiday and told us his thoughts on that matter, its not quite a come and get me plea but he say look I am here to listen, also from that article it seems like he will listen to an offer as an assistant aswell.


Why are some people so sure he will fail?


Why has he been so averse to getting his hands dirty learning the management trade elsewhere rather than farting about on MOTD for the last 2 years or so?


He knows he has influence but rather than build upon that he's relying on it. 


Would learning the trade elsewhere guarentee him success at Newcastle?


Allardyce had got his hands dirty in the past and where did that get us? Handling a bigger club is obviously far different from handling a big club, many that have been good at the small clubs has found this out. Equally if Wenger or Fergie took over at Bury or Wrexham there are no guarentees of success, it is a totally different job, Fergie or Wenger maybe s**** managers in the lower leagues.


Would you take Martinez who has done well at Swansea? He has picked up experience and cut his teeth elsewhere?



Stupid argument. What we're talking about is whether he'll have the ability to manage at all, rather than at what level. Shearer hasn't proved himself yet so why should he expect to walk into the job? It is very, very selfish of him to try and sway Ashley and Mort via the press and put the club under immense pressure, just to fill his own agenda.


Anyone who thinks Shearer is a realistic appointment should just get themselves labotomised and stand outside the ground chanting like morons for the baying Southern press that are once again having a good chortle at us.


Also, before it gets brought up can I address the whole Keegan = Shearer comparisons. Keegan was a last ditch appointment, someone who came in when the club needed a lift. Fortunately, he turned out to be good. We're not in the same position so why take a huge risk?

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Shearer's part in the departure of SBR and introduction of Souness (look where that got us) has to raise serious questions about his judgement.

Also his close relationship with Freddy will not be lost on the new regime.


I reckon we can forget about Shearer for now. If things don't work out with their preferred choices then they may fall back on Shearer as a last resort.

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Shearer's part in the departure of SBR and introduction of Souness (look where that got us) has to raise serious questions about his judgement.

Also his close relationship with Freddy will not be lost on the new regime.


I reckon we can forget about Shearer for now. If things dion't work out with their preferred choices then they may fall back on Shearer as a last resort.



how do you know he had a part in it?

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I think this is out of order from Shearer.


If he has been told he isn't going to be considered this time around then why come out and state that you want the job?


It only creates a tense situation. This is all everyone is going to be harping on about now, especially the media, it's like Shearer is trying to force the owner's hand.


I don't like this at all. It's not fair.


The last thing we need is the owners bringing in someone they didn't really want in the first place.

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I hate the fact everyone compares the Keegan to Shearer too.


Didn't Keegan take the job when we were out of the premier league?  This is a completely different kettle of fish.


I find this very irritating tbh.

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Shearer's part in the departure of SBR and introduction of Souness (look where that got us) has to raise serious questions about his judgement.

Also his close relationship with Freddy will not be lost on the new regime.


I reckon we can forget about Shearer for now. If things dion't work out with their preferred choices then they may fall back on Shearer as a last resort.



how do you know he had a part in it?


Someone told me.

Bobby preferred a Kluivert/Bellamy partnership. Shearer got upset as it threatened his Mr. Newcastle dominance. Shearer uses press to get at Bobby. Bobby suggests Shearer is sold.  Shearer goes to chairman who idolises him. Bobby goes. Shearer's mate Souness comes . Shearer is main man again. Bellamy and Kluivert go.


BTW if Shearer IS appointed I will support him fully as I will any new manager. I just think it's unlikely unless it's a last resort appointment.

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any manager is a risk and any manager is going to find it tough to so the kob here with this Shearer ghost hanging over them, if he is given the job and fails then at least it will be an end to it, any man that comes in now will feel he is just filling in until Al is given the job.

If Shearer was taken on as a NO2 I think that would be a good idea, he can learn his trade and get that vital experiences that everyone is talking about, but still the problem is who would come ad do that? no manager wants there no2 to be given to them, they will all want to bring in their own. Thats why the KK and Shearer thing is so tempting because Keegan would have Big Al as his no2 I am sure, one thing though it would bring back the noise some and belief amongst the fans.

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At least Southgate and Merson will be happy now, for some reason they thought he should have done this months ago, but he is under no obligation to do anything.


He has been on holiday and told us his thoughts on that matter, its not quite a come and get me plea but he say look I am here to listen, also from that article it seems like he will listen to an offer as an assistant aswell.


Why are some people so sure he will fail?


Why has he been so averse to getting his hands dirty learning the management trade elsewhere rather than farting about on MOTD for the last 2 years or so?


He knows he has influence but rather than build upon that he's relying on it. 


Would learning the trade elsewhere guarentee him success at Newcastle?


Allardyce had got his hands dirty in the past and where did that get us? Handling a bigger club is obviously far different from handling a big club, many that have been good at the small clubs has found this out. Equally if Wenger or Fergie took over at Bury or Wrexham there are no guarentees of success, it is a totally different job, Fergie or Wenger maybe s**** managers in the lower leagues.


Would you take Martinez who has done well at Swansea? He has picked up experience and cut his teeth elsewhere?


Fergie managed East Stirlingshire, St Mirren and Aberdeen before ever going to Man Utd. He learnt his trade at each club preparing him for the next. He even had the experience of getting sacked at St Mirren.


People who say 'Why are people so sure Shearer will fail?' Im not sure, I would think more than likely he will be a good manager, but that isnt good enough. Just because he loves the club isnt good enough. We are in a state and need a proven manager, someone who is more likely to get it right than a rookie.

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Shearer might well turn out to be a decent manager, but there are too many unknowns. Who would form his backroom staff? Does he have too many ties to the old guard? His mates are Fat Fred, Dalglish and Souness.


I don't think it will have went down well with the new regime that Alan Oliver was spilling the beans on national tv about the phone call Mort made to Shearer in Barbados either. Shearer is playing the press and using his popularity to force the board's hand. For that reason alone I don't think he'll get offered the job.

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It's amazing that the knives have come out for him. For me, he's declared that he'd like the job but he appreciates the club want someone experienced. He's in a no-win situation because people would have still had a go at him if he had maintained silence for not declaring his intentions !


He's not the saint he's been made out to be, but some of the negativity that is sent is way, especially from some of our own fans is just perplexing.

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I don't want Shearer, Keegan, Sheegan, or even Kearer.


I hate the way we live in the past, despite the fact we never actually won anything with either at the club.


That's not to discredit the work of either man btw. Both are legends here but I want us to look further afield.

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Guest sittingontheball

He says he's not a shadow over the club, and then declares he wants a job he's not being considered for.......immediately putting pressure on whoever gets the gig.


If he was that bothered about management, he should be managing in the lower leagues like Ince, not fannying about on the tell and playing golf, expecting to walk into our job when it suits him.


Legend he may be, but he's doing himself no favours here.


I'm with the dude. The club owes Shearer nothing. And if his match analysis during punditry is anything to go by, I can't see him cutting it as a manager.  He does nowt but state the obvious.

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He's honest in that interview. He knows what he can and can't do, and I believe what he says is accurate: he would galvanise the dressing room and get the lads out playing with some freedom. I reckon it would probably come off in the short term, but when we hit the buffers, I don't know if Shearer could get through the sticky patch.

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He's honest in that interview. He knows what he can and can't do, and I believe what he says is accurate: he would galvanise the dressing room and get the lads out playing with some freedom. I reckon it would probably come off in the short term, but when we hit the buffers, I don't know if Shearer could get through the sticky patch.


He was honest, and as normal spoke a lot of sense.

However at this very important time when the club may well be in delicate negotiations, I don't think his style of grabbing headlines in the Sun will be appreciated.

If he upsets Mort/Ashley he can probably forget about ever having any involvement in the club and then the "shadow" will be gone.


Shearer may be a Tyneside legend but that will mean nothing (although they would not say that publicly) to hard business people like them.

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How is he causing havoc. Everyone's been calling for him to state his position and he ahs done so. Damned if he keeps quiet and damned if he confirms his intentions.



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It also piles more unnecessary pressure on whoever does get the job.  Many of the fans would be thinking, "Shearer could have had this job", every time something goes wrong.


Creates a negative feeling for the new regime in those same supporters minds. "Should have been Shearer but they got that fuckwit, ZeManager instead!"


All in all it doesn't seem beneficial for Newcastle United at this time. :(

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We have used tried and tested in the past. At the time Allardyce seemed a great choice by us. A strong methodical character, who had a good record and it got us nowhere at the time he was more likely to get it right than Roeder and Souness.


Don't get me wrong I would prefer a more established manager in place than Shearer, like Deschamps or Houllier. But look a Deschamps he moved into management at a big club like Monaco overall on the European scene they are not big but neither are we.


However, I would take Shearer over someone like Harry Redknapp.


I am not pointing the finger at anyone but at the moment is seems the cool thing to do is knock Shearer. If he was asked the same questions and remained in silence he would still get criticised. We all know he wants to manager the club at some point and if someone is willing to offer him the job why should he turn it down, do you think he should turn it down and say well actually I'd rather cut my teeth at Bury first as they are looking for a new manager?

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I am not pointing the finger at anyone but at the moment is seems the cool thing to do is knock Shearer. If he was asked the same questions and remained in silence he would still get criticised. We all know he wants to manager the club at some point and if someone is willing to offer him the job why should he turn it down, do you think he should turn it down and say well actually I'd rather cut my teeth at Bury first as they are looking for a new manager?


It's the manner in which he has done it and the timing.


Shearer says in his own piece. "They're looking for someone with experience, which rules me out." (paraphrasing)


That is, by the rules, Shearer is inelligible. Then he says he would do the job, which all of us already new he would, at some stage, want to. But the timing of this piece is all wrong as is its manner.


I will stake everything I own on the fact that neither Ashley or Mort will be pleased with this on the back page of the Sun today.


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