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Nani has been awful really really awful


Not as bad as Bryan Robson and Jamie Redknapp's performance at half time.


This is hide behind the sofa stuff.


I thought it couldn't get worse after Robson's  "United have been the better team...(false laugh) ", but Redknapp's utterly trite "Pat Lampard was a top, top lady" has just took the prize.


Hardly going to say otherwise when its his Aunt


WHOOSH  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:


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listening on 606, what problem has this guy got with with ferdinand. Totally laying into himabout being england captain. Says that terry is actinglike a captain by dragging his players away from the ref and ferdinand is being a fool by arguing. If chelsea were loosing, i think you would find terry wouldnt be all sweetness and light. Commentator has a major issue with ferdinand

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