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Keegan, sentiment, reality.


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At the time of his appointment Keegan wasn't my first choice, but I'm still 100% behind him.  He's doing his best in a run of incredibly difficult matches with a team that aren't good enough and have had there confidence shattered by that fat cunt Allardyce.  With a few signings and a pre-season I'd be extremely excited to see what Keegan could achieve, we just need to stay up first.

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At the time of his appointment Keegan wasn't my first choice, but I'm still 100% behind him.  He's doing his best in a run of incredibly difficult matches with a team that aren't good enough and have had there confidence shattered by that fat cunt Allardyce.  With a few signings and a pre-season I'd be extremely excited to see what Keegan could achieve, we just need to stay up first.


Agree with that,I think Keegan will be able to take us to the leval where we can attract a top quality manager.

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I was not surprised at all at the time I heard, maybe it took a second or two to sink in but I was in way shape or form shocked.


I had been thinking along those lines myself previous, I said at the time he was appointed that this was the right appointment at the right time (even though I questioned the timing of SA's departure).


I still have that hope, I have questioned my belief but KK will get all the time he needs from me. He would never do anything to harm this football club and if he thought for any reason that he was having a negative effect he would make a selfless act.


What I have been shocked at is the amount of criticism and venom that has come from other fans and the media. The mockery and condescending attitude of outsiders (not referring to any of our guests on this site, the likes of Brummie are exempt from my criticism) has been nothing short of disgusting. To be perfectly honest the goings on at NUFC are nothing to do with them and they should keep their unsolicited, unconstructive, ill educated, press influenced thoughts to themselves.


It's impossible for outsiders to fully appreciate what KK means to toon fans, he is much much much more than just a hero to us all. For those not old enough to recall his first coming, the excitement generated is hard to put in words, KK was the biggest name in English football back then, he was a twice European footballer of the year and England captain (something which I never truly understood or forgave Sir Bobby for ending his international career prematurely). For this player to come to a team treading water in the 2nd flight of English football was totally unbelievable. His coming helped bring back the likes of Terry Mc and other players whom we could never have expected joining the club. He left too soon, IMO that first time and I think that was largely down to Sir Bobby's decision, he still had a couple of years left in him.


The 2nd comings was absolutely fantastic, I was gutted when Ozzie was sacked, I had a lot of time for the little argentine, although we lost a whole load of games the football we played was great to watch although it was never going to get us anywhere I was sorry he left. When KK came in I was somewhat skeptical that he would be able to take on the task, I remember his first game I think it was Bristol City, I lucky to have a ticket in the east stand for it, we won 3-0, there was a genuine excitement about the place again, although the rest of the season wasn't much to shout about he did save us from relegation. For me it was that summer that followed when things started to move along, bringing in Venison, Bracewell and Beresford was a huge coup for us and testament to KK's pulling power. To see Bracewell score in his first game for us after I think about 2 or 3 goalless seasons with the mackems was funny as hell, the start we made that season culminating in the 2-1 at Joker park was incredible considering what had happened the previous year. The signings of Rob Lee, Andy Cole and Salty Sellars (whose contribution is often underestimated) were masterstrokes and his ability to get more out of Kelly and Clark and Watson showed his exceptional motivational skills. The last game of that season gave us a glimpse of what was to come, I remember being squashed into the old leazes end, hardly able to breath but in utter disbelief as we trounced a playoff team Leicester city 7 -1. The following season he did something that will probably never be done again he got a promoted side to a 3rd place finish. He was and we were disappointed with 6th spot the next season so he put that right by replacing Cole with Sir Les and bringing in Ginola, we came so close to winning the big  one that season. His achievements should never be underestimated, he did great jobs at both Fulham and Man City too, but the London based press and other fans seem intent on concentrating on his failings with England and that interview on sky sports when Ferguson out psyched him, and point to those as marking him a crap manager, when his record proves he's far from it.


During my lifetime KK is the single most important person who as been associated with the club. As I said before he is much more than just a hero to us toon fans. His re-appointment may well be sentimental but it's not a dumbass move either as we have a manager with a truly excellent record who understands what the club needs and what the fans want. That can't be found easily as many other managers have found out.


Sorry for the long post I got a little carried away :)

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Everything should come together in the summer. If he brings in the right players I'm not too worried. But if he doesn't get the cash or brings in players that are past it :rant:

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in my view, there's no person I could want more to manage the club.  There's a reason why we're sentimental about him - because he made us into an amazing team.  The often cited criticism of his teams not having any defence are not backed up at all by the stats.  If you look at soccerbase for the season we nearly won the premiership, our defensive record is fantastic.  The important thing is the summer and letting Keegan have free reign with the singings he wants - the young players that are being brought in is positive, but we also need established players who can make next season a one to remember.  Love the guy.

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Guest Knightrider

Keegan will succeed here where others have spectacularly failed. By succeed I don't mean winning titles but in turning this club around and that is good enough for me and this club. I trust him 100% with my club and respect the man immensely as a football manager, a club legend and importantly as a person. I love the man full stop and can't quite put into words why. All I will say is my love of football and therefore my club is down to one man only, him.


For me he embodies everything I love about the game and my club. He shares my passion for Newcastle, probably even more so. He shares my footballing ideals and philosophies. He thinks like I think where NUFC is concerned and in his first spell here, gave us all what we wanted. A team that we could be proud of, a team capable of winning the biggest trophies and doing so by playing the kind of football we could connect with as people. He built the club up in a certain image that will have a lasting impression on us all that no trophy (and I really mean that) could ever top. Indeed no trophy could ever replace what he achieved here which to those that really don't know or understand take a good look at the club we are today as opposed to that tin pot club that almost went down to the then 3rd division and probably with it bankruptcy.


He saved us and gave us a new life as a club, as fans and as NUFC is so important to the city, that too. There are numerous books out there, some football related some not that prove NUFC's rebirth if you will in the 90s played a major role in the rebirth of the city too. One foreign investor would only invest in the region if he could watch us every match so Sir John Hall gave him a free box at St. James' Park. The club was chartering flights and boats for foreign fans who all partied in our city taking back great tales to their countrymen who today, visit every year for a night or two out. KK played a hand in that as much as any councilor, mayor or advertisement on the telly. Probably more so.


KK the 3rd coming? I for one am excited and happy to have him here. He belongs here and even if it doesn't work out there will be no hard feelings between KK and myself as he owes us fuck all. Even if we went down!


"There is no room for sentimentality in football"


Is that so...


Bull shit! Without it the game would collapse tomorrow. It's what keeps fans turning up every week, hoping for the good times again or to see new players take on the mantle of previous stars. When I'm down the pub or with mates and football crops up, what gets talked about the most.... today or the past? The past. Past players, past wins, past defeats, past times. That's what people do, they reminisce and football being an emotional game, we get sentimental about it all. You have to. You want to. You need to. You love to. I do I know that.


Does that mean a leave of all reality? Does it fuck. I doubt there are many fans out there who thinks KK will weave all that magic in the same way he once did or believe that the entertainers are just around the corner, on the way back. I doubt anyone considers Keegan to be a world-class manager either or that he is going to succeed here even.


But what's the alternative to Keegan? Deschamps? What guarantee would he bring? Houllier as one Liverpool fan in here pointed to? Big Sam with a French accent who won a few cups at Liverpool before getting sacked for boring the tits off everyone and in some, inciting murderous thoughts. Aye right. How about Mark Hughes then whose side were outplayed by our misfits a few weeks back, whose side are only a few places and points above us despite KK having won zero games yet as manager? Redknapp? What's he achieved that Keegan hasn't? Alan Shearer? Sorry but each and every manager comes with warning signs, bagage or no real guarantees of achieving here what KK started only for others to have fucked up.


With KK you know what you're getting, you know what he's not capable of, what he is, what he will do and what he won't do. And my money is that he will do a damn site better than everyone else who has tried since he first left (Sir Bobby excluded) and in a style more palatable to fans. And speaking of those times and Sir Bobby's achievements, is it really out of the realms of possibility that KK, a pretty similar manager in terms of thinking and an eye for talent, can't do the same with some good old fashioned time and money?


We'll find out won't we.


Me, see my sig.

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Guest Knightrider

You do realise I (still) rate Big Sam and therefore rate Houllier too. I just think a Houllier at Newcastle would be similar to a Big Sam here, not tolerated. Fuck me the LFC fans barely tolerated him and he won them 5 trophies. That may say more about them as fans like but what they all whinged about endlessly in between celebrating their cups was exactly what people whinged about with Big Sam. Oh and Sven with England too.

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Guest Knightrider

P9 W0 D3 L6. F 4, A 22.


Well I don't know about you, but I'm worried.


And we won promotion the following season...

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Everything should come together in the summer. If he brings in the right players I'm not too worried. But if he doesn't get the cash or brings in players that are past it :rant:


Thing is, you can't really have that attitude, in that if you are going to give him the job, you've got to back him, and when he does strange stuff, you have to back him in that, at the very least until he is proven wrong.


I'm talking from personal experience here based on watching MON sign Marlon Harewood (jaw hit floor) and Zat Knight (jaw hit floor again, twice as hard). Weird, weird moves, but if you take the package, you take the *whole* package, including the idiosyncracies.


Whatever he does, he has to do it his way, then if it goes wrong, he stands or falls by it.

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Guest Knightrider

Still not convinced Houllier would have been able to take our shower and run with them, having acquired two good sides with Liverpool and Lyon.

I'm not convinced anyone could have, Mourinho even.


And with that, I don't think anyone can really judge KK yet. Next season will be the right time to judge and where we'll see the real KK. Lets just hope the real KK and now is the one we all love and know.

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Keegan will succeed here where others have spectacularly failed. By succeed I don't mean winning titles but in turning this club around and that is good enough for me and this club. I trust him 100% with my club and respect the man immensely as a football manager, a club legend and importantly as a person. I love the man full stop and can't quite put into words why. All I will say is my love of football and therefore my club is down to one man only, him.


For me he embodies everything I love about the game and my club. He shares my passion for Newcastle, probably even more so. He shares my footballing ideals and philosophies. He thinks like I think where NUFC is concerned and in his first spell here, gave us all what we wanted. A team that we could be proud of, a team capable of winning the biggest trophies and doing so by playing the kind of football we could connect with as people. He built the club up in a certain image that will have a lasting impression on us all that no trophy (and I really mean that) could ever top. Indeed no trophy could ever replace what he achieved here which to those that really don't know or understand take a good look at the club we are today as opposed to that tin pot club that almost went down to the then 3rd division and probably with it bankruptcy.


He saved us and gave us a new life as a club, as fans and as NUFC is so important to the city, that too. There are numerous books out there, some football related some not that prove NUFC's rebirth if you will in the 90s played a major role in the rebirth of the city too. One foreign investor would only invest in the region if he could watch us every match so Sir John Hall gave him a free box at St. James' Park. The club was chartering flights and boats for foreign fans who all partied in our city taking back great tales to their countrymen who today, visit every year for a night or two out. KK played a hand in that as much as any councilor, mayor or advertisement on the telly. Probably more so.


KK the 3rd coming? I for one am excited and happy to have him here. He belongs here and even if it doesn't work out there will be no hard feelings between KK and myself as he owes us fuck all. Even if we went down!


"There is no room for sentimentality in football"


Is that so...


Bull shit! Without it the game would collapse tomorrow. It's what keeps fans turning up every week, hoping for the good times again or to see new players take on the mantle of previous stars. When I'm down the pub or with mates and football crops up, what gets talked about the most.... today or the past? The past. Past players, past wins, past defeats, past times. That's what people do, they reminisce and football being an emotional game, we get sentimental about it all. You have to. You want to. You need to. You love to. I do I know that.


Does that mean a leave of all reality? Does it fuck. I doubt there are many fans out there who thinks KK will weave all that magic in the same way he once did or believe that the entertainers are just around the corner, on the way back. I doubt anyone considers Keegan to be a world-class manager either or that he is going to succeed here even.


But what's the alternative to Keegan? Deschamps? What guarantee would he bring? Houllier as one Liverpool fan in here pointed to? Big Sam with a French accent who won a few cups at Liverpool before getting sacked for boring the tits off everyone and in some, inciting murderous thoughts. Aye right. How about Mark Hughes then whose side were outplayed by our misfits a few weeks back, whose side are only a few places and points above us despite KK having won zero games yet as manager? Redknapp? What's he achieved that Keegan hasn't? Alan Shearer? Sorry but each and every manager comes with warning signs, bagage or no real guarantees of achieving here what KK started only for others to have fucked up.


With KK you know what you're getting, you know what he's not capable of, what he is, what he will do and what he won't do. And my money is that he will do a damn site better than everyone else who has tried since he first left (Sir Bobby excluded) and in a style more palatable to fans. And speaking of those times and Sir Bobby's achievements, is it really out of the realms of possibility that KK, a pretty similar manager in terms of thinking and an eye for talent, can't do the same with some good old fashioned time and money?


We'll find out won't we.


Me, see my sig.


All the managers you name are said to be "tactically superior" to the "tactically inept" Keegan. The same as the 4 trophy winners who have succeeded him, plus Roeder the coach with the club at heart as an ex captain, and Allardyce, the modern visionary. Yes I backed Allardyce and saw merits in trying a different approach in Roeder and the fact that he did well as caretaker, before anybody starts.


However, NONE of these "tactically superior trophy winners" have bettered Keegan at Newcastle. Only one of them got close. I think it is absolutely correct that some managers suit certain clubs, Keegan suits us, Alex Ferguson would suit us, so would Wenger, but I'm not so sure that managers like Houillier and Eriksson would for example.


Makes me laugh when people nominate these foreigners and others, not one of them is as qualified as Dalglish was to manage Newcastle, nor Bobby Robson. Its a hoot, in fact. Same as the romance that surrounds these expensive foreign players.


Keegan is the man for the moment, whether we go down or not, although make no mistake about it, it will a disaster if we do despite the bravado [or idiocy in some cases] in the other thread.  There is a few ghosts to exorcise here, and i like the phrase "unfinished business" it will be absolutely brilliant if he turns the tables on all the southern dickhead cockney hacks who are laughing at the moment. You don't lose the ability, the only question is if he is backed enough to do the trick and does he have the hunger to really succeed.


This is his last job in football. He'll either succeed, or walk away if the club don't back him or somebody sticks their nose into his job.





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Makes me laugh when people nominate these foreigners and others, not one of them is as qualified as Dalglish was to manage Newcastle, nor Bobby Robson. Its a hoot, in fact. Same as the romance that surrounds these expensive foreign players.


They are probably nominated because (and some would say sadly) by and large they are vastly superior to their British counterparts. That goes for players and managers.

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Makes me laugh when people nominate these foreigners and others, not one of them is as qualified as Dalglish was to manage Newcastle, nor Bobby Robson. Its a hoot, in fact. Same as the romance that surrounds these expensive foreign players.


They are probably nominated because (and some would say sadly) by and large they are vastly superior to their British counterparts. That goes for players and managers.


how ?


I bet some managers would be just as good if they got the chance. Somewhere out there is a Clough or a Shankly, but I'm as much in the dark as you are as to who it is if they don't get the chance.



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Problem is that in the Premier League the stakes are simply too high to take a chance on a lower league British manager. These aren't charities, and the same applies with players. Even the likes of Barnsley have a load of foreign players. Simply because they're generally better, not to mention cheaper.

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Keegan will succeed here where others have spectacularly failed. By succeed I don't mean winning titles but in turning this club around and that is good enough for me and this club. I trust him 100% with my club and respect the man immensely as a football manager, a club legend and importantly as a person. I love the man full stop and can't quite put into words why. All I will say is my love of football and therefore my club is down to one man only, him.


For me he embodies everything I love about the game and my club. He shares my passion for Newcastle, probably even more so. He shares my footballing ideals and philosophies. He thinks like I think where NUFC is concerned and in his first spell here, gave us all what we wanted. A team that we could be proud of, a team capable of winning the biggest trophies and doing so by playing the kind of football we could connect with as people. He built the club up in a certain image that will have a lasting impression on us all that no trophy (and I really mean that) could ever top. Indeed no trophy could ever replace what he achieved here which to those that really don't know or understand take a good look at the club we are today as opposed to that tin pot club that almost went down to the then 3rd division and probably with it bankruptcy.


He saved us and gave us a new life as a club, as fans and as NUFC is so important to the city, that too. There are numerous books out there, some football related some not that prove NUFC's rebirth if you will in the 90s played a major role in the rebirth of the city too. One foreign investor would only invest in the region if he could watch us every match so Sir John Hall gave him a free box at St. James' Park. The club was chartering flights and boats for foreign fans who all partied in our city taking back great tales to their countrymen who today, visit every year for a night or two out. KK played a hand in that as much as any councilor, mayor or advertisement on the telly. Probably more so.


KK the 3rd coming? I for one am excited and happy to have him here. He belongs here and even if it doesn't work out there will be no hard feelings between KK and myself as he owes us f*** all. Even if we went down!


"There is no room for sentimentality in football"


Is that so...


Bull s***! Without it the game would collapse tomorrow. It's what keeps fans turning up every week, hoping for the good times again or to see new players take on the mantle of previous stars. When I'm down the pub or with mates and football crops up, what gets talked about the most.... today or the past? The past. Past players, past wins, past defeats, past times. That's what people do, they reminisce and football being an emotional game, we get sentimental about it all. You have to. You want to. You need to. You love to. I do I know that.


Does that mean a leave of all reality? Does it f***. I doubt there are many fans out there who thinks KK will weave all that magic in the same way he once did or believe that the entertainers are just around the corner, on the way back. I doubt anyone considers Keegan to be a world-class manager either or that he is going to succeed here even.


But what's the alternative to Keegan? Deschamps? What guarantee would he bring? Houllier as one Liverpool fan in here pointed to? Big Sam with a French accent who won a few cups at Liverpool before getting sacked for boring the tits off everyone and in some, inciting murderous thoughts. Aye right. How about Mark Hughes then whose side were outplayed by our misfits a few weeks back, whose side are only a few places and points above us despite KK having won zero games yet as manager? Redknapp? What's he achieved that Keegan hasn't? Alan Shearer? Sorry but each and every manager comes with warning signs, bagage or no real guarantees of achieving here what KK started only for others to have f***** up.


With KK you know what you're getting, you know what he's not capable of, what he is, what he will do and what he won't do. And my money is that he will do a damn site better than everyone else who has tried since he first left (Sir Bobby excluded) and in a style more palatable to fans. And speaking of those times and Sir Bobby's achievements, is it really out of the realms of possibility that KK, a pretty similar manager in terms of thinking and an eye for talent, can't do the same with some good old fashioned time and money?


We'll find out won't we.


Me, see my sig.


All the managers you name are said to be "tactically superior" to the "tactically inept" Keegan. The same as the 4 trophy winners who have succeeded him, plus Roeder the coach with the club at heart as an ex captain, and Allardyce, the modern visionary. Yes I backed Allardyce and saw merits in trying a different approach in Roeder and the fact that he did well as caretaker, before anybody starts.


However, NONE of these "tactically superior trophy winners" have bettered Keegan at Newcastle. Only one of them got close. I think it is absolutely correct that some managers suit certain clubs, Keegan suits us, Alex Ferguson would suit us, so would Wenger, but I'm not so sure that managers like Houillier and Eriksson would for example.


Makes me laugh when people nominate these foreigners and others, not one of them is as qualified as Dalglish was to manage Newcastle, nor Bobby Robson. Its a hoot, in fact. Same as the romance that surrounds these expensive foreign players.


Keegan is the man for the moment, whether we go down or not, although make no mistake about it, it will a disaster if we do despite the bravado [or idiocy in some cases] in the other thread.  There is a few ghosts to exorcise here, and i like the phrase "unfinished business" it will be absolutely brilliant if he turns the tables on all the southern dickhead cockney hacks who are laughing at the moment. You don't lose the ability, the only question is if he is backed enough to do the trick and does he have the hunger to really succeed.


This is his last job in football. He'll either succeed, or walk away if the club don't back him or somebody sticks their nose into his job.



Are you saying you think the new board made an excellent appointment then, given they decided to overlook these "tactically superior trophy-winners" in favour of Keegan?

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Keegan is the man for the moment, whether we go down or not.


This is his last job in football. He'll either succeed, or walk away if the club don't back him or somebody sticks their nose into his job.



In other words, whatever happens, appointing him was the right thing to do. If he succeeds, he's a genius,  if he fails, it's someone else's fault.

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Keegan is the man for the moment, whether we go down or not.


This is his last job in football. He'll either succeed, or walk away if the club don't back him or somebody sticks their nose into his job.



In other words, whatever happens, appointing him was the right thing to do. If he succeeds, he's a genius,  if he fails, it's someone else's fault.


Easy fodder this for NE5. Like you say, if Keegan succeeds, he's right. If Keegan fails, he'll claim he's right about our new board.

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Keegan will succeed here where others have spectacularly failed. By succeed I don't mean winning titles but in turning this club around and that is good enough for me and this club. I trust him 100% with my club and respect the man immensely as a football manager, a club legend and importantly as a person. I love the man full stop and can't quite put into words why. All I will say is my love of football and therefore my club is down to one man only, him.


For me he embodies everything I love about the game and my club. He shares my passion for Newcastle, probably even more so. He shares my footballing ideals and philosophies. He thinks like I think where NUFC is concerned and in his first spell here, gave us all what we wanted. A team that we could be proud of, a team capable of winning the biggest trophies and doing so by playing the kind of football we could connect with as people. He built the club up in a certain image that will have a lasting impression on us all that no trophy (and I really mean that) could ever top. Indeed no trophy could ever replace what he achieved here which to those that really don't know or understand take a good look at the club we are today as opposed to that tin pot club that almost went down to the then 3rd division and probably with it bankruptcy.


He saved us and gave us a new life as a club, as fans and as NUFC is so important to the city, that too. There are numerous books out there, some football related some not that prove NUFC's rebirth if you will in the 90s played a major role in the rebirth of the city too. One foreign investor would only invest in the region if he could watch us every match so Sir John Hall gave him a free box at St. James' Park. The club was chartering flights and boats for foreign fans who all partied in our city taking back great tales to their countrymen who today, visit every year for a night or two out. KK played a hand in that as much as any councilor, mayor or advertisement on the telly. Probably more so.


KK the 3rd coming? I for one am excited and happy to have him here. He belongs here and even if it doesn't work out there will be no hard feelings between KK and myself as he owes us f*** all. Even if we went down!


"There is no room for sentimentality in football"


Is that so...


Bull s***! Without it the game would collapse tomorrow. It's what keeps fans turning up every week, hoping for the good times again or to see new players take on the mantle of previous stars. When I'm down the pub or with mates and football crops up, what gets talked about the most.... today or the past? The past. Past players, past wins, past defeats, past times. That's what people do, they reminisce and football being an emotional game, we get sentimental about it all. You have to. You want to. You need to. You love to. I do I know that.


Does that mean a leave of all reality? Does it f***. I doubt there are many fans out there who thinks KK will weave all that magic in the same way he once did or believe that the entertainers are just around the corner, on the way back. I doubt anyone considers Keegan to be a world-class manager either or that he is going to succeed here even.


But what's the alternative to Keegan? Deschamps? What guarantee would he bring? Houllier as one Liverpool fan in here pointed to? Big Sam with a French accent who won a few cups at Liverpool before getting sacked for boring the tits off everyone and in some, inciting murderous thoughts. Aye right. How about Mark Hughes then whose side were outplayed by our misfits a few weeks back, whose side are only a few places and points above us despite KK having won zero games yet as manager? Redknapp? What's he achieved that Keegan hasn't? Alan Shearer? Sorry but each and every manager comes with warning signs, bagage or no real guarantees of achieving here what KK started only for others to have f***** up.


With KK you know what you're getting, you know what he's not capable of, what he is, what he will do and what he won't do. And my money is that he will do a damn site better than everyone else who has tried since he first left (Sir Bobby excluded) and in a style more palatable to fans. And speaking of those times and Sir Bobby's achievements, is it really out of the realms of possibility that KK, a pretty similar manager in terms of thinking and an eye for talent, can't do the same with some good old fashioned time and money?


We'll find out won't we.


Me, see my sig.


I agree with so much of that. Very well put.

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