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Bentley - On the Move In The Summer?


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All depends on who's in for him tbh. I could see any of the big four being interested but none will guarentee him first time football. That doesn't mean he'll not go to one of them though, I think depsite his exit from Arsenal he would still be tempted to have another go at a top 4 club.


Assuming none of them make a bid, then IMO he'll still be off. If Spurs have an offer accepted for him, there's a good chance he'll end up there. Even if they qualify for the UEFA cup again, I don't think Everton have the money or the glamour to attract him , despite their respectable performances in the league for the last few years, they are still not a club that players feel honoured to have joined.

Both Villa and Man City need Europe to attract him and he's not going to leave Blackburn to go to clubs like Portsmouth or West Ham.


So for us, we have that glamour, that mystique, that despite what they do in the league clubs like Villa, Man City and Everton just can't match. In the last few years Spurs have rebuilt that glamour too, so I could see him going there if they make a bid, but if they can't match the fee or his wages then I think we'll have as good a chance as any outside the top 4.





I know everyone thinks their club is the best but come on, get real please. It's not 1996, there is nothing special to an outsider about Newcastle United these days.


I have to agree. What glamour? What mystique? This is not the mid 90s any more. Bentley would have been, what, 10 years old then? Footballers these days just want to play at the highest level. If you're not in the CL, there's a f****** huge gap to bridge.


The only club outside the top four with a chance of signing him, imho, is Spurs, and that is because they are in London, which is more of a factor these days than it was before. And that's still asking him to put his faith in a club which is struggling to break the top half of the table, let alone the Champions League.





Mock all you want but I still stand by the statement that Newcastle United is a bigger pull than the likes of Villa or Everton. We still have that Mystique, whether you like it or not,  that your clubs just can't match. The media is actually a good barometer for this. TBH the goings on at Villa or Everton hardly register on the interest level but when the tea lady at NUFC sneezes there's a story written about it.


Did Milner almost go to Villa as a step up ? What about Nobby's remarks when he returned, having been at both clubs he knew damn fine which one was the bigger.

Arteta's complaing in the papers today that he would be in the Spain squad if he played for a bigger club.


Spurs are the only team outside the top four that is a bigger draw than us at the moment. Most people inside and outside of football reguard the likes of Villa and Everton as also rans, they are not in the foreseeable future going to challenge for the major honours. While the likes of Spurs and ourselves have the potential under the right circumstances to break the top 4 dominance. Villa and Everton are very much "so what" clubs in my mind. That may sound condersending but I really don't give a damn what happens to them unfortunately for you guys my feeling is not uncommon.


Leaving out any previous support for their club and assuming both clubs are in Europe or not in Europe, the player has no preference for which manager he plays for or area he  lives in and the same assurances have been given on first team football. Do you honestly think most players would choose Villa or Everton over Newcastle ? I seriously doubt that would be the case, in fact I would be a little embarrased if I were a supporter of one of those clubs that despite NUFC atrocious form over the last few seasons and the upturn in form shown my own team, that my club still can not out draw them !!




Mystique? Bollocks, the reason we've been in the press more than the likes of villa and everton is because of our laughable instability as a club. Being newsworthy isn't enough to draw a player like bentley to us, the media have moulded us into almost a laughing stock and to wrecklessly say we have a bigger pull than clubs like villa and everton (both of which have extremely competent mangers, good fanbases plus financial backing aswell.. not to mention being exponentially more stable and garnering higher league finishes for years on end now) based on a certain 'je-ne-sais-qua' is just you bringing your own biases into the equation.


Lets face it, we're not scrapping with the mancs for the trophy, and yes we're on the up but we need at least a season to prove to the those outside of newcastle that we ARE a major force again, because quite frankly we aren't and haven't been for a long long time. If we get on a good run and put on a showcase of exciting football then the chances of a player of bentley's calibre sitting up and taking notice are less slim, but without doing that we simply don't have more of an allure than those other clubs you mentioned.

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Guest bjb7223

from bluekipper.net.


"Out in a club up Manchester the other night... David Platt from Corrie was there off his head and passed out next us. I know everyone hates the little cunt!


Plus David Bentley was there also "Had a few" and was singing "Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool" in the Gents. Me and a mate of mine were giving him a bit and singing Everton songs at him and "Bentley is a gobshite". He just kept on sayin "Yea i'm goin liverpool boys" Everything you'd hate in a prem footballer that bloke.


Anyway got pictures if you wanna see them but can't work out how to wack them on here.


Anyone know?













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lennon would do me, or pennant for that matter.


didnt realy think we had a chance of signing bentley anyway.


Pennant-f*** off!


what makes you say that?


he's one of the best crossers of the ball in the league imo

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lennon would do me, or pennant for that matter.


didnt realy think we had a chance of signing bentley anyway.


Pennant-f*** off!


what makes you say that?



he's one of the best crossers of the ball in the league imo

He seems like he would be another bad boy that we dont need plus I have only ever seen him have a handful decent games and none for a long time.I would way prefer Milner than him every time or even Duff tbh

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lennon would do me, or pennant for that matter.


didnt realy think we had a chance of signing bentley anyway.


Pennant-f*** off!


what makes you say that?



he's one of the best crossers of the ball in the league imo

He seems like he would be another bad boy that we dont need plus I have only ever seen him have a handful decent games and none for a long time.I would way prefer Milner than him every time or even Duff tbh


i would rather play a bloke with a wooden leg than duff tbh

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lennon would do me, or pennant for that matter.


didnt realy think we had a chance of signing bentley anyway.


Pennant-f*** off!


what makes you say that?



he's one of the best crossers of the ball in the league imo

He seems like he would be another bad boy that we dont need plus I have only ever seen him have a handful decent games and none for a long time.I would way prefer Milner than him every time or even Duff tbh


i would rather play a bloke with a wooden leg than duff tbh

:lol:  Same with Pennant though

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lennon would do me, or pennant for that matter.


didnt realy think we had a chance of signing bentley anyway.


Pennant-f*** off!


what makes you say that?



he's one of the best crossers of the ball in the league imo

He seems like he would be another bad boy that we dont need plus I have only ever seen him have a handful decent games and none for a long time.I would way prefer Milner than him every time or even Duff tbh


i would rather play a bloke with a wooden leg than duff tbh

:lol:  Same with Pennant though


pennant has an end product, big difference there!


he has more of an end product than milner imo

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lennon would do me, or pennant for that matter.


didnt realy think we had a chance of signing bentley anyway.


Pennant-f*** off!


what makes you say that?



he's one of the best crossers of the ball in the league imo

He seems like he would be another bad boy that we dont need plus I have only ever seen him have a handful decent games and none for a long time.I would way prefer Milner than him every time or even Duff tbh


i would rather play a bloke with a wooden leg than duff tbh

:lol:  Same with Pennant though


pennant has an end product, big difference there!


he has more of an end product than milner imo

Anytime I have seen Pennant play  lately which hasnt  being alot tbh,he never seems to be involved in the game at least with Milner you will see him getting involved,working hard

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lennon would do me, or pennant for that matter.


didnt realy think we had a chance of signing bentley anyway.


Pennant-f*** off!


what makes you say that?



he's one of the best crossers of the ball in the league imo

He seems like he would be another bad boy that we dont need plus I have only ever seen him have a handful decent games and none for a long time.I would way prefer Milner than him every time or even Duff tbh


i would rather play a bloke with a wooden leg than duff tbh

:lol:  Same with Pennant though


pennant has an end product, big difference there!


he has more of an end product than milner imo

Anytime I have seen Pennant play  lately which has being alot tbh,he never seems to be involved in the game at least with Milner you will see him getting involved,working hard


i'll take your word for it, i havnt seen him much lately

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lennon would do me, or pennant for that matter.


didnt realy think we had a chance of signing bentley anyway.


Pennant-f*** off!


what makes you say that?



he's one of the best crossers of the ball in the league imo

He seems like he would be another bad boy that we dont need plus I have only ever seen him have a handful decent games and none for a long time.I would way prefer Milner than him every time or even Duff tbh


i would rather play a bloke with a wooden leg than duff tbh

:lol:  Same with Pennant though


pennant has an end product, big difference there!


he has more of an end product than milner imo

Anytime I have seen Pennant play  lately which has being alot tbh,he never seems to be involved in the game at least with Milner you will see him getting involved,working hard


i'll take your word for it, i havnt seen him much lately

oops...spelling mistake

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lennon would do me, or pennant for that matter.


didnt realy think we had a chance of signing bentley anyway.


Pennant-f*** off!


what makes you say that?



he's one of the best crossers of the ball in the league imo

He seems like he would be another bad boy that we dont need plus I have only ever seen him have a handful decent games and none for a long time.I would way prefer Milner than him every time or even Duff tbh


i would rather play a bloke with a wooden leg than duff tbh

:lol:  Same with Pennant though


pennant has an end product, big difference there!


he has more of an end product than milner imo


Aye, but is that end product gonna be effective with the likes of Owen, Martins or even Viduka (not prolific with his head)leading our front line? We dont have a beast in the box like Drogba or Shearer for Pennant to be effective.


Thats why i think Lennon would be better suited because he can manouever himself ito more dfangerous positions, putting the defenders onto the back foota and making spaces for the likes of Owen and Martins to exploit.



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Spurs are the only team outside the top four that is a bigger draw than us at the moment. Most people inside and outside of football reguard the likes of Villa and Everton as also rans, they are not in the foreseeable future going to challenge for the major honours. While the likes of Spurs and ourselves have the potential under the right circumstances to break the top 4 dominance. Villa and Everton are very much "so what" clubs in my mind. That may sound condersending but I really don't give a damn what happens to them unfortunately for you guys my feeling is not uncommon.



Mate, the last thing I want to do is get into a slanging match, but have you watched much football this year?


Everton are currently in fifth and looking closer than anyone to breaking the big four dominance. Spurs might want to concentrate on cracking the top half of the table before they look at the big four, and until last Sunday, a lot of people here were worried about relegation.


Bentley wants CL football, he's only going to get it in three places.

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Spurs are the only team outside the top four that is a bigger draw than us at the moment. Most people inside and outside of football reguard the likes of Villa and Everton as also rans, they are not in the foreseeable future going to challenge for the major honours. While the likes of Spurs and ourselves have the potential under the right circumstances to break the top 4 dominance. Villa and Everton are very much "so what" clubs in my mind. That may sound condersending but I really don't give a damn what happens to them unfortunately for you guys my feeling is not uncommon.



Mate, the last thing I want to do is get into a slanging match, but have you watched much football this year?


Everton are currently in fifth and looking closer than anyone to breaking the big four dominance. Spurs might want to concentrate on cracking the top half of the table before they look at the big four, and until last Sunday, a lot of people here were worried about relegation.


Very difficult to gauge a "big club" argument, but it certainly doesn't go on one league table. I'm not saying Newcastle are by the way, but judging the club on this season alone is daft. New owner, plenty of money, Keegan back - I bet there are a few fans out there who would be happy with our future.


I think Villa and Newcastle are very similar at the moment - we're  just a year behind you in terms of manager, but we'll overtake you soon enough ;)

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Spurs are the only team outside the top four that is a bigger draw than us at the moment. Most people inside and outside of football reguard the likes of Villa and Everton as also rans, they are not in the foreseeable future going to challenge for the major honours. While the likes of Spurs and ourselves have the potential under the right circumstances to break the top 4 dominance. Villa and Everton are very much "so what" clubs in my mind. That may sound condersending but I really don't give a damn what happens to them unfortunately for you guys my feeling is not uncommon.



Mate, the last thing I want to do is get into a slanging match, but have you watched much football this year?


Everton are currently in fifth and looking closer than anyone to breaking the big four dominance. Spurs might want to concentrate on cracking the top half of the table before they look at the big four, and until last Sunday, a lot of people here were worried about relegation.


Bentley wants CL football, he's only going to get it in three places.


To be fair to the misguided lad, he was on about te "mystique" of the club and not the position we are in at the moment.


And just a side note, not that i agree with him much, but it would be a testament to the club if despite having massive relegation fears this season we were still able to attract big players like we have done in the past despite having a bit of a checkered history.


Just a thought.



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