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Travel from Hull to Newcastle - Check OP


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Basically, as the title suggests, I want to put on a coach from Hull to Newcastle next season for a different travel option to home games.


The route is looking like it is going to be the following:


Depart from Victoria Dock, Hull. Plenty of parking available here and also provides an easy route out of Hull so will be ideal. On the way out of Hull, we'll make a quick stop off at the Humber Bridge for a pick up. We'll then set off down the M62 heading for Leeds. Ferrybridge Service Station will be the penultimate pick up point before heading off to the final pick up point, which will be Sovereign Street, Leeds. After this pick up we'll be on our way to St James' Park.


This can be changed if there is enough interest in other places.


If anyone would be interested in this or has any questions, feel free to either reply below or PM me.

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I'm in Hull as well, so this could be bang on for me now and again if I was just going home for the game and not the whole weekend.


Could probably be useful a few games a season to me for the next two years, as I'll be driving up and down then too.

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I reckon there must be a utility/application which could be implemented on this board which allows members to pinpoint their location on a map. Seems there are a lot of posters from around my way.


Ash, had a word with a couple of mates this morning who would be interested in the coach idea.

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I drive from Nottingham to Doncaster and pick up the Train at Donny.


If the Coach were to detour to Donny via the M18, i'd be interested.



:D Interesting detour from the M62 at Hull tbh ;). Drive to Scunny rather than Donny and we might be able to sort something.

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