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  On 08/05/2008 at 19:09, jackyboy said:

That Sap Blatter bloke or what ever they call him, (the fifa president or something) actually summed the situation up spot on. He wants a limit on foreigners in the EPL etc, because, "Most of the money comes from the Champions league, this year we had 4 English teams in the quater finals, 3 in the semi finals and now we have an all English final. All that is happening is that the rich are getting richer and making it impossible for other teams to break through"

That is what Keegan is saying. Because of the success of the big  4 in the champions league they are getting more and more money pumped into them and so the gap widens even further. Without an Abramovich type throw 600mil at it no one will break into that top four. What was the Chelsea subs bench worth on Saturday? As much as our team I think or even squad. Until the playing field is levelled a bit it will only get worse. Ashley needs to understand that.


3 of the 4 english CL team have got the position they are in on the merit of there club, only chelsea have hamfisted there way to the top of the European leagues, Sepp Blatters suggestion would merely weaken the strength of the english teams in the CL but whats to stop the big 4 buying up the best english talent and best forigen talent starving the other teasm in the manner they do now - and still dominate this league.



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  On 08/05/2008 at 19:18, fredbob said:


That Sap Blatter bloke or what ever they call him, (the fifa president or something) actually summed the situation up spot on. He wants a limit on foreigners in the EPL etc, because, "Most of the money comes from the Champions league, this year we had 4 English teams in the quater finals, 3 in the semi finals and now we have an all English final. All that is happening is that the rich are getting richer and making it impossible for other teams to break through"

That is what Keegan is saying. Because of the success of the big  4 in the champions league they are getting more and more money pumped into them and so the gap widens even further. Without an Abramovich type throw 600mil at it no one will break into that top four. What was the Chelsea subs bench worth on Saturday? As much as our team I think or even squad. Until the playing field is levelled a bit it will only get worse. Ashley needs to understand that.


3 of the 4 english CL team have got the position they are in on the merit of there club, only chelsea have hamfisted there way to the top of the European leagues, Sepp Blatters suggestion would merely weaken the strength of the english teams in the CL but whats to stop the big 4 buying up the best english talent and best forigen talent starving the other teasm in the manner they do now - and still dominate this league.




Do you not think the money available to Premiership clubs compared to foreign leagues has anything to do with it?

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Guest alijmitchell
  On 08/05/2008 at 20:21, Mick said:


Has the sky fallen in yet?


I think that's scheduled in for tomorrow.


If only I could get a heads up before coming on here tomorrow. Dave or someone should invent a 'shite patter' traffic light system or something next to each thread for those that don't want to be depressed all day.

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  On 08/05/2008 at 20:26, alijmitchell said:


If only I could get a heads up before coming on here tomorrow. Dave or someone should invent a 's**** patter' traffic light system or something next to each thread for those that don't want to be depressed all day.


Reading the thread title will narrow it down and then refresh a few times to see how quick the post count is increasing.

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  On 08/05/2008 at 21:32, Toon's Taylor said:

Press making a massive issue of this, MA better not be.




I imagine they'll have a pretty good giggle at the papers tbh.

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  On 08/05/2008 at 21:42, Dave said:


Press making a massive issue of this, MA better not be.




I imagine they'll have a pretty good giggle at the papers tbh.


I think so, can't help but worry though, try not too but with the like of Tightskin Shinywater flipping out, you just wonder what MA is all about.


I reckon KK finds him too hands-off, i reckon in a perfect world KK would have him far more involved in the club (more to do with having his hands on his wallet more than anything) he wants 100% commitment from everyone, hopefully MA is ready for it.

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  On 08/05/2008 at 21:44, Liam Liam Liam O said:


Apparently king Kev asked if Terry Mac could come and hold his hand. blackeye.gif


Be better off taking Joey


Joey's off round to see his nan so he couldn't make it.

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  On 08/05/2008 at 21:45, Baggio said:



Apparently king Kev asked if Terry Mac could come and hold his hand. blackeye.gif


Be better off taking Joey


Joey's off round to see his nan so he couldn't make it.


Does his nan not live within 10 miles of Liverpool City Centre?

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this is how the meeting will go - Keegan will say we need to spend over the odds on one or two high profile trophy signings to attract other players, and the meeting will end with ashley and keegan getting the helicopter to WHL, landing in the centre-circle, dropping a bag of pound notes on daniel levy's desk and coming home with dmitar berbatov.

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We have nothing to worry about tomorrow, the way I see it Keegan will be told that he'll get the players and funding he needs.  Wise will be told to go out and get them.  Keegan will leave the meeting reassured and we'll move on from where we are.


Ashley would not be inviting Dennis Wise if he was having a go at Keegan.

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  On 08/05/2008 at 22:25, Mick said:

We have nothing to worry about tomorrow, the way I see it Keegan will be told that he'll get the players and funding he needs.  Wise will be told to go out and get them.  Keegan will leave the meeting reassured and we'll move on from where we are.


Ashley would not be inviting Dennis Wise if he was having a go at Keegan.


The papers would think very differently like.  :crazy2:

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Ashley will ask Keegan what the fuck he was on about. Keegan will flannel, in just the same way that he's been flanneling over the last few days. They will publicly declare that everything has been straightened out. Everything will not have been straightened out.

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  On 08/05/2008 at 22:35, bobyule said:

Ashley will ask Keegan what the fuck he was on about. Keegan will flannel, in just the same way that he's been flanneling over the last few days. They will publicly declare that everything has been straightened out. Everything will not have been straightened out.


You've gone from concerned to downright cynical.

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Guest elpapi

I think the worst thing is that we won't know afterwards what was said during the meeting so the speculation of the press will just go on... Ashley won't come out and say: "yeah yeah i'll give that kev dude £100m..."  :cheesy:


so be prepared for another  :frantic:

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  On 08/05/2008 at 22:41, Wullie said:

Some of the postulating, speculating, whinging and scaremongering over nowt has been possibly the most I've ever seen on here. No mean feat.


I'd be lying if I said I didn't have slight concerns about Keegan's comments and how they match up with Mort/Ashley's ambitions, but generally I agree.

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  On 08/05/2008 at 22:43, Dave said:


I'd be lying if I said I didn't have slight concerns about Keegan's comments and how they match up with Mort/Ashley's ambitions.



Ha ha. Welcome to the dark side.

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Guest Knightrider

I'm not too worried. Obviously something isn't right but KK isn't daft and will come out on top with these talks tomorrow, I believe. Ashley is no fool and he'd be mad to ignore KK's concerns and even dafter to take him on. KK sits from a position of immense power because he has the absolute trust, faith and backing of fans 100% and can now start dictating to Ashley and Co and setting out his own stall and demands having saved us from relegation and stirred KK mania all over again which has lead to a massive dose of optimism and feelgood emotions in the city. This is pre-meditated all this and typical of KK in my opinion.


Reading between the lines this is about Owen's contract, the failure to land several players now, and to test the waters in terms of Ashley's ambitions and indeed, just how far KK can go with him. I also reckon he wants in on all transfer negotiations, i.e. he will want to get in there to speak to players. I don't think he is against the idea of Wise and Co and what they are here to do, but he'll be wanting to bend them to his ways rather than him having to bend to their ways.


I don't believe for a moment KK considers top 4 to be impossible either, despite what he says, even though it most probably is on a regular basis unless we invest Chelsea like money or one of the others fuck up big style, but KK doesn't think like that. Not to himself anyway.


He will believe with the right backing and the ability to run the club as he sees fit, he can achieve whatever his imagination limits him to, or that will be the aim anyway. That's why he came back. He didn't come back to consolidate the club in the top 6, but to compete in the Champions League and to challenge for top honours and this rant of his is kind of a challenge to Ashley and the board and his way of asserting his own authority on things.


He's a very clever man. His comments have sparked a huge debate about the top 4 and got fans, fans who in general would walk over glass to shake the man's hand, asking questions of the owner and board in terms of ambition and where the club stand.


What did he say a few weeks back? He wants fans to debate these issues, to keep asking questions of the club.


He'll go into those talks and put down his cards which will be "my way" or face the consequences of turning all those fans against you and fucking up the chance to create something special, obviously with more sugar of course.


And if Ashley really does have the club's best interest at heart, remembering too that a successful and happy NUFC is financially far more healthier, he'll tell KK to get on with it. Rest assured, KK has NUFC's best interest at heart and it is the club that drives whatever agenda he's pushing and nothing more.


And I'll tell you something, I'm fucking proud our manager is prepared to take on the establishment if you like and create a media circus if that's what it takes, to get his own way, to do what he feels is best for NUFC, remembering that he knows better than anyone what this club needs and how to go about it, because there is no other way to run NUFC and no other man to do it. This is who I want managing my club.


Tomorrow is a huge day for NUFC and there isn't a better man to represent us at the table if you like IMO.  :thup:

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