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England Game Tonight v USA, Who would you pick?

Guest nufc_geordie

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Can someone help me out? Has Rooney been shit or is it just me?


I thought he was useless against Switzerland but everyone went on like he was amazing. The amount those two twats on the BBC wank over him has me doubting myself sometimes. Dunno why, they're as clueless as they come.

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Can someone help me out? Has Rooney been shit or is it just me?


I thought he was useless against Switzerland but everyone went on like he was amazing. The amount those two twats on the BBC wank over him has me doubting myself sometimes. Dunno why, they're as clueless as they come.


He's been poor.

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Can someone help me out? Has Rooney been s*** or is it just me?


I thought he was useless against Switzerland but everyone went on like he was amazing. The amount those two twats on the BBC w*** over him has me doubting myself sometimes. Dunno why, they're as clueless as they come.


He's been poor.



He's been shite, the way they wank over him is unbelievable. But they always do. I find Motson and Lawrenson so embarassing I'm going to have to turn the mute on. It's cringemaking man.

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Can someone help me out? Has Rooney been s*** or is it just me?


I thought he was useless against Switzerland but everyone went on like he was amazing. The amount those two twats on the BBC w*** over him has me doubting myself sometimes. Dunno why, they're as clueless as they come.


He's been poor.



He's been shite, the way they wank over him is unbelievable. But they always do. I find Motson and Lawrenson so embarassing I'm going to have to turn the mute on. It's cringemaking man.


Its been the same for years, the media build them up & its only when they get to the competitive tournaments they get shown up for the average, overhyped players most of them actually are.


Still that won't be happening this summer.............

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I don't think this generation of England footballers will achieve anything. Which is strange because individually there is a lot of talent in there even if some are overrated.


Only two years ago we were told this was the golden generation of England footballers, and that we'd have the best squad we've ever had.

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I don't think this generation of England footballers will achieve anything. Which is strange because individually there is a lot of talent in there even if some are overrated.


Only two years ago we were told this was the golden generation of England footballers, and that we'd have the best squad we've ever had.


Exactly. The way things go at the moment though, any potential England star recieves a ridiculous amount of hype and it'll probably be the same thing with the next batch of England regulars - they'll be the new golden generation after a few decent performances.


End of the day though are some quality players in the England squad - maybe a lot aren't as good as they're made out to be - but quality nonetheless. And they've definitely not achieved as much as they could.

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England might be a better team if we didn't insist on selecting the 'eleven best individuals' (if that's what they actually are; more like, 'eleven biggest names').


We'd have raped the Americans tonight with Young and SWP bombing down the wings. Gerrard/Lampard/Beckham didn't work four years ago, it's not going to work now. Fucking infuriating.

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And for what it's worth, USA were absolutely wank tonight. Seriously not many grades up from the likes of Andorra and Estonia if you ask me. No quality in their side at all. We should have been knocking 12 past these lot with the players we have at our disposal. Chronic viewage.

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tonight is showing why we are not in the euros.


1. we dont deserve to be

   these players seem to lack any skill or go forward. watch how the best teams build an attack in barca style. intelligent football. our players seem to struggle to play a pass unless it is going backwards. turning and head up seem an impossibility to half these players.


2. overrated players. this team is a bunch of individuals, not a team. put ashley young etc in. may not play for the big clubs but is class. lampard is shite, our alan smith.


3. formation. we seem to be lacking anybody upfront. we have like 1 player in the box on an attack and 2 around it. for me we have a class defence so could easily play 3-1-4-2.

Tbf, we comfortably beat a team that's higher ranked than many of the teams who are in the Euros.

Thought England showed, at times, that this team can play some very decent football. The Gerrard-goal was a brilliant build up, and there were a few more times that some very fluent passing led, or almost led, to something. If Capello can build on that, and get them to do it more often, it could be a joy to watch England play.


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England might be a better team if we didn't insist on selecting the 'eleven best individuals' (if that's what they actually are; more like, 'eleven biggest names').


We'd have raped the Americans tonight with Young and SWP bombing down the wings. Gerrard/Lampard/Beckham didn't work four years ago, it's not going to work now. Fucking infuriating.


Thats the problem right there.

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Guest nufc_geordie

Thought Hargreaves was excellent tonight, rarely gave the ball away, switched play quickly and kept the tempo of play up. Most good things he was involved with. Gerrards one touch passing was excellent and Rooney had a decewnt game for me linking up very well with Gerrard.


Granted that was a very poor American team but England under capello do seem to want to keep the ball more and they have a more patient approach. Some positives to take out of the game.

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Guest nufc_geordie

Agree about Hargreaves, another excellent performance. He's just a classy player, perfect reading of the game, great tackles and pretty much never gives the ball away.


Starting to show why he played almost every game for Bayern Munich in the time he was there. Very reliable, unbelievable work ethic and fundamental to Man Utd doing the double once he was fit at the end of the season. I expect him to kickn on further next season again.

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Thought Hargreaves was excellent tonight, rarely gave the ball away, switched play quickly and kept the tempo of play up. Most good things he was involved with. Gerrards one touch passing was excellent and Rooney had a decewnt game for me linking up very well with Gerrard.


Granted that was a very poor American team but England under capello do seem to want to keep the ball more and they have a more patient approach. Some positives to take out of the game.

I tend to agree with most of that (minus the Hargreaves bit), I think there are finally some positives to start taking from England's performances.  This was a really poor USA side though, I think they'll be really exposed against Spain and Argentina.  The more I watch the USA play, the more I think that the 2002 World Cup was a big fluke. 

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