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Steve Harper - 15 Years...

Guest FlapjackJoe

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No ambition??  Getting paid what Harper earns for the amount of work he has done over the past 15 years is the extent of my personal ambition.  I'd be very happy with that gig.  Who wouldn't?  It's not as if the squad have been winning medals and trophies while he sat on the bench.

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ah i realise that, i would just expect him to get himself i a steady position, given the itme he had, he was hardly caught by surprise, or certainly shouldnt have been.


i do accept that this was a freak incident however.


didnt something similar happen that same season though? im sure i remember roeder coming out and defending him after a couple of howlers in a short period?


it also says a lot about shays time here that after 450 games or so, we are still realting to a mistake he made almost ten years ago


I don't think any other club in this country has had a better pair of keepers than we've had while those two have been together at the club.




I meant for as long as we've had those two, not in short spells.

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Harper miskicked at White Hart Lane, straight to Defoe who was in on goal and scored, I was there, shit game.


I think after his slip at Anfield, Harper conceded a header in a cup tie at the Leazes End, just a consolation but a header that went straight at him but slipped from his grasp and under his legs, I think that might be what lovejoy's thinking of.


However, the only time Harper's made ricks has been in the two or three games after coming back into the side - when he's had a run, he's generally been very solid. You can't blame a guy for being rusty, there's no replacement for match practice. Why some Newcastle fans have something against him is totally beyond me.


We have been spoiled with Shay though - error wise, there are not many keepers in Premiership history that have made less ricks than Shay - goals where you can clearly say "that was the keeper's fault", which makes the last season or two look worse for Shay because he's probably made more in that time than his entire career.

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15 years, but I wouldnt say he "deserves" a testimonial.


He's been well enough rewarded for the lack of work he's had to do for the majority of that time.


The fact that he's been a one club player will have cost him money, having said that, no pemiership footballer needs one.

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15 years, but I wouldnt say he "deserves" a testimonial.


He's been well enough rewarded for the lack of work he's had to do for the majority of that time.


The fact that he's been a one club player will have cost him money, having said that, no pemiership footballer needs one.


Nail on head.  Testimonials as they were introduced should be done away with completely at the top of the game, but thats not fair on lower league players.

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Nail on head.  Testimonials as they were introduced should be done away with completely at the top of the game, but thats not fair on lower league players.



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Harper miskicked at White Hart Lane, straight to Defoe who was in on goal and scored, I was there, s*** game.


I think after his slip at Anfield, Harper conceded a header in a cup tie at the Leazes End, just a consolation but a header that went straight at him but slipped from his grasp and under his legs, I think that might be what lovejoy's thinking of.


However, the only time Harper's made ricks has been in the two or three games after coming back into the side - when he's had a run, he's generally been very solid. You can't blame a guy for being rusty, there's no replacement for match practice. Why some Newcastle fans have something against him is totally beyond me.


We have been spoiled with Shay though - error wise, there are not many keepers in Premiership history that have made less ricks than Shay - goals where you can clearly say "that was the keeper's fault", which makes the last season or two look worse for Shay because he's probably made more in that time than his entire career.


aye, that was it, under his legs.


i havnt got anything against him at all, never have had, as i have said i just dont think he deserves to be called a legend.

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I personally reckon a joint Given/Harper testimonial would be good, and deserved on both accounts.


I think the majority would agree that Steve Harper has not let this club down (the only match-losing incident i can think of is that Defoe one, but we were dogshite in that game anyhow, was right after Lisbon). Infact, he's been a bit of a God-send. What other Premier League sides have struggled - getting loan keepers in, getting youngsters called up, having to buy dodgy goalies - when their first choice keeper is out?


Harper definitely isn't a legend but he's been a bloody useful squad member for a lot of years. Especially just recently. Damn good goalkeeper too iyam.

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Guest Heneage

As much as I do rate Harper i'm slightly iffy with his whole "Hes a top bloke" status. On numerous occassions when working as a Steward hes promised fans to sign autographs and what have you then jogged off when finished. I fail to believe he has that poor a memory.

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Guest Deep456


Nail on head.  Testimonials as they were introduced should be done away with completely at the top of the game, but thats not fair on lower league players.



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Nail on head.  Testimonials as they were introduced should be done away with completely at the top of the game, but thats not fair on lower league players.




Testimonials for today's premier league stars whose lifetime earnings equal the wealth of small nations should not be allowed.

They should remain for lower league players loyal to a small club and definitely for players whose careers are ended prematurely.


They're also liable to all kinds of political and public relations skullduggery e.g. Niall Quinn's "testimonial" granted despite only being at Sunderland a few seasons (not the stipulated 10 years), when of course the blarney kissing phoney earned widespread acclaim and indeed santification on Wearside for donating the proceeds of the testimonial he wasn't actually entitled to, to local charities. After "expenses" of course.

If these multi millionaires are feeling generous why don't they just give some of their own money to good causes rather than asking hard up supporters to do it in their name. 



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I see no harm in testimonials providng the winnings are giving to charity and suchlike, like Shearer's. And i can't see many complaining with that; especially not the likes of Given and Harper.

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"Legend" mackems.gif




Legend is indeed a strange term to use in this case.

However number of games played is not the criteria for legendary status. Most would bestow the title legend on Tony Green who only played a handfull of games and others like John MacNammee are often considered legends depite not playing a huge number of games.

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"Legend" mackems.gif




Legend is indeed a strange term to use in this case.

However number of games played is not the criteria for legendary status. Most would bestow the title legend on Tony Green who only played a handfull of games and others like John MacNammee are often considered legends depite not playing a huge number of games.


Harper still isn't a legend though.

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He's a good backup imo, and can be relied upon when needed.


I'd rather he was here than not, so I can't really understand the 'no ambition' criticism tbh. Who cares if he's got no ambition? He's never really let us down, that's all that matters isn't it?

He's let us down plenty.


The complete fuck up at Anfield the season before last, the complete fuck at White hart lane a couple of seasons ago, the complete lack of effort to even attempt a save when kenny Miller scored for Derby at pride Park last season as harper did his usual "I'm sure thats going wide so i'm not going for it" routine.


He is not in the same class as Given.


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Was the complete fuck up at Anfield when he slipped over? Bit harsh.


I will agree he wasn't the same class as Given but I couldn't be confident now. I would say he did very well for us this season too.


Reina, Cech and Van Der Saar have been considered the best keepers in this league but it wouldn't be hard to pick out a number of complete fuck ups from each over the last few seasons.

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when i meant unsung hero, i mean people have taken for grant the fact that hes always been there when given isnt. hed be first choice at a lot of clubs, and arguably is here now in some peoples opinions.


Would he though?


Arsenal? No.

Aston Villa? At the minute yes, but they'll sign a better keeper so no.

Blackburn? No.

Bolton? No.

Chelsea? No.

Everton? No.

Fulham? Yes.

Hull? Yes.

Liverpool? No.

Man City? No.

Man Utd? No.

Middlesbrough? Yes.

Portsmouth? No.

Stoke? Yes.

Sunderland? No.

Tottenham? No.

West Brom? Yes.

West Ham? No.

Wigan? No.


So apart from the three promoted teams, Fulham & Boro are the only established Premiership clubs where he could even be considered as a regular first-choice...and even Fulham with Niemi & Schwarzer is a close call.

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when i meant unsung hero, i mean people have taken for grant the fact that hes always been there when given isnt. hed be first choice at a lot of clubs, and arguably is here now in some peoples opinions.


Would he though?


Arsenal? No.

Aston Villa? At the minute yes, but they'll sign a better keeper so no.

Blackburn? No.

Bolton? No.

Chelsea? No.

Everton? No.

Fulham? Yes.

Hull? Yes.

Liverpool? No.

Man City? No.

Man Utd? No.

Middlesbrough? Yes.

Portsmouth? No.

Stoke? Yes.

Sunderland? No.

Tottenham? No.

West Brom? Yes.

West Ham? No.

Wigan? No.


So apart from the three promoted teams, Fulham & Boro are the only established Premiership clubs where he could even be considered as a regular first-choice...and even Fulham with Niemi & Schwarzer is a close call.


Very good & interesting post.

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Guest toonlass

Bashing Steve Harper seems to be a fashionable thing, and many just go along with it as they haven't the brain cells to make their own opinion. I wouldn't say hero or legend, but the lad has done well in the past 18 months. He talks to his defence more than Shay, currently has more bottle than Shay, he has made some canny stops. He has saved us a bucket of cash by hanging round (with no ambition) for 15 years. Get off the lad's back and form your own opinions ffs.

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Bashing Steve Harper seems to be a fashionable thing, and many just go along with it as they haven't the brain cells to make their own opinion. I wouldn't say hero or legend, but the lad has done well in the past 18 months. He talks to his defence more than Shay, currently has more bottle than Shay, he has made some canny stops. He has saved us a bucket of cash by hanging round (with no ambition) for 15 years. Get off the lad's back and form your own opinions ffs.


Agree with your opinion or be criticised you mean ??? 


Would that not mean people agreeing with you haven't formed their own opinion either ???


I'm confused ???

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15 years, but I wouldnt say he "deserves" a testimonial.


He's been well enough rewarded for the lack of work he's had to do for the majority of that time.


The fact that he's been a one club player will have cost him money, having said that, no pemiership footballer needs one.


At one point maybe but loyalty bonuses & re-signing fee's have mega £££' attached to them these days. You only had to look at Barton he got a 300K loyalty bonus off Man City (us really), Ronaldo & Barry wont ask for transfers because of the numbers involved in loyalty & contract bonus's  as the club wont have to pay them to the player if the player asks for a transfer.

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