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Keegan on transfers

Guest hindu times

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To be honest, if I had the choice of being paid a very high Portuguese wage of £30k per week, when I could be paid an average English wage of £40k per week, I'd go for Benfica, as they were clearly pulling out all the stops.


Not that I believe the newspapers.


that a serious opinion or am i missing the sarcasm?  either way i'd tend to agree, especially if you consider benfica might have an outside chance of a title challenge too...

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Tbf I read it the Sunday Sun :razz:


I do think they are his wages but I also think he didn't fancy the PL as well.




Had nothing to do with what he fancied, his wife refused to move to England.

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Tbf I read it the Sunday Sun :razz:


I do think they are his wages but I also think he didn't fancy the PL as well.




Had nothing to do with what he fancied, his wife refused to move to England.


He didnt fancy the PL as his wife didn't want to move to England. :pow:

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Just because the transfers are not imminent at the minute doesnt mean we wont sign anyone soon alot can change very quickly


If things change quickly will that make them imminent?


Yes we could be far away now then the selling club could accept or offer suddenly making it imminent when it wasnt

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To be honest, if I had the choice of being paid a very high Portuguese wage of £30k per week, when I could be paid an average English wage of £40k per week, I'd go for Benfica, as they were clearly pulling out all the stops.


Not that I believe the newspapers.


that a serious opinion or am i missing the sarcasm?  either way i'd tend to agree, especially if you consider benfica might have an outside chance of a title challenge too...


It is an opinion, but it only applies if we have missed out.


If so, it is the fault of the previous chairman for playing in a market that was unsustainable in the long term.

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If we have to have a transfer window (and I think they've probably worsened the situation they were designed to address) then it should end in July, then we could get the 1 week where most of the transfers are done over with before the season starts.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Imminent means player is in for medical and terms have been agreed. I think we have bids in like a lot of other people have said, however, players are waiting to see what else comes a long and they will then chose between their options.


Unless it is a big big club like Man U, Barca, Real you would expect players to consider their options

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Guest shearer_united

Let them take their time in the transfer window - we do not need last-minute panic buys that prove to be a mistake doing a few months later after the start of the season. Most important is that we get the players the manager needs to boost his squad accordingly.

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Let them take their time in the transfer window - we do not need last-minute panic buys that prove to be a mistake doing a few months later after the start of the season. Most important is that we get the players the manager needs to boost his squad accordingly.


Exactly. I'll be saving my criticism (and I'll not be afraid of being vocal with it if I have to be) till the window closes.

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Guest icemanblue

Let them take their time in the transfer window - we do not need last-minute panic buys that prove to be a mistake doing a few months later after the start of the season. Most important is that we get the players the manager needs to boost his squad accordingly.


Exactly. I'll be saving my criticism (and I'll not be afraid of being vocal with it if I have to be) till the window closes.


You go girl!

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Let them take their time in the transfer window - we do not need last-minute panic buys that prove to be a mistake doing a few months later after the start of the season. Most important is that we get the players the manager needs to boost his squad accordingly.


Exactly. I'll be saving my criticism (and I'll not be afraid of being vocal with it if I have to be) till the window closes.


You go girl!



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I am not surprised KK is saying that I mean he has to be gutted when Aimar is signing on for 18K per week at Benfica & Anton has knocked us back before we have put an official bid in & they are the ones we know about. For all we know Leadbitter may have turned us down :yikes:


Are you serious? Do you honestly believe Aimar is on 18K per week?


Yes. I haven't read of any other figures to say otherwise as of yet. He is in Portugal the nation is a footballing exporter. Most of there national team play abroad because there is not much coin in Portuguese football.


OK. Believe whatever you want. But where is the confirmation that we even attempted to buy Aimar and Ferdinand.


Why would the club confirm we were unsuccessful with these two? Keegan has already said that we haven't always been successful...who that refers to is anyones guess. There is as equal chance of us on this forum knowing we were in for them as we werent.  Noone knows but Keegans comments and past comments suggest to me that things are difficult.


I think we were naive to release all the players we did from a small squad and assume that they would be replaced. The last 3 or 4 transfer windows have been slow and difficult for all but the top european clubs. Its not a new phenomenon it just seems that maybe are strategy needs tweaking. this is the first transfer window under the new setup so there will be some "learn by doing" and mistakes and I expect us to get progressively better as the seaons progress but we don't fully know what the brief is and how they are selling this to targets!


Said this after Keegans post match interview on Saturday..it didn't seem to me we are well down the line with any given target. That may be the result of the slow market or our inablity to close our targets off. Time will be the only indicator of that!


This is why a few of us were calling for more action early in the window. But we were shouted down as impatient and constantly reminded that the transfer window does not open until July 1st.


You should know your transfer targets well before the end of the season and once that whistle blows to end the last game, the work should start.


Money still talks and I have no doubt in my mind that if we had been prepared to pay a little more we could of had at least one or two bodies in prior to the Euros. It's false economy really because paying over the odds in May/June may be a bargain in late August.


And another thing, this constant line that we are fed that "well other clubs aren't doing much either" is complete and utter bollocks. We need much more work than most teams in the league, in fact I can only think of the 3 promoted teams that need more than us. Yet we have managed to weaken our squad in numbers by 4 players. Despite what we think of the quality of those we've let go, when injuries bite we are going to be well and truely f***ed.


They all seem to think, it'll all turn out fine in the end, I'm not so sure. To me that attitude is either naive, wishful thinking or supremely confident. 

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it's not very encouraging that there's nothing imminent.


only 3 clubs have spent as little as us - Blackburn, Everton & Man Utd.


Man Utd are the best team in europe so it's a totally different scenario, also taking into account the fact they're currently negotiating on some very big deals.


Blackburn lost their manager unexpectedly this summer and have just appointed someone with very little experience, they may also overtake us once the Robinson transfer is finalised.


so that just leaves us and Everton as the sides who don't really have any excuse.


the excuse that no clubs have done any significant business is no longer true. still, there's a lot of time and im sure we'll get some bodies in before the deadline, though it is disappointing to not have all the transfer biz tied up before pre-season training (or perhaps the start of the season) and i'm not sure the signings we do get will be what we hoped for a few months back.


It's got nothing to do with whether you've spent much. It's more to do with whether you've improved your team.


You could argue that the only people we've got shot of wouldn't have played anyway, and therefore we've improved our team (not squad).


If Spurs end up selling the Sunderland bound four, plus Keane and Berbatov, they haven't really improved either.


Blackburn, West Ham, Everton, Villa haven't really improved their squad either.


Now is not the time to worry. A month from today is the time to worry.


nah a month from today is the time to write the season off for the 4th year in a row

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Guest icemanblue

Let them take their time in the transfer window - we do not need last-minute panic buys that prove to be a mistake doing a few months later after the start of the season. Most important is that we get the players the manager needs to boost his squad accordingly.


Exactly. I'll be saving my criticism (and I'll not be afraid of being vocal with it if I have to be) till the window closes.


You go girl!





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Let them take their time in the transfer window - we do not need last-minute panic buys that prove to be a mistake doing a few months later after the start of the season. Most important is that we get the players the manager needs to boost his squad accordingly.


Don't you see that panic buys are far more likely the longer you wait ? We really don't have much time left here. You don't have to make panic buys right now, I refuse to believe that deals can not be broker for players that would improve the squad significantly, if we are prepared to pay the coin to the club and the player. But the longer you wait the more desperate the situation becomes and the more likely ill advised panic buys take place.

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Guest elbee909

I am not surprised KK is saying that I mean he has to be gutted when Aimar is signing on for 18K per week at Benfica & Anton has knocked us back before we have put an official bid in & they are the ones we know about. For all we know Leadbitter may have turned us down :yikes:


Are you serious? Do you honestly believe Aimar is on 18K per week?


Yes. I haven't read of any other figures to say otherwise as of yet. He is in Portugal the nation is a footballing exporter. Most of there national team play abroad because there is not much coin in Portuguese football.


OK. Believe whatever you want. But where is the confirmation that we even attempted to buy Aimar and Ferdinand.


Why would the club confirm we were unsuccessful with these two? Keegan has already said that we haven't always been successful...who that refers to is anyones guess. There is as equal chance of us on this forum knowing we were in for them as we werent.  Noone knows but Keegans comments and past comments suggest to me that things are difficult.


I think we were naive to release all the players we did from a small squad and assume that they would be replaced. The last 3 or 4 transfer windows have been slow and difficult for all but the top european clubs. Its not a new phenomenon it just seems that maybe are strategy needs tweaking. this is the first transfer window under the new setup so there will be some "learn by doing" and mistakes and I expect us to get progressively better as the seaons progress but we don't fully know what the brief is and how they are selling this to targets!


Said this after Keegans post match interview on Saturday..it didn't seem to me we are well down the line with any given target. That may be the result of the slow market or our inablity to close our targets off. Time will be the only indicator of that!


This is why a few of us were calling for more action early in the window. But we were shouted down as impatient and constantly reminded that the transfer window does not open until July 1st.


You should know your transfer targets well before the end of the season and once that whistle blows to end the last game, the work should start.


Money still talks and I have no doubt in my mind that if we had been prepared to pay a little more we could of had at least one or two bodies in prior to the Euros. It's false economy really because paying over the odds in May/June may be a bargain in late August.


And another thing, this constant line that we are fed that "well other clubs aren't doing much either" is complete and utter bollocks. We need much more work than most teams in the league, in fact I can only think of the 3 promoted teams that need more than us. Yet we have managed to weaken our squad in numbers by 4 players. Despite what we think of the quality of those we've let go, when injuries bite we are going to be well and truely f***ed.


They all seem to think, it'll all turn out fine in the end, I'm not so sure. To me that attitude is either naive, wishful thinking or supremely confident. 


I'd be completely with you in having that attitude if there was something any of us could bloody do about it. 

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it's not very encouraging that there's nothing imminent.


only 3 clubs have spent as little as us - Blackburn, Everton & Man Utd.


Man Utd are the best team in europe so it's a totally different scenario, also taking into account the fact they're currently negotiating on some very big deals.


Blackburn lost their manager unexpectedly this summer and have just appointed someone with very little experience, they may also overtake us once the Robinson transfer is finalised.


so that just leaves us and Everton as the sides who don't really have any excuse.


the excuse that no clubs have done any significant business is no longer true. still, there's a lot of time and im sure we'll get some bodies in before the deadline, though it is disappointing to not have all the transfer biz tied up before pre-season training (or perhaps the start of the season) and i'm not sure the signings we do get will be what we hoped for a few months back.


More whinging. Would you rather be Wigan or Stoke? They've spent more than us, after all.

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And another thing, this constant line that we are fed that "well other clubs aren't doing much either" is complete and utter bollocks. We need much more work than most teams in the league, in fact I can only think of the 3 promoted teams that need more than us. Yet we have managed to weaken our squad in numbers by 4 players. Despite what we think of the quality of those we've let go, when injuries bite we are going to be well and truely f***ed.


How have we weakened our squad by 4 players?


Diatta came in as a short term replacement for Rozehnal and if you want to include Troisi then surely you should add Frank Dequah who's been handed a professional contract with us as Troisi never made a first team appearance for us as far as I remember.

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Didn't someone on here mention Terry Mac at a football talk in months ago?  He is said to have said there will be few suprises and the focus would be on players who were familiar with the Prem. (Draw from that whatever you will)


No Hollywood signings anyway.  (Which is one of the reasons we think we are a big deal)

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Let them take their time in the transfer window - we do not need last-minute panic buys that prove to be a mistake doing a few months later after the start of the season. Most important is that we get the players the manager needs to boost his squad accordingly.


Not quite grasped the concept of a LMPB or why they happen have you.

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And another thing, this constant line that we are fed that "well other clubs aren't doing much either" is complete and utter bollocks. We need much more work than most teams in the league, in fact I can only think of the 3 promoted teams that need more than us. Yet we have managed to weaken our squad in numbers by 4 players. Despite what we think of the quality of those we've let go, when injuries bite we are going to be well and truely f***ed.


How have we weakened our squad by 4 players?


Diatta came in as a short term replacement for Rozehnal and if you want to include Troisi then surely you should add Frank Dequah who's been handed a professional contract with us as Troisi never made a first team appearance for us as far as I remember.


Whatever, if it's 3 or 4, it doesn't matter, my point is we are still weaker, and we were already a thin squad. That's just a waste of your time to write a reply to be honest, and equally a waste of time for me to reply to your reply.

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And another thing, this constant line that we are fed that "well other clubs aren't doing much either" is complete and utter bollocks. We need much more work than most teams in the league, in fact I can only think of the 3 promoted teams that need more than us. Yet we have managed to weaken our squad in numbers by 4 players. Despite what we think of the quality of those we've let go, when injuries bite we are going to be well and truely f***ed.


How have we weakened our squad by 4 players?


Diatta came in as a short term replacement for Rozehnal and if you want to include Troisi then surely you should add Frank Dequah who's been handed a professional contract with us as Troisi never made a first team appearance for us as far as I remember.


Whatever, if it's 3 or 4, it doesn't matter, my point is we are still weaker, and we were already a thin squad. That's just a waste of your time to write a reply to be honest, and equally a waste of time for me to reply to your reply.


Not weaker really when the contribution of the departing players last season was practically nil.

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And another thing, this constant line that we are fed that "well other clubs aren't doing much either" is complete and utter bollocks. We need much more work than most teams in the league, in fact I can only think of the 3 promoted teams that need more than us. Yet we have managed to weaken our squad in numbers by 4 players. Despite what we think of the quality of those we've let go, when injuries bite we are going to be well and truely f***ed.


How have we weakened our squad by 4 players?


Diatta came in as a short term replacement for Rozehnal and if you want to include Troisi then surely you should add Frank Dequah who's been handed a professional contract with us as Troisi never made a first team appearance for us as far as I remember.


Whatever, if it's 3 or 4, it doesn't matter, my point is we are still weaker, and we were already a thin squad. That's just a waste of your time to write a reply to be honest, and equally a waste of time for me to reply to your reply.


It was a waste of my time to point out you were wrong?

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