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Nile Ranger


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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Nowt wrong with having fun and relaxing, even as a professional footballer. Perhaps not the greatest idea to share the pictures with the world though, which is another issue in itself. However, suppose it depends when the pictures are from and how soon before a game he was out drinking.

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Thing is though, if he kept it in the VIP room and didn't plaster pics all over the web, it wouldn't be an issue provided he wasn't turning up to training in shit state or drinking the day before a match.


It's the fact that he is self promoting this gangster image when everyone is questioning his work ethic and he is doing himself no favours whatsoever, especially when he is on the precipice of joing the likes of Danny Cadimaterei and Frederico Macheda in the 'Could have made it, but now are shit' category.

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Needs to be sent to a lower league team to shape up, gotta earn the lifestyle and he's done f*ck all so far. He can play gangster all he wants if he's banging 15-20 a season in for us.

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Guest Stephen927

Any reason to knock the lad at the minute, doing nothing wrong in those pictures. People forget what it's like to be young. I've lost count the amount of times I've seen young lads with bottles in hand taking pictures of themselves doing daft gangster poses and hand signals.

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Any reason to knock the lad at the minute, doing nothing wrong in those pictures. People forget what it's like to be young. I've lost count the amount of times I've seen young lads with bottles in hand taking pictures of themselves doing daft gangster poses and hand signals.


But they aren't proffessional athletes.  For five figures a week he shouldn't be drinking at all!

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Any reason to knock the lad at the minute, doing nothing wrong in those pictures. People forget what it's like to be young. I've lost count the amount of times I've seen young lads with bottles in hand taking pictures of themselves doing daft gangster poses and hand signals.


But they aren't proffessional athletes.  For five figures a week he shouldn't be drinking at all!


:clap: Absolutely - especially if his boss has publically questioned his attitude and work ethic...

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Hey man, he's a young lad, he can do what he wants! (as I was told by so many earlier this week)


At least Best has scored a few goals before getting drunk and pulled over by the cops at 6 in the a.m. :p


Nah, you were right about Neon Leon, and you'd be right about this little wannabe too...

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As much as he looks like a bellend there isn't anything wrong with the pics. Loads of young players go out on the piss all the time. Wilshere is one of the countries brightest talents but he's out like any young charver getting drunk and doing things he shouldn't.


It's not as if Ranger struggles with his weight or injuries.


His apparent attitude to training however...

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